2,122 research outputs found

    Prospects and Results from the AFP Detector in ATLAS

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    In 2016 one arm of the AFP detector was installed and first data have been taken. In parallel with integration of the AFP subdetector into the ATLAS TDAQ and DCS systems, beam tests and preparations for the installation of the 2nd^{\textrm{nd}} arm are performed. In this report, a status of the AFP project in the ATLAS experiment is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, Chiapas, Mexic

    Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Density Estimation and Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimators

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    Indirect inference estimators (i.e., simulation-based minimum distance estimators) in a parametric model that are based on auxiliary non-parametric maximum likelihood density estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal. If the parametric model is correctly specified, it is furthermore shown that the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix equals the inverse of the Fisher-information matrix. These results are based on uniform-in-parameters convergence rates and a uniform-in-parameters Donsker-type theorem for non-parametric maximum likelihood density estimators.Comment: minor corrections, some discussion added, some material remove

    Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Density Estimation and Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimators

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    Indirect inference estimators (i.e., simulation-based minimum distance estimators) in a parametric model that are based on auxiliary non-parametric maximum likelihood density estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal. If the parametric model is correctly specified, it is furthermore shown that the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix equals the Cramér-Rao bound. These results are based on uniform-in-parameters convergence rates and a uniform-in-parameters Donsker-type theorem for non-parametric maximum likelihood density estimators.Indirect inference, simulation-based minimum distance estimation, non-parametric maximum likelihood, density estimation, efficiency

    Compression Methods Based on Context Modelling

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    Cílem této práce je popsat základní vlastnosti kontextových kompresních metod. Proces modelování je uveden společně s principem aritmetického kódování. Postupně jsou představeny metody PPM, CTW a PAQ a je nastíněna možná implementace pravděpodobnostního modelu základní metody PPM. Je provedeno srovnání výkonnosti kontextových, slovníkových a v současnosti používaných metod komprese dat. Na základě dosažených výsledků jsou shrnuty možnosti využití metody PPM.The aim of this thesis is to describe basic properties of the context-based compression methods. Modelling procedure is presented together with the principle of an arithmetic coding. Gradually the PPM, CTW, and PAQ methods are introduced together with the possible implementation of the basic PPM probability model. The performance of context-based, dictionary and the most currently used methods of data compression is being compared. Based on obtained results, the possible usage of PPM methods is summarized.

    Design and Implementation of a Tool for Hierarchical Graphical Specification of Real-Time Systems

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    Práce je zaměřena na návrh a implementaci univerzálního nástroje schopného graficky popsat systémy pracující s reálným časem. Tento nástroj dále umožňuje použít libovolný verifikační přístupu pro ověření výsledného modelu. Je proveden souhrn základních formálních metod popisu systémů založený na matematické logice. Jsou přiblíženy přístupy schopné hierarchicky popsat systémy pracující s reálným časem. Byly navrženy vhodné úlohy pro následné ověření funkčnosti vytvářeného systému.This thesis is aimed to specify and implement multi-purpose framework able to deal with graphical real-time system specification. This tool allows to use arbitrary verification approach to resulting system model check. Description of basic formal specification methods based on mathematic logic is done. Some well-known hierarchical graphical specifications for real-time systems are depictured. Author proposed suitable cases for functionality examination of resulting framework.

    Detached Family Residence

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na konstrukční řešení samostatně stojícího rodinného domu ve formě prováděcí dokumentace. Rodinný dům je navržen pro jednu rodinu, ale zároveň poskytuje i prostor pro pracovní náplň nebo pro ubytování hosta. Objekt je situován na středně svažité a prostorné parcele č. 244/3, k.ú. Vysoká nad Labem, Královehradecký kraj. Dům je navržen jako dvoupodlažní bez sklepních prostor. Jedná se o zděnou stavbu, jejíž obálku tvoří provětrávaná dřevěná fasáda.S hlavním objektem sousedí dřevěná veranda. Střecha hlavního objektu je řešena jako pultová se sklonem 16%.The bachelor´s thesis is aimed on the solution of construction of "Detached family residence" in form of project documentation. The building is intended for one family while ensuring also needs for working place or accommodation for a guest. It is located on a moderately inclined plot 244/3, cadastral area Vysoká nad Labem, Královehradecký district. The building has two floors without basement. It is made from masonry covered with wooden facade. The timber porch is adjacent to main building. The roof is designed as shed roof with a slope of 16 %.

    Laura Ingalls Wilder: art vs. reality

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    CCCP: A CCD Controller for Counting Photons

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    CCCP, a CCD Controller for Counting Photons, is presented. This new controller uses a totally new clocking architecture and allows to drive the CCD in a novel way. Its design is optimized for the driving of EMCCDs at up to 20MHz of pixel rate and fast vertical transfer. Using this controller, the dominant source of noise of EMCCDs at low flux level and high frame rate, the Clock Induced Charges, were reduced to 0.001 - 0.0018 electron/pixel/frame (depending of the electron multiplying gain), making efficient photon counting possible. CCCP will be deployed in 2009 on the ESO NTT through the 3D-NTT1 project and on the SOAR through the BTFI project.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, to appear in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II" SPIE conference, Marseille, 23-28 June 200

    Estimation of future discretionary benefits in traditional life insurance

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    In the context of life insurance with profit participation, the future discretionary benefits (FDBFDB), which are a central item for Solvency~II reporting, are generally calculated by computationally expensive Monte Carlo algorithms. We derive analytic formulas to estimate lower and upper bounds for the FDBFDB. This yields an estimation interval for the FDBFDB, and the average of lower and upper bound is a simple estimator. These formulae are designed for real world applications, and we compare the results to publicly available reporting data