89 research outputs found


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    The study aimed to determine the differences between exercise intensities at the anaerobic threshold values (VAT) calculated with methods of lactate curve analysis such as LTvisual, LTloglog, LT4.0, LTΔ1, and LTD-max, and to build regression equations that allow athletic training specialists to compare VAT values obtained from LTvisual, LTloglog, LTΔ1, LTD-max with that calculated with LT4.0. The sample analysed during the study consisted of 19 judoka and 22 MMA practitioners in a preparation period for competition. Each of the two disciplines has its own hierarchy of VAT values. The analysis aimed to determine the effect of the athletic discipline factor and of the method factor on VAT values. Results: The coefficient of variation (CV) values obtained indicate that the effective exercise intensities have bigger variation in judoka aerobic endurance training. VAT values assessed for judoka using different methods for analysing the blood lactate concentration curve are more consistent than in MMA competitors. Conclusions: Judo and MMA competitors have their specific hierarchies of running velocities at the anaerobic threshold, with both the athletic discipline factor and the method factor having an interaction effect on the VAT level. VAT levels assessed from the different methods used to analyse the blood lactate concentration curve are more consistent (ANOM) in judoka than in MMA practitioners


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    The aim of this study was to assess the plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations as well as whole blood β2-adrenoceptor gene (ADRB2) expression in young ice hockey players before and immediately after exercise in relation to performed work. Nineteen Youth National Team ice hockey players were subjected to the maximal incremental cycloergometer exercise. The test was done in the pre-competitive phase of training. Among many parameters the plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations and ADRB2 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were determined before and after exercise. The average performed work was 3261.3 ± 558.3 J · kg-1 and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) for all players was 53.85 ± 3.91 mL · kg-1 min-1. The geometric mean of the ADRB2 gene expression was statistically significantly different before and after exercise (P ≤ 0.05), while adrenaline and noradrenaline levels in plasma significantly increased after exercise. In the analysed group of athletes we found that initial level of plasma noradrenaline correlated with the performed work (r = - 0.55, P < 0.014) and normalized ADRB2 expression before the exercise correlated with the work done by them (r = 0.48, P<0.039). However, no statistically significant correlations were found between the plasma adrenaline or noradrenaline concentrations and ADRB2 gene expression in peripheral blood of the players. The performed work in the maximal incremental exercise test of regularly training young ice hockey players depends on the initial levels of noradrenaline in plasma and ADRB2 mRNA in PBMC

    Effect of 12-Week functional training intervention on the speed of young footballers

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    The aim of the research was to verify the functional state of young football players using selected tests of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) protocol, as well as the impact of the 12 weeks of functional training on the speed parameters. The research was conducted on 20 highly competitive young (U17) football players. Research project was conducted in two stages: in the first part of the study, the functional assessment was made by using the FMS test, then the measurement of the speed parameters was done with the Microgate photocells system. Results showed a significant improvement in the functional state of young football players: FMS 1 (45.2% of difference, p = 0.004), FMS 2 (24.3% of difference, p = 0.012), FMS 3 (48.5% of difference, p = 0.001). After the functional training program, there was also an improvement in the parameters of the acceleration and velocity: acceleration between 5-10 m and speed between 10-30 m shows significant improvement (expressed during covering a given distance) of the footballers, amounting to 0.02 s (2.4%) and 0.04 s (1.5%). But there was no improvement in acceleration between 0-5 m. An appropriate training schedule, based on FMS results, should be adopted in the annual training program to improve basic motor skills of the football players and minimize their injuries

    Factors affecting Polish nurses' willingness to recommend the hospital as a place of care

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    Background: Nurses constitute the major professional group offering constant hospital patients’ care. Willingness to recommend their hospital reflects confidence in the offered care, satisfaction and identification with the work place. The aim of the present study has been to investigate which elements of hospital environment and nurse personal related factors predict recommendation of the hospital as a place of care by employed nurses. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional, correlation study was, based on 1723 self-reported, anonymous questionnaires of nurses working in 30 acute hospitals. Data was analyzed using the logistic regression model, with general estimation equations. Results: About 25% of nurses were unwilling to recommend their hospital as the place of care. The odds ratio (OR) of the lack of willingness to recommend the hospital was related to assessment of patients’ safety (OR = 0.28, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.18–0.46, p = 0.00), decrease in the quality of patient care during the preceding year (OR = 0.62, 95% CI: 0.41–0.93, p = 0.02), overall work conditions (OR = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.22–0.57, p = 0.00), weak cooperation between nurses and physicians (OR = 0.37, 95% CI: 0.25–0.54, p = 0.00), poor work schedule flexibility (OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.55– 0.99, p = 0.04) and educational opportunities (OR = 0.71, 95% CI: 0.54–0.95, p = 0.02) and the level of nurses depersonalization (OR = 1.78, 95% CI: 1.18–1.68, p = 0.00). Conclusions: The hospital manager should consider strategies which improve patients’ safety and the staff working conditions. Thanks to that they will also achieve better and more competitive image of the hospital in the local community. Med Pr 2016;67(4):447–45

    Health problems of a patient affected by Buerger's disease

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    The thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) is a disease usually occurring among young men. It ordinarily arises at the age between thirty and forty years, especially among cigarette smokers. A significant role in the therapeutical and nursing-care process is played by the planning of care based on the observation of the patient's health needs and problems. The work presents a patient's health problems on the basis of their case study. Purpose of work. analysis of the biopsychosocial situation of the patient affected by Buerger's disease; specification of the patient's health problems. A medical history was described with regard to a patient suffering from Buerger's disease, that accomplished by employing the method of their individual case. The research techniques included interviews with the patient and the medical staff, analysis of medical records, and day-to-day observation of the patient during their stay at the angiology ward. The study was conducted for the duration of the patient's 18-day hospital-stay period, following the patient's prior consent obtained for the conduct of the study. Ten nursing-care problems were diagnosed in the patient, out of which the most prominent was the deficit of self-care caused by chronic pain, right-foot ulceration, and depression. In the course of the patient's stay at the angiology ward, the effects achieved included an alleviation of their pain complaints, a reduction of ulceration areas, an increase of psychophysical activity, mood enhancement. As a result of the therapeutical and nursing-care procedures that had been adopted, the patient was able, when leaving the hospital, to exercise self-care with respect to safe movement, selfobservation focussing on the course of the disease, the rules of feet care, physical activity, application of a diet, taking prescribed medication, regular follow-up evaluations at an angiology outpatient clinic. The patient requires emotional, information-related, and social support and encouragement provided on a regular basis

    Ischaemic heart disease risk factors among women performing mental work

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    Cardiovascular-system diseases account for 70-80% of deaths in economically developed countries and 40-50% in developing countries. The major influence on limiting the frequency of their occurrence is exerted by a healthy lifestyle, which amounts to an individual conduct conducive to maintaining or strengthening health. The purpose of the work was to evaluate the risk factors of the ischaemic heart disease among women performing mental work. The study was conducted in a group of 232 women performing mental work within the age range of 20-59 years. The study employed the method of a diagnostic survey and an analysis of medical records. 87% of the subjects judged their health to be good or very good, younger persons claiming so significantly more frequently (p < 0.001). The source of knowledge regarding health most often indicated by the surveyed women included newspapers, periodicals, and books (81.5%). 16.4% of the examined population admitted to regular smoking. The majority of the examined persons favoured passive recreation - 74.1% were most willing to watch television in their leisure time. Elevated values of total cholesterol were found among 32% of the surveyed women. An elevated blood-glucose level was found among 14% of the group subjected to the study. Overweight affected 26.7%, while obesity 11.2% of the women. 10.8% of the examined persons exhibited elevated values of systolic arterial blood pressure. The subjects were generally aware of their health condition and correctly interpreted the study results obtained. More than half the number of the subjects deemed the conditions of their work to be stressful, while every fifth examined person was found to exhibit somatic symptoms of increased emotional tension. The majority of the surveyed women indicated measures representing evasive techniques of coping with difficult situations (i.e. routine domestic tasks - 44.8%, conversation with a friend - 30.6%). Despite a satisfactory level of knowledge regarding a proper health-promoting lifestyle and an awareness of their own health condition, the majority of the surveyed women were found to exhibit modifiable risk factors pertaining to the cardiovascular system

    Nursing care plan for patients subjected to percutaneous

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    An introduction to clinical practice of percutaneous coronary revascularization procedures (PCI) has a significant effect on the results of coronary heart disease treatment and, consequently, on the prolongation of a patient's life and an improvement of its quality. Those procedures are of an invasive nature, whereby they are burdened with the risk of an occurrence of complications. The purpose of this paper is to present a nursing care plan for patients subjected to percutaneous coronary intervention

    Health problems of a patient with aplastic anemia

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    Aplastic anemia is a state of profound bone marrow hematopoietic impairment. As a consequence, leads to the occurrence of pancytopenia. Clinical symptoms are related to the main bone marrow damage, or incidentally the disease is diagnosed during screening. The aim of this study is to present the health problems of a patient with severe aplastic anemia

    Nursing diagnoses and care assessed by the patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention due to acute coronary syndrome

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    At present, the most effective method of treatment for acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is the promptest possible canalisation of the infarct-related vessel by means of the percutaneous coronary intervention method (PCI), which also affects the mode of nursing procedure. There is currently no functional model of care with regard to post-PCI patients, while previous attempts at implementing it have failed to include verification of patients' opinions. The purpose of the work was to indicate what problems of biopsychosocial nature occurred among post-PCI patients and to what extent they were resolved by the nurses. 100 ACS-affected patients treated with the PCI method were subjected to the study. The study utilised data collected on the basis of a survey questionnaire, medical records, and direct observation. It follows from the obtained data that the major problems occurring among post-PCI patients included: pain complaints, dyspnea, difficult urination, weakness, increased thirst, disturbed sleep rhythm, fear and anxiety, insufficient knowledge relating to disease risk factors. The patients were satisfied with nursing care involving the fulfillment of their biological needs, while significantly less with emotional and value-oriented support. 88% of the subjects reported an absence of health-related information and education. Among the patients treated with the PCI method due to the ACS causes, a high level of satisfaction was found with regard to nursing activities aimed at resolving biological problems. Improvements in the areas of emotional support, information, and health education are required

    The level of knowledge on smoking on the progression of disease in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : preliminary results

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a frequent disease: around 2 million Poles suffer of the COPD. The disease usually begins at the age of 30 and can continue for several decades. Development of the COPD is mainly caused by an active smoking, passive exposure to tobacco smoke and also certain occupational exposition on harmful smokes, dusts, gases, air pollution, as well as the infection of the respiratory system in childhood and such other factors as: a deficient of the a-1 antitripsine and the development disorder of lungs during the embryonic life period. The aim of the paper was to evaluate: - the level of COPD-affected patients’ knowledge on the subject of harmfulness of smoking and the latter's influence on the development of the disease; - patients' attempt to quit the addiction. The study employed a questionnaire consisting of two parts and containing 37 questions. The first part contained socioeconomic questions characterizing the examined group of COPD-diagnosed patients, while the second part included questions relating to the length of duration of the disease, occurrence of individual risk factors, the respondents' smoking record, their sources and level of knowledge concerning COPD. The survey comprised a group of 30 patients (4 women and 26 men) hospitalized as a result of an aggravation of the COPD. Only one of the respondents had never smoked. The remaining respondents, i.e. 97%, were smokers at the moment of COPD diagnosis. At present, approximately 3/4 of the surveyed COPD-diagnosed patients have ceased smoking. The primary factor which induced them to abandon the habit was the diagnosis of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. However, despite disease exacerbation 23% of the respondents still smoke. The analysis of the survey indicates that nearly 2/3 of the respondents possess knowledge with regard to the significance of smoking in the development and the course of COPD. Moreover, the majority of the surveyed population, i.e. 94%, is aware of the addictive impact of nicotine. All the patients realize the harm caused by smoking in respiratory, cardiovascular and alimentary system. The conducted study demonstrated that the majority of the respondents possessed correct information concerning the effects of smoking on the development and the course of COPD. For the majority of the smokers, the diagnosis of COPD entailed discontinuance of the smoking addiction. However, almost every fourth of the respondents smoke in spite of the diagnosis of the COPD
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