11 research outputs found

    Education of entrepreneurs about importance of recognition and prevention of workplace violence as an important uncertainty reduction factor in the business enterprise

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    Recent data about workplace violence are unfortunately showing an alarming increase. Workplace violence can take different forms, such as abuses related to work assignments, social isolation, verbal assault, and attacks directed to employee’s private life, insults and physical violence. In this paper focus will be placed at wider aspect of violence, encompassing all kinds of unwanted workplaces behaviour, since personal and organizational consequences of either workplace mobbing, sexual harassment, abuse, physical or psychological violence are very serious and significant. Also, the most of researches that are dealing with workplace violence are suggesting an education, as the first and the most important measure that helps in early recognition and prevention of these negative behaviours. Since there are very clearly suggestions in existing literature that there is a correlation between workplace violence and occurrence of higher rate of absenteeism caused by employees physical and mental illnesses, as well as frequent changes of jobs, early retirement, greater inclination of leaving the organization, a workplace violence proactive educational policy can play significant role. Conducted secondary research using the method of abstraction, description, comparison and classification, showed that there is a relationship between employees exposure to workplace violence and existence of educational policies that contain formal workplace violence procedures in the direction that companies that have educational policies that ensures higher awareness, better employee’s education and documented formal workplace violence procedures, have less rate of occurrence of workplace violence. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of including of workplace violence procedures in entrepreneur’s educational policies, as the factor that significantly contributes to workplace violence prevention, as well as positive outcomes that comes out as indirect benefits of this type of education. Additional aim is to increase general awareness of this problem and its considerable personal and organizational damaging consequences that any entrepreneur should not ignore

    Education of entrepreneurs about importance of recognition and prevention of workplace violence as an important uncertainty reduction factor in the business enterprise

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    Recent data about workplace violence are unfortunately showing an alarming increase. Workplace violence can take different forms, such as abuses related to work assignments, social isolation, verbal assault, and attacks directed to employee’s private life, insults and physical violence. In this paper focus will be placed at wider aspect of violence, encompassing all kinds of unwanted workplaces behaviour, since personal and organizational consequences of either workplace mobbing, sexual harassment, abuse, physical or psychological violence are very serious and significant. Also, the most of researches that are dealing with workplace violence are suggesting an education, as the first and the most important measure that helps in early recognition and prevention of these negative behaviours. Since there are very clearly suggestions in existing literature that there is a correlation between workplace violence and occurrence of higher rate of absenteeism caused by employees physical and mental illnesses, as well as frequent changes of jobs, early retirement, greater inclination of leaving the organization, a workplace violence proactive educational policy can play significant role. Conducted secondary research using the method of abstraction, description, comparison and classification, showed that there is a relationship between employees exposure to workplace violence and existence of educational policies that contain formal workplace violence procedures in the direction that companies that have educational policies that ensures higher awareness, better employee’s education and documented formal workplace violence procedures, have less rate of occurrence of workplace violence. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of including of workplace violence procedures in entrepreneur’s educational policies, as the factor that significantly contributes to workplace violence prevention, as well as positive outcomes that comes out as indirect benefits of this type of education. Additional aim is to increase general awareness of this problem and its considerable personal and organizational damaging consequences that any entrepreneur should not ignore

    The Necessity of Developing Multimodal Transportation in Croatia as a Factor of Meeting the European Union Transportation Policy Recommendation and a Beneficial Factor for the Development of Croatian Economy

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    The paper emphasises the necessity of developing multimodal transportation solutions in Croatia. Croatian transport infrastructure is not at a satisfactory stage of development, and, due to Croatia’s geographical position, the development of multimodal transportation is a beneficial factor for the development of the country’s economy. European Union recommends multimodal solution as less polluting and more energy efficient. Further, it is shown that the modernisation of transportation system in Croatia, by developing a multimodal transportation system, represents a comparative advantage factor for Croatian economy. The methods used are a comprehensive literature research, methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison method, as well as methods of collecting secondary sources of research. The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of developing multimodal transportation as a significant factor for economy development as well as contribution to raising awareness of this problem

    Key Factors of Effective Development of Smart Cities in Croatia

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    World trends are showing a continuous increase in the number of inhabitants living in cities. It is expected that 70% of total world and 80% of total European population will live in cities by 2050. By increasing the number of inhabitants, the challenges of city management are growing as well. With the aim of achieving maximum living standards and quality of life of their inhabitants, the implementation of smart city model proves to be a necessity. The Republic of Croatia, as a member of the European Union, is obliged to follow recommendations contained in a series of documents and conclusions, as well as use the sources of funding available to European member states. The paper provides a framework for understanding the concept of smart cities through an overview of scientific literature, examples of good practice from Europe and the world, and a detailed analysis of the state and degree of development of smart cities in the Republic of Croatia, focusing on key dimensions of smart city development. It has been proven that investing in key dimensions of a smart city: Population, technology, and institutions, generates revenue growth, economic development, and better living quality of city population. The research methodology for this paper is based on a mixed method that involves collection, analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative research. The aim of the paper is to provide a framework for understanding the concept of a smart city, point out the advantages of such management mode, as well as the key dimensions to be invested in, in order to boost economic development and quality of life of the dominant, city population


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    Od početka dvadeset i prvog stoljeća vođena je rasprava među obrazovnim glavnim predvodnicima u svezi s akademskim integritetom u „online“ obrazovnom okruženju. S obzirom na činjenicu da je akademski integritet ključna vrijednost u obrazovnim institucijama, ova je tema našla svoje mjesto u obrazovnoj literaturi. Predmetna literatura pokazuje da postoji opća suglasnost da „online“ obrazovanje pruža više prilika za akademsko nepoštenje od klasičnog sustava obrazovanja „face-to-face“. Pod pritiskom konkurencije u „online“ okruženju, uključujući najnovije trendove u ponudi „online“ programa i brzi napredak u razvoju obrazovne tehnologije, nove su obrazovne perspektive i strategije nužne kako bi odgovorili na te izazove. Dok obrazovni predvodnici zahtijevaju od visokoobrazovnih institucija da uravnoteže ekonomske i socijalne dimenzije, istraživanje je pokazalo znatan jaz u izgradnji kulture akademskog integriteta u implementaciji „online“ obrazovanja. Specifičan problem koji se odnosi na ovaj rad je kako razviti metode koje „online“ edukatori mogu upotrijebiti da spriječe varanje i plagijat u „online“ obrazovnom okruženju. Stoga je svrha ovog kvalitativnog rada stjecanje više razumijevanja kako razviti akademski integritet u „online“ obrazovanom okruženju i kako taj integritet može pridonijeti obrazovnoj zajednici u obliku održivog „online“ okruženja. Primijenjena metoda istraživanja u ovom je radu analiza sadržaja relevantne literature vezane uz akademsko nepoštenje u „online“ okruženju. Nadalje, također su identificirane metode prevencije koje omogućavaju nastavnicima/mentorima bolje upravljanje „online“ nastavnim procesima. Rezultati su istraživanja jasno pokazali da postoji strateški pristup za razvoj akademskog integriteta u „online“ okruženju. Otkriveno je da upotreba određenih kombinacija metoda zaštite može smanjiti akademsko nepoštenje studenata u „online“ obrazovanom okruženju i postupno razviti kulturu akademskog integriteta.At the beginning of the 21st century, there was an ongoing debate among educational leaders about academic integrity in the online educational environment. Considering the fact that academic integrity is a core value in educational institutions, this topic has found its place in the educational literature. This literature shows that there is a general consensus that online education provides more opportunities for dishonest academic behavior than ‘’face to face’’ classes. As a result, under the emerging competitive pressures in the online education environment, including the latest trends in online course offers and rapid advancements in the educational technology, new educational perspectives and strategies are required to meet these challenges. While educational leaders require higher education institutions to balance economic and social dimensions, research indicated a considerable gap in building the culture of academic integrity in implementing online distance education. The specific problem that is addressed in this paper is how to develop methods which online educators can use to prevent cheating and plagiarism in online educational settings. The purpose of this qualitative study was to achieve a deeper understanding of how to develop an academic integrity in the online educational environment and how this integrity may contribute to the educational community in the form of sustainable online environment. The research method applied in this study was content analysis of relevant literature related to academic dishonesty in online environment. In addition, the prevention methods were identified to aid distance educators. The study findings clearly indicated that there is a strategic approach in developing the culture of academic integrity in the online settings. These findings revealed that using certain combination of safeguard methods may decrease students’ dishonest behavior in the online educational environment and gradually develop the culture of academic integrity


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    Jedna od definicija menadžmenta kaže da je to aktivnost usmjerena na postizanje određenih, unaprijed zacrtanih ciljeva pomoću aktivnosti drugih ljudi, a upravljanje je ljudskim resursima jedna od osnovnim funkcija svakog menadžera. S druge strane, mobing na radnom mjestu predstavlja značajan izvor stresa, a sukobi unutar organizacije uzrokuju gubitak vremena te ometaju i odvlače zaposlenike od produktivnog korištenja njihovog vremena. Istraživanja koja su se bavila svakodnevnom praksom menadžera pokazala su da menadžeri troše 42 % svoga vremena pokušavajući postići „pomirenje“ kada se dogodi sukob. Kako tu naravno nije riječ samo o trošenju vremena menadžera na rješavanje sukoba, već treba dodati i gubitak vremena zaposlenika koji su u sukobu, jasno je da je riječ o značajnim financijskim iznosima. Dodatno, ono što je vidljivo iz istraživanja o izloženosti o mobingu na radnom mjestu i izvan Hrvatske jest dominacija izloženosti okomitom mobingu, u prvom redu „bossingu“, gdje se radi o strateškom mobingu te neprijateljskom odnosu nadređene osobe prema zaposleniku na nižem položaju. Ako se ovome pridoda podatak da je nedostatak menadžerskih vještina glavni čimbenik koji doprinosi mobingu i to upravo prema mišljenju menadžera, vidljivo je da je riječ o izuzetno složenom problemu, koji ozbiljno ugrožava uspješno upravljanje. Cilj je ovog rada ukazati na važnost prepoznavanja mobinga na radnom mjestu kao značajnog čimbenika koji pored ostalih štetnih posljedica negativno utječe i na samo upravljanje organizacijom. Dodatno, cilj je rada povećanje opće svijesti o ovom sve raširenijem problemu čije posljedice svakako ne bi trebale biti zanemarene. Provedena sekundarna istraživanja pomoću metode apstrakcije, deskripcije, komparacije i klasifikacije pokazala su postojanje veze između postojanja mobinga na radnom mjestu i uspješnosti upravljanja organizacijom u smjeru da postojanje mobinga na radnom mjestu smanjuje uspješnost upravljanja organizacijom. Ova saznanja bi svakako trebala biti ugrađena u svakodnevnu praksu upravljanja, na način da se prilikom kreiranja politika i procedura, a naročito onih koje se tiču upravljanja ljudskim resursima, svakako implementira i dovoljan broj elemenata koji će omogućiti pravovremeno prepoznavanje postojanja mobinga na radnom mjestu, kao i procedure za uspješno rješavanje takvih slučajeva.One definition of management says it is the activity aimed at achieving specific, pre-set goals by using activities of other people, and human resource management is one of the basic functions of each manager. On the other hand, workplace mobbing is a significant source of stress, and conflicts within the organization are causing a waste of time and also disrupt and distract employees from productive use of their time. Studies that deal with daily managers’ practice revealed that managers spend 42% of their time trying to achieve “reconciliation” when conflict occurs. Since the issue is not just about spending managers’ time to resolve the conflict, but also about wasting time of employees who are in conflict, it is clear that there are significant financial amounts involved. In addition, the dominance of vertical exposure to mobbing, primarily bossing which is a strategic mobbing and hostility by superiors towards the employee in a lower position, is evident from the studies dealing with exposure to workplace mobbing in and outside of Croatia. If we take into account the fact that the lack of management skills has been proved to be a major factor contributing to the workplace mobbing according to managers themselves, it is evident that this is a very complex problem that significantly threatens successful management. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of recognizing the workplace mobbing as a significant factor that, in addition to other harmful consequences, negatively affects the management of the organization as well. In addition, the aim of this paper is to increase general awareness of this increasingly widespread problem, the consequences of which should certainly not be ignored. Secondary research conducted using methods of abstraction, description, comparison and classification has shown a correlation between the existence of mobbing in the workplace and successful organizational management of the organization indicating that the existence of mobbing in the workplace reduces the success of organizational management. These findings would certainly have to be incorporated into the everyday management practice in a way that when creating policies and procedures, particularly those related to human resource management, one should certainly implement a sufficient number of elements that will allow timely recognition of workplace mobbing, as well as procedures for the successful resolution of such cases


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    Od početka dvadeset i prvog stoljeća vođena je rasprava među obrazovnim glavnim predvodnicima u svezi s akademskim integritetom u „online“ obrazovnom okruženju. S obzirom na činjenicu da je akademski integritet ključna vrijednost u obrazovnim institucijama, ova je tema našla svoje mjesto u obrazovnoj literaturi. Predmetna literatura pokazuje da postoji opća suglasnost da „online“ obrazovanje pruža više prilika za akademsko nepoštenje od klasičnog sustava obrazovanja „face-to-face“. Pod pritiskom konkurencije u „online“ okruženju, uključujući najnovije trendove u ponudi „online“ programa i brzi napredak u razvoju obrazovne tehnologije, nove su obrazovne perspektive i strategije nužne kako bi odgovorili na te izazove. Dok obrazovni predvodnici zahtijevaju od visokoobrazovnih institucija da uravnoteže ekonomske i socijalne dimenzije, istraživanje je pokazalo znatan jaz u izgradnji kulture akademskog integriteta u implementaciji „online“ obrazovanja. Specifičan problem koji se odnosi na ovaj rad je kako razviti metode koje „online“ edukatori mogu upotrijebiti da spriječe varanje i plagijat u „online“ obrazovnom okruženju. Stoga je svrha ovog kvalitativnog rada stjecanje više razumijevanja kako razviti akademski integritet u „online“ obrazovanom okruženju i kako taj integritet može pridonijeti obrazovnoj zajednici u obliku održivog „online“ okruženja. Primijenjena metoda istraživanja u ovom je radu analiza sadržaja relevantne literature vezane uz akademsko nepoštenje u „online“ okruženju. Nadalje, također su identificirane metode prevencije koje omogućavaju nastavnicima/mentorima bolje upravljanje „online“ nastavnim procesima. Rezultati su istraživanja jasno pokazali da postoji strateški pristup za razvoj akademskog integriteta u „online“ okruženju. Otkriveno je da upotreba određenih kombinacija metoda zaštite može smanjiti akademsko nepoštenje studenata u „online“ obrazovanom okruženju i postupno razviti kulturu akademskog integriteta.At the beginning of the 21st century, there was an ongoing debate among educational leaders about academic integrity in the online educational environment. Considering the fact that academic integrity is a core value in educational institutions, this topic has found its place in the educational literature. This literature shows that there is a general consensus that online education provides more opportunities for dishonest academic behavior than ‘’face to face’’ classes. As a result, under the emerging competitive pressures in the online education environment, including the latest trends in online course offers and rapid advancements in the educational technology, new educational perspectives and strategies are required to meet these challenges. While educational leaders require higher education institutions to balance economic and social dimensions, research indicated a considerable gap in building the culture of academic integrity in implementing online distance education. The specific problem that is addressed in this paper is how to develop methods which online educators can use to prevent cheating and plagiarism in online educational settings. The purpose of this qualitative study was to achieve a deeper understanding of how to develop an academic integrity in the online educational environment and how this integrity may contribute to the educational community in the form of sustainable online environment. The research method applied in this study was content analysis of relevant literature related to academic dishonesty in online environment. In addition, the prevention methods were identified to aid distance educators. The study findings clearly indicated that there is a strategic approach in developing the culture of academic integrity in the online settings. These findings revealed that using certain combination of safeguard methods may decrease students’ dishonest behavior in the online educational environment and gradually develop the culture of academic integrity


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    Jedna od definicija menadžmenta kaže da je to aktivnost usmjerena na postizanje određenih, unaprijed zacrtanih ciljeva pomoću aktivnosti drugih ljudi, a upravljanje je ljudskim resursima jedna od osnovnim funkcija svakog menadžera. S druge strane, mobing na radnom mjestu predstavlja značajan izvor stresa, a sukobi unutar organizacije uzrokuju gubitak vremena te ometaju i odvlače zaposlenike od produktivnog korištenja njihovog vremena. Istraživanja koja su se bavila svakodnevnom praksom menadžera pokazala su da menadžeri troše 42 % svoga vremena pokušavajući postići „pomirenje“ kada se dogodi sukob. Kako tu naravno nije riječ samo o trošenju vremena menadžera na rješavanje sukoba, već treba dodati i gubitak vremena zaposlenika koji su u sukobu, jasno je da je riječ o značajnim financijskim iznosima. Dodatno, ono što je vidljivo iz istraživanja o izloženosti o mobingu na radnom mjestu i izvan Hrvatske jest dominacija izloženosti okomitom mobingu, u prvom redu „bossingu“, gdje se radi o strateškom mobingu te neprijateljskom odnosu nadređene osobe prema zaposleniku na nižem položaju. Ako se ovome pridoda podatak da je nedostatak menadžerskih vještina glavni čimbenik koji doprinosi mobingu i to upravo prema mišljenju menadžera, vidljivo je da je riječ o izuzetno složenom problemu, koji ozbiljno ugrožava uspješno upravljanje. Cilj je ovog rada ukazati na važnost prepoznavanja mobinga na radnom mjestu kao značajnog čimbenika koji pored ostalih štetnih posljedica negativno utječe i na samo upravljanje organizacijom. Dodatno, cilj je rada povećanje opće svijesti o ovom sve raširenijem problemu čije posljedice svakako ne bi trebale biti zanemarene. Provedena sekundarna istraživanja pomoću metode apstrakcije, deskripcije, komparacije i klasifikacije pokazala su postojanje veze između postojanja mobinga na radnom mjestu i uspješnosti upravljanja organizacijom u smjeru da postojanje mobinga na radnom mjestu smanjuje uspješnost upravljanja organizacijom. Ova saznanja bi svakako trebala biti ugrađena u svakodnevnu praksu upravljanja, na način da se prilikom kreiranja politika i procedura, a naročito onih koje se tiču upravljanja ljudskim resursima, svakako implementira i dovoljan broj elemenata koji će omogućiti pravovremeno prepoznavanje postojanja mobinga na radnom mjestu, kao i procedure za uspješno rješavanje takvih slučajeva.One definition of management says it is the activity aimed at achieving specific, pre-set goals by using activities of other people, and human resource management is one of the basic functions of each manager. On the other hand, workplace mobbing is a significant source of stress, and conflicts within the organization are causing a waste of time and also disrupt and distract employees from productive use of their time. Studies that deal with daily managers’ practice revealed that managers spend 42% of their time trying to achieve “reconciliation” when conflict occurs. Since the issue is not just about spending managers’ time to resolve the conflict, but also about wasting time of employees who are in conflict, it is clear that there are significant financial amounts involved. In addition, the dominance of vertical exposure to mobbing, primarily bossing which is a strategic mobbing and hostility by superiors towards the employee in a lower position, is evident from the studies dealing with exposure to workplace mobbing in and outside of Croatia. If we take into account the fact that the lack of management skills has been proved to be a major factor contributing to the workplace mobbing according to managers themselves, it is evident that this is a very complex problem that significantly threatens successful management. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of recognizing the workplace mobbing as a significant factor that, in addition to other harmful consequences, negatively affects the management of the organization as well. In addition, the aim of this paper is to increase general awareness of this increasingly widespread problem, the consequences of which should certainly not be ignored. Secondary research conducted using methods of abstraction, description, comparison and classification has shown a correlation between the existence of mobbing in the workplace and successful organizational management of the organization indicating that the existence of mobbing in the workplace reduces the success of organizational management. These findings would certainly have to be incorporated into the everyday management practice in a way that when creating policies and procedures, particularly those related to human resource management, one should certainly implement a sufficient number of elements that will allow timely recognition of workplace mobbing, as well as procedures for the successful resolution of such cases


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    Učinkovito upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima jedan je od ključnih čimbenika uspjeha svakog poduzeća. Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima uključuje niz međusobno povezanih aktivnosti i zadaća menadžmenta usmjerenih na osiguranje adekvatnog broja i strukture zaposlenih, njihovih znanja, vještina, interesa, motivacija i oblika ponašanja potrebnih za ostvarenje aktualnih, razvojnih i strategijskih ciljeva poduzeća. U radu je stavljen naglasak upravo na element motivacije. Motivacija kao bitan okidač koji usmjerava, održava i izaziva zaposlenike u svrhu poželjnog i općeprihvatljivog ponašanja unutar poduzeća. Naime, pravilna selekcija i motivacija zaposlenika predstavlja konkurentsku prednost uspješnih poduzeća. Utvrđeno je postojanje pozitivne korelacije između motivacije zaposlenika, sustava nagrađivanja i uspješnosti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima u malim i srednjim poduzećima. Korišteni su sekundarni podaci uz metode apstrakcije, analize te metoda komparacije, unutar okvira Maslowljeve teorije hijerarhije potreba, Herzbergove teorije motivacije, McClellandove motivacijske teorije potreba te Vroomove teorije očekivanja. Budući da je utvrđeno postojanje nedovoljne svijesti o problemu istraživanja unutar malih i srednjih poduzeća, cilj rada usmjeren je prema ukazivanju važnosti motivacije i sustava nagrađivanja unutar poduzeća kao značajnog čimbenika koji utječe na uspješnost upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima i pozicioniranju poduzeća s posebnim naglaskom na mala i srednja poduzeća.Effective human resources management is one of the key success factors of each company. Human resources management includes a series of interconnected activities and task management aimed at ensuring an adequate number and structure of employees, their knowledge, skills, interests, motivations and behaviors needed to achieve current, developmental and strategic business objectives. Emphasis of this paper is put on the element of motivation which is an important trigger that directs, maintains and challenges employees for the purpose of desired and acceptable behavior within the company. The correct selection and motivation of employees represents competitive advantage of successful companies. A positive correlation was found between employee motivation, reward system and the performance of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises. Secondary data was used as well as method of abstraction, analysis and comparison, within the framework of Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs, Herzberger’s theory of motivation, McClelland\u27s motivational needs theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory. Since the existence of insufficient awareness of research problem within small and medium-sized enterprises was established, the goal of this paper is directed toward pointing out the importance of motivation and reward system within the company as a significant factor that affects the performance of human resources management and positioning of companies with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises