402 research outputs found

    Contributions to the Development of a General Methodology for Innovation and Forecasting

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    The paper presents authors’ contributions to the achievement of a first variant of the innovation and forecasting methodology. The various tools of TRIZ methodology (laws of systems development set for technical systems, the matrix of contradictions, the 40 inventive principles, the 39 parameters, Su-Field analysis, the method of the 9 screens etc) are already available, or can be customised to the specific type of the organization system. The TRIZ methodology for economics was embedded in a more general methodology for innovation and forecasting. The eight laws of evolution systems were customised to economics. The authors also make a comparative analysis of the technical TRIZ matrix to the company management matrix. Based on the analysis performed, it can be concluded that a general methodology can be prepared for innovation and forecasting, making use of TRIZ methodology, by customising some classical instruments of the technical field, and bringing in other specific economic tools.innovation, forecasting, matrix, methodology, TRIZ.

    Economic Impact of Tourism

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    As the traffic of tourists increased in a particular area, it was observed that environmental and ecological balances were disturbed due to over commercialization. The scenic beauty was made more ‘customer friendly’ and the natural tourism products more accessible and ‘saleable’ by man. Environmentalists are agitated about the damages and carelessness showed by the tourists. Culturally and socially, tourism can impact the destination country, but its effect cannot be solely attributable to simple tourist activities. On the road to development, tourism products have also witnessed some changes. As the world changed and developed, new necessities were identified. As people became more aware, the needs changed and new tourism products were developed to satisfy these new found needs. The last few years have seen the emergence of new areas in tourism like, special interest tourism, green tourism, eco tourism, social tourism and so on.gross domestic product, international tourism, expenditure


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    The economic crisis has given the opportunity for the world to reconsider the use of resources, so the subject of competitive advantage has became actual. There are several relevant papers on national competitiveness, but we consider that there are still important issues to discuss in order to identify the economic sectors in Romania that have the potential to create successful products for the global market. The paper applies modern competitivity models on the features of our country, and concludes about the best use of our resources, in terms of increased productivity and optimal results. The goal is to encourage exporters to extend on several international markets and multinational companies to invest in developing new businesses in Romania.competitive advantage, resources, economic recovery

    Economic Impact of Tourism

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    As the traffic of tourists increased in a particular area, it was observed that environmental and ecological balances were disturbed due to over commercialization. The scenic beauty was made more ‘customer friendly’ and the natural tourism products more accessible and ‘saleable’ by man. Environmentalists are agitated about the damages and carelessness showed by the tourists. Culturally and socially, tourism can impact the destination country, but its effect cannot be solely attributable to simple tourist activities. On the road to development, tourism products have also witnessed some changes. As the world changed and developed, new necessities were identified. As people became more aware, the needs changed and new tourism products were developed to satisfy these new found needs. The last few years have seen the emergence of new areas in tourism like, special interest tourism, green tourism, eco tourism, social tourism and so on

    Students’ Perception Related to a Responsible Research and Innovation Demarche

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    AbstractThe present paper deals with the perception analysis of the importance of the non-formal education, performed as specific activities developed in museums, which promotes Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to the primary and secondary school students. A standard research, of theoretical and empiric type, has been achieved. The empirical research aimed both on the quantitative level - the method of structured questionnaire - but also on the qualitative research, based on the focus group method. Some analysis was drawn yielding to the following conclusion: non-formal education performed in museums is reflected like a learning process which stimulates the students’ sensitivity and intellect for RRI


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În geriatrie termenul „vulnerabilitate” sau “pre-fragilitate” implică un aspect multidimensional, printre care, multimorbiditatea, incapacitatea funcțională, problemele cognitive și socio-economice la vârstnici. Scopul. Evaluarea prevalenței vulnerabilității la vârstnicii instituționalizați în contextul fragilității pentru identificarea indicilor informaționali de valoare. Material și metode. Studiul epidemiologic a inclus 301 vârstnici instituționalizați (72,95 ± 0,36 ani), sindromul de fragilitate(SF) determinat conform criteriilor screening Fried, Indice Groningen, vulnerabilitatea VES-13, respondenții au fost examinați conform evaluării geriatrice complexe (EGC) – Katz, Lawton, Tinetti, MMSE, Hamilton, statutul nutrițional MNA. Rezultatele au fost analizate în programul software Statistics 7. Rezultate. Din cei 301 de vârstnici implicați în studiu conform criteriilor screening Fried-vârstnici robuști – 87 (28,90%), pre-fragili (vulnerabili) – 86 (28,57%), fragili–128 (42,52%). Vârstnicii pre-fragili au prezentat valoarea medie a scorului VES-13 – 5,46 ± 0,32; conform EGC: autonomia–scorul Katz (11,16 ± 0,13), Lawton (13,65 ± 0,29), mersul și echilibrul Tinetti (22,08 ± 0,50), statutul cognitiv MMSE (25,51 ± 0,28), depresia Hamilton (5,01 ± 0,39), statutul nutrițional MNA (24,83 ± 0,35), performanța fizică SPPB (8,44 ± 0,31), Groningen (5,48 ± 0,26).Valorile medii ale scorurilor Lawton și Tinetti au avut corelații directe cu reducerea vitezei mersului – Rr = -0,42; p < 0,05, respectiv – Rr = 0,55; p < 0,05. Concluzie. Rezultatele studiului relevă statutul fizic și emoțional cele mai afectate pe fundal de vulnerabilitate, ceea ce reprezintă un risc foarte crescut de deteriorare a sănătății pe parcursul procesului de îmbătrânire.Background. In geriatrics, the term „vulnerability” or „pre-fragility” implies a multidimensional aspect, among which, multimorbidity, functional incapacity, cognitive and socio-economic problems in the elderly. Objective of the study. Assessment of the prevalence of vulnerability in institutionalized elderly in the context of fragility to identify valuable information indices. Material and Methods. The epidemiological study included 301 institutionalized elderly (72.95 ± 0.36 years), fragility syndrome (FS) determined according to the screening Fried criteria, Groningen Index, vulnerability VES-13, respondents were examined according to Complex Geriatric Assessment (CGA) – Katz, Lawton, Tinetti, MMSE, Hamilton, MNA nutritional status. The results were analyzed in the Statistics 7 software program. Results. Of the 301 elderlies involved in the study according to the screening Fried criteria-robust elderly-87 (28.90%), pre-fragile (vulnerable)-86(28.57%), fragile – 128 (42.52%). Pre-fragile showed the mean value of VES13 – 5.46 ± 0.32; according to CGA: autonomy– Katz score (11.16 ± 0.13), Lawton (13.65 ± 0.29), gait and balance Tinetti (22.08 ± 0.50), cognitive status MMSE (25.51 ± 0.28), Hamilton depression (5.01 ± 0.39), MNA nutritional status (24.83 ± 0.35), SPPB physical performance (8.44 ± 0.31), Groningen (5.48 ± 0.26). The average values of Lawton and Tinetti scores had direct correlations with the reduction of walking speed – Rr = -0.42; p < 0.05, respectively – Rr = 0.55; p < 0.05. Conclusion. The results of the study reveal the most affected physical and emotional status due to vulnerability, which represents a high risk for health deteriorating during the aging process

    Prototyping a Gas Sensors Using CeO2 as a Matrix or Dopant in Oxide Semiconductor Systems

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    In this chapter, two important aspects of using CeO2 in the field of gas sensors are presented. Firstly, for CO2 detection in the range of 0–5000 ppm, a binary semiconductor oxides CeO2-Y2O3 was used. Secondly, as a dopants, in oxide semiconductor systems, used to detect the NO2. In this case, CeO2 is used as a dopant in hybride composite, consisting of reduced graphene oxide/ZnO, in order to increase the sensibility in NO2 detection at low concentration in the range of 0–10 ppm. The structural and morphological characterization of sensitive materials by X-ray diffraction, SEM, adsorption desorption isotherms, thermal analysis and RAMAN spectroscopy are presented. Also, the sensing element of the sensor that detects the NO2 is achieved by depositing the nanocomposite material on the interdigital grid. The electronic conditioning signal from the sensing element is achieved by using a Wheatstone bridge together with an instrumentation operational amplifier


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    The purpose of this work is to design and implement a cascade control system of the level with the flow rate, with remote supervision, in an industrial type installation, located in the Laboratory of Measurement Techniques, Department of Automation, Computers & Electronics, within the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The operating parameters of the installation are as follows: suction pressure: 0 – 2 bar; discharge pressure: 0 -10 bar; water flow: 0-30 m3/h; transported liquid: water. The automation system is structured on three hierarchical levels: level 1: the instrumentation mounted on the installation (transducers, signaling devices, etc.); level 2: includes the TGA System; level 3: constitutes the upper hierarchical level and includes the HMI (Human Machine Interface). The TGA system is a computerized system that ensures the monitoring, command and control functions of all the stand's component elements. It contains a programmable logic controller PLC 1214 – Siemens, which communicates via an Ethernet IP network with an operator interface and with the network of the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, which allows remote control of the installation. It also includes the protection system in case of failure, which involves stopping the rotating equipment, isolating the pipes by closing the control valve and alarming the operators. The HMI (Human Machine Interface) interface presents 3 options on the start page, from where the operator can select which application he wants to test: flow control loop application; level adjustment loop application; cascade adjustment loop application. The HMI equipment integrates SCADA functions, database update, evolution curves of analog quantities, sound and monitor alarm system, keyboard command, periodic records, event records, alarm records and technological schemes at the human-machine interface. The entire software is made in an open architecture, recommended by ISO norms. The PLC communicates in the network by adopting the protocol TCP/IP. An executable program used for the real-time application program was developed

    Impactul durerii cronice asupra calităţii vieţii pacienţilor cu boala Parkinson

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    Deși mulţi pacienţi și chiar medici nu asociază boala Parkinson (BP) cu fenomenul de durere, majoritatea indivizilor cu BP suferă de durere. Multiple studii menţionează că durerea în BP, indiferent de originea sa, este adesea insufi cient recunoscută și tratată. Este important și faptul că această maladie cronică și degenerativă afectează semnifi cativ calitatea vieții pacienților respectivi. În studiul clinic prezent au fost incluși 61 de pacienţi cu diagnosticul de BP idiopatică, corespunzător criteriilor acceptate, dintre care 44 (72%) sufereau de durere cronică. Impactul simptomelor de disconfort corporal, inclusiv al durerii, asupra calității vieții a fost semnifi cativ mai mare la bolnavii cu fenomene algice. Recunoașterea de către medici și raportarea de către pacienți a durerii lor ar putea ameliora tratamentul acesteia și, respectiv, ar infl uența pozitiv calitatea vieții