160 research outputs found

    Dcode.org anthology of comparative genomic tools

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    Comparative genomics provides the means to demarcate functional regions in anonymous DNA sequences. The successful application of this method to identifying novel genes is currently shifting to deciphering the non-coding encryption of gene regulation across genomes. To facilitate the practical application of comparative sequence analysis to genetics and genomics, we have developed several analytical and visualization tools for the analysis of arbitrary sequences and whole genomes. These tools include two alignment tools, zPicture and Mulan; a phylogenetic shadowing tool, eShadow for identifying lineage- and species-specific functional elements; two evolutionary conserved transcription factor analysis tools, rVista and multiTF; a tool for extracting cis-regulatory modules governing the expression of co-regulated genes, Creme 2.0; and a dynamic portal to multiple vertebrate and invertebrate genome alignments, the ECR Browser. Here, we briefly describe each one of these tools and provide specific examples on their practical applications. All the tools are publicly available at the website

    Effect of age and cytoskeletal elements on the indentation-dependent mechanical properties of chondrocytes.

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    Articular cartilage chondrocytes are responsible for the synthesis, maintenance, and turnover of the extracellular matrix, metabolic processes that contribute to the mechanical properties of these cells. Here, we systematically evaluated the effect of age and cytoskeletal disruptors on the mechanical properties of chondrocytes as a function of deformation. We quantified the indentation-dependent mechanical properties of chondrocytes isolated from neonatal (1-day), adult (5-year) and geriatric (12-year) bovine knees using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We also measured the contribution of the actin and intermediate filaments to the indentation-dependent mechanical properties of chondrocytes. By integrating AFM with confocal fluorescent microscopy, we monitored cytoskeletal and biomechanical deformation in transgenic cells (GFP-vimentin and mCherry-actin) under compression. We found that the elastic modulus of chondrocytes in all age groups decreased with increased indentation (15-2000 nm). The elastic modulus of adult chondrocytes was significantly greater than neonatal cells at indentations greater than 500 nm. Viscoelastic moduli (instantaneous and equilibrium) were comparable in all age groups examined; however, the intrinsic viscosity was lower in geriatric chondrocytes than neonatal. Disrupting the actin or the intermediate filament structures altered the mechanical properties of chondrocytes by decreasing the elastic modulus and viscoelastic properties, resulting in a dramatic loss of indentation-dependent response with treatment. Actin and vimentin cytoskeletal structures were monitored using confocal fluorescent microscopy in transgenic cells treated with disruptors, and both treatments had a profound disruptive effect on the actin filaments. Here we show that disrupting the structure of intermediate filaments indirectly altered the configuration of the actin cytoskeleton. These findings underscore the importance of the cytoskeletal elements in the overall mechanical response of chondrocytes, indicating that intermediate filament integrity is key to the non-linear elastic properties of chondrocytes. This study improves our understanding of the mechanical properties of articular cartilage at the single cell level

    Optimization of a genomic editing system using CRISPR/Cas9-induced site-specific gene integration

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    The CRISPR-Cas system is an adaptive immune system found in bacteria which helps protect against the invasion of other microorganisms. This system induces double stranded breaks at precise genomic loci (1) in which repairs are initiated and insertions of a target are completed in the process. This mechanism can be used in eukaryotic cells in combination with sgRNAs (1) as a tool for genome editing. By using this CRISPR-Cas system, in addition to the “safe harbor locus,” ROSAβ26, the incorporation of a target gene into a site that is not susceptible to gene silencing effects can be achieved through few simple steps. PCR amplification of the target genes , ROSA26 and mKate2, with a sgRNA scaffold and T7 promoter followed by in vitro transcription aim to produce an RNA product. This sgRNA product can be run through a digestion with Cas9 to validate cleavage of the genomic ROSA DNA template or mKate plasmid. Osteoblast mouse cells are transfected and labeled through partial uptake by the CRISPR mechanism, by cutting in the ROSA loci and repairing with pieces of the fluorescent mKate2 plasmid. These cells were measured via flow cytometry to give a percentage of red cells. This data shows the scaffolding construct created is targeted by the Cas9 endonuclease and through homologous repair the cells will incorporate the mKate2 target gene in vitro in MC3T3 mouse cells

    Genetic evidence that SOST inhibits WNT signaling in the limb

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    AbstractSOST is a negative regulator of bone formation, and mutations in human SOST are responsible for sclerosteosis. In addition to high bone mass, sclerosteosis patients occasionally display hand defects, suggesting that SOST may function embryonically. Here we report that overexpression of SOST leads to loss of posterior structures of the zeugopod and autopod by perturbing anterior–posterior and proximal–distal signaling centers in the developing limb. Mutant mice that overexpress SOST in combination with Grem1 and Lrp6 mutations display more severe limb defects than single mutants alone, while Sost−/− significantly rescues the Lrp6−/− skeletal phenotype, signifying that SOST gain-of-function impairs limb patterning by inhibiting the WNT signaling through LRP5/6

    Array2BIO: from microarray expression data to functional annotation of co-regulated genes

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    BACKGROUND: There are several isolated tools for partial analysis of microarray expression data. To provide an integrative, easy-to-use and automated toolkit for the analysis of Affymetrix microarray expression data we have developed Array2BIO, an application that couples several analytical methods into a single web based utility. RESULTS: Array2BIO converts raw intensities into probe expression values, automatically maps those to genes, and subsequently identifies groups of co-expressed genes using two complementary approaches: (1) comparative analysis of signal versus control and (2) clustering analysis of gene expression across different conditions. The identified genes are assigned to functional categories based on Gene Ontology classification and KEGG protein interaction pathways. Array2BIO reliably handles low-expressor genes and provides a set of statistical methods for quantifying expression levels, including Benjamini-Hochberg and Bonferroni multiple testing corrections. An automated interface with the ECR Browser provides evolutionary conservation analysis for the identified gene loci while the interconnection with Crème allows prediction of gene regulatory elements that underlie observed expression patterns. CONCLUSION: We have developed Array2BIO – a web based tool for rapid comprehensive analysis of Affymetrix microarray expression data, which also allows users to link expression data to Dcode.org comparative genomics tools and integrates a system for translating co-expression data into mechanisms of gene co-regulation. Array2BIO is publicly available a

    SOST Inhibits Prostate Cancer Invasion.

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    Inhibitors of Wnt signaling have been shown to be involved in prostate cancer (PC) metastasis; however the role of Sclerostin (Sost) has not yet been explored. Here we show that elevated Wnt signaling derived from Sost deficient osteoblasts promotes PC invasion, while rhSOST has an inhibitory effect. In contrast, rhDKK1 promotes PC elongation and filopodia formation, morphological changes characteristic of an invasive phenotype. Furthermore, rhDKK1 was found to activate canonical Wnt signaling in PC3 cells, suggesting that SOST and DKK1 have opposing roles on Wnt signaling in this context. Gene expression analysis of PC3 cells co-cultured with OBs exhibiting varying amounts of Wnt signaling identified CRIM1 as one of the transcripts upregulated under highly invasive conditions. We found CRIM1 overexpression to also promote cell-invasion. These findings suggest that bone-derived Wnt signaling may enhance PC tropism by promoting CRIM1 expression and facilitating cancer cell invasion and adhesion to bone. We concluded that SOST and DKK1 have opposing effects on PC3 cell invasion and that bone-derived Wnt signaling positively contributes to the invasive phenotypes of PC3 cells by activating CRIM1 expression and facilitating PC-OB physical interaction. As such, we investigated the effects of high concentrations of SOST in vivo. We found that PC3-cells overexpressing SOST injected via the tail vein in NSG mice did not readily metastasize, and those injected intrafemorally had significantly reduced osteolysis, suggesting that targeting the molecular bone environment may influence bone metastatic prognosis in clinical settings

    Lrp4 Mediates Bone Homeostasis and Mechanotransduction through Interaction with Sclerostin In Vivo

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    Wnt signaling plays a key role in regulating bone remodeling. In vitro studies suggest that sclerostin's inhibitory action on Lrp5 is facilitated by the membrane-associated receptor Lrp4. We generated an Lrp4 R1170W knockin mouse model (Lrp4KI), based on a published mutation in patients with high bone mass (HBM). Lrp4KI mice have an HBM phenotype (assessed radiographically), including increased bone strength and formation. Overexpression of a Sost transgene had osteopenic effects in Lrp4-WT but not Lrp4KI mice. Conversely, sclerostin inhibition had blunted osteoanabolic effects in Lrp4KI mice. In a disuse-induced bone wasting model, Lrp4KI mice exhibit significantly less bone loss than wild-type (WT) mice. In summary, mice harboring the Lrp4-R1170W missense mutation recapitulate the human HBM phenotype, are less sensitive to altered sclerostin levels, and are protected from disuse-induced bone loss. Lrp4 is an attractive target for pharmacological targeting aimed at increasing bone mass and preventing bone loss due to disuse