13 research outputs found

    Quantitative proteogenomics of human pathogens using DIA-MS.

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    The increasing number of bacterial genomes in combination with reproducible quantitative proteome measurements provides new opportunities to explore how genetic differences modulate proteome composition and virulence. It is challenging to combine genome and proteome data as the underlying genome influences the proteome. We present a strategy to facilitate the integration of genome data from several genetically similar bacterial strains with data-independent analysis mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) for rapid interrogation of the combined data sets. The strategy relies on the construction of a composite genome combining all genetic data in a compact format, which can accommodate the fusion with quantitative peptide and protein information determined via DIA-MS. We demonstrate the method by combining data sets from whole genome sequencing, shotgun MS and DIA-MS from 34 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pyogenes. The data structure allows for fast exploration of the data showing that undetected proteins are on average more amenable to amino acid substitution than expressed proteins. We identified several significantly differentially expressed proteins between invasive and non-invasive strains. The work underlines how integration of whole genome sequencing with accurately quantified proteomes can further advance the interpretation of the relationship between genomes, proteomes and virulence

    Characterization and Crystallization of Anchorless Glypican-1

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    Glypicans are cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans that regulate Wnt, Hedgehog, bone morphogenetic protein, and fibroblast growth factor signaling through their heparan sulfate chains. Recent studies have shown that glypican core proteins also have functional roles in growth factor signaling, but biochemical and structural knowledge regarding the core proteins is limited. Glypican-1 is involved in brain development and is one of six members of the mammalian family of glypicans. In this work, we studied anchorless glypican-1 expressed in mammalian cells. The folding and conformational stability of anchorless glypican-1 was investigated using spectroscopic and calorimetric techniques. Further, nitric oxide modification of cysteine residues was investigated using a biotin labeling method. We also investigated the role of N-glycosylation on protein folding, secretion, and heparan sulfate substitution. Moreover, anchorless glypican-1 was subjected to high-throughput crystallization screening. The results showed that glypican-1 is a stable α-helical protein and that the proteoglycan form is protected from heat-induced aggregation. In addition, it was found that nitric oxide can be covalently attached to cysteine residues in anchorless glypican-1, forming S-nitrosothiols. Furthermore, the potential N-glycosylation sites in glypican-1 were found to be invariably occupied and the N-linked glycans of glypican-1 were found to affect protein expression and heparan sulfate substitution, but correct folding could be obtained in the absence of N-linked glycans. Finally, crystals of purified glypican-1 were obtained by vapordiffusion method and diffracted to 2.8 Å resolution using synchrotron radiation

    S-Nitrosylation of secreted recombinant human glypican-1.

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    Glypican-1 is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored cell surface S-nitrosylated heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is processed by nitric oxide dependent degradation of its side chains. Cell surface-bound glypican-1 becomes internalized and recycles via endosomes, where the heparan sulphate chains undergo nitric oxide and copper dependent autocleavage at N-unsubstituted glucosamines, back to the Golgi. It is not known if the S-nitrosylation occurs during biosynthesis or recycling of the protein. Here we have generated a recombinant human glypican-1 lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor. We find that this protein is directly secreted into the culture medium both as core protein and proteoglycan form and is not subjected to internalization and further modifications during recycling. By using SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and radiolabeling experiments we show that the glypican-1 can be S-nitrosylated. We have measured the level of S-nitrosylation in the glypican-1 core protein by biotin switch assay and find that the core protein can be S-nitrosylated in the presence of copper II ions and NO donor. Furthermore the glypican-1 proteoglycan produced in the presence of polyamine synthesis inhibitor, alpha-difluoromethylornithine, was endogenously S-nitrosylated and release of nitric oxide induced deaminative autocleavage of the HS side chains of glypican-1. We also show that the N-unsubstituted glucosamine residues are formed during biosynthesis of glypican-1 and that the content increased upon inhibition of polyamine synthesis. It cannot be excluded that endogenous glypican-1 can become further S-nitrosylated during recycling

    Chemical and Thermal Unfolding of Glypican-1: Protective Effect of Heparan Sulfate against Heat-Induced Irreversible Aggregation

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    Glypicans are cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans that influence Wnt, hedgehog, decapentaplegic, and fibroblast growth factor activity via their heparan sulfate chains. However, recent studies have shown that glypican core proteins also have a role in growth factor signaling. Here, we expressed secreted recombinant human glypican-1 in eukaryotic cells. Recombinant glypican-1 was expressed as two glycoforms, one as proteoglycan substituted with heparan sulfate chains and one as the core protein devoid of glycosaminoglycans. Far-UV circular dichroism (CD) analysis of glypican-1 isolated under native conditions showed that the glypican-1 core protein is predominantly alpha-helical in structure, with identical spectra for the core protein and the proteoglycan form. The conformational stability of glypican-1 core protein to urea and guanidine hydrochloride denaturation was monitored by CD and fluorescence spectroscopy and showed a single unfolding transition at high concentrations of the denaturant (5.8 and 2.6 M, respectively). Renaturation from guanidine hydrochloride gave far-UV CD and fluorescence spectra identical to the spectra of native glypican-1. Thermal denaturation monitored by CD and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed a single structural transition at a temperature of similar to 70 degrees C. Refolding of the heat-denatured glypican-1 core protein was dependent on protein concentration, suggesting that intermolecular interactions are involved in irreversible denaturation. However, refolding was concentration-independent for the proteoglycan form, suggesting that O-glycosylation protects the protein from irreversible aggregation. In summary, we have shown that the glypican-1 core protein is a stable CL-helical protein and that the proteoglycan form of glypican-1 is protected from heat-induced aggregation

    The Structural Role of N-Linked Glycans on Human Glypican-1

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    Glypicans are cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans that regulate developmental signaling pathways by binding growth factors to their heparan sulfate chains. The primary structures of glypican core proteins contain potential N-glycosylation sites, but the importance of N-glycosylation in glypicans has never been investigated in detail. Here, we studied the role of the possible N-glycosylation sites at Asn-79 and Asn-116 in recombinant anchorless glypican-1 expressed in eukaryotic cells. Mutagenesis and enzymatic cleavage indicated that the potential N-glycosylation sites are invariably occupied. Experiments using the drug tunicamycin to inhibit the N-linked glycosylation of glypican-1 showed that secretion of anchorless glypican-1 was reduced and that the protein did not accumulate inside the cells. Heparan sulfate substitution of N-glycosylation mutant N116Q was similar to wild-type glypican-1 while the N79Q mutant and also the double mutant N79QN116Q were mostly secreted as high-molecular-weight heparan sulfate proteoglycan. N-Glycosylation mutants and N-deglycosylated glypican-1 had far-UV circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectra that were highly similar to those of N-glycosylated glypican-1. A single unfolding transition at high concentrations of urea was found for both N-deglycosylated glypican-1 and glypican-1 in which the N-glycosylation sites had been removed by mutagenesis when chemical denaturation was monitored by circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. In summary, we have found that the potential N-glycosylation sites in glypican-1 are invariably occupied and that the N-linked glycans on glypican-1 affect protein expression and heparan sulfate substitution but that correct folding can be obtained in the absence of N-linked glycans

    Non-conserved, S-nitrosylated cysteines in glypican-1 react with N-unsubstituted glucosamines in heparan sulfate and catalyze deaminative cleavage.

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    The membrane lipid-anchored glypicans (heparan sulfate proteoglycans) are present in both vertebrates and invertebrates and serve as important modulators of growth factors and morphogens during development. Their core proteins are similar and consist of a large N-terminal domain comprising 14 evolutionary conserved cysteines and a C-terminal stalk carrying the heparan sulfate side-chains and the lipid anchor. Cysteines in glypican-1 can be S-nitrosylated but their positions have not been identified. The recently determined crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of glypican-1 has revealed that all the evolutionary conserved cysteines form intramolecular disulfide bonds. However, glypican-1 contains two more, non-conserved cysteines in the C-terminal stalk, located near the heparan sulfate attachment sites. We show here that the non-conserved cysteines are free thiols as a glypican-1 core protein containing the C-terminal stalk could be biotinylated by biotin-BMCC. After S-nitrosylation by using an NO-donor and copper ions, the glypican-1 core protein was retained on an affinity matrix substituted with heparan sulfate oligosaccharides containing N-unsubstituted glucosamines. The protein was displaced with 0.2 M glucosamine but also by 2 mM ascorbate. In the latter case, the heparan sulfate of the affinity matrix was simultaneously cleaved into fragments containing anhydromannose. We propose that the S-nitrosocysteine residues interact with closely located N-unsubstituted glucosamines in the heparan sulfate side-chains of the glypican-1 proteoglycan. Addition of ascorbate induces a series of reactions that eventually releases heparan sulfate fragments with reducing terminal anhydromannose, presumably without the formation of free nitric oxide

    Crystal structure of N-glycosylated human glypican-1 core protein: Structure of two loops evolutionarily conserved in vertebrate glypican-1.

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    Glypicans are a family of cell-surface proteoglycans that regulate Wnt, hedgehog, bone morphogenetic protein and fibroblast growth factor signaling. Loss-of-function mutations in glypican core proteins and in glycosaminoglycan synthezing enzymes have revealed that glypican core proteins and their glycosaminoglycan chains are important in shaping animal development. Glypican core proteins consist of a stable alpha-helical domain containing 14 conserved Cys residues followed by a glycosaminoglycan attachment domain that becomes exclusively substituted with heparan sulfate (HS) and presumably adopts a random coil conformation. Removal of the alpha-helical domain results in almost exclusive addition of the glycosaminoglycan chondroitin sulfate, suggesting that factors in the alpha-helical domain promote assembly of HS. Glypican-1 is involved in brain development and is one of six members of the vertebrate family of glypicans. We expressed and crystallized N-glycosylated human glypican-1 lacking HS and N-glycosylated glypican-1 lacking the HS attachment domain. The crystal structure of glypican-1 was solved using crystals of selenomethionine labelled glypican-1 core protein lacking the HS domain. No additional electron density was observed for crystals of glypican-1 containing the HS attachment domain, and CD spectra of the two protein species were highly similar. The crystal structure of N- glycosylated human glypican-1 core protein at 2.5 Ã…, the first crystal structure of a vertebrate glypican, reveals the complete disulfide bond arrangement of the conserved Cys residues, and also extends the structural knowledge of glypicans for one alpha helix and two long loops. Importantly, the loops are evolutionarily conserved in vertebrate glypican-1 and one of them is involved in glycosaminoglycan class determination

    Improvements in the order, isotropy and electron density of glypican-1 crystals by controlled dehydration.

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    The use of controlled dehydration for improvement of protein crystal diffraction quality is increasing in popularity, although there are still relatively few documented examples of success. A study has been carried out to establish whether controlled dehydration could be used to improve the anisotropy of crystals of the core protein of the human proteoglycan glypican-1. Crystals were subjected to controlled dehydration using the HC1 device. The optimal protocol for dehydration was developed by careful investigation of the following parameters: dehydration rate, final relative humidity and total incubation time Tinc. Of these, the most important was shown to be Tinc. After dehydration using the optimal protocol the crystals showed significantly reduced anisotropy and improved electron density, allowing the building of previously disordered parts of the structure

    Structural and Biophysical Characterization of Human EXTL3: Domain Organization, Glycosylation, and Solution Structure

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    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are proteins substituted with one or more heparan sulfate (HS) polysaccharides, found in abundance at cell surfaces. HS chains influence the activity of many biologically important molecules involved in cellular communication and signaling. The exostosin (EXT) proteins are glycosyltransferases in the Golgi apparatus that assemble HS chains on HSPGs. The EXTL3 enzyme mainly works as an initiator in HS biosynthesis. In this work, human lumenal N-glycosylated EXTL3 (EXTL3ΔN) was cloned, expressed in human embryonic kidney cells, and purified. Various biophysical and biochemical approaches were then employed to elucidate the N-glycosylation sites and the function of their attached N-glycans. Furthermore, the stability and conformation of the purified EXTL3ΔN protein in solution have been analyzed. Our data show that EXTL3ΔN has N-glycans at least at two positions, Asn290 and Asn592, which seem to be critical for proper protein folding and/or release. EXTL3ΔN is quite stable, as high temperature (∼59 °C) was required for denaturation. Deconvolution of the EXTL3ΔN far-UV CD spectrum revealed a substantial fraction of β sheets (25%) with a minor proportion of α-helices (14%) in the secondary structure. Solution small-angle X-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering revealed an extended structure suggestive of a dimeric arrangement and consisting of two distinct regions, narrow and broad, respectively. This is consistent with bioinformatics analyses suggesting a 3-domain structure with two glycosyltransferase domains and a coiled-coil domain