32 research outputs found

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad física y su relación con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAnálisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam QuellónAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmológicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constitución, Región del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud pública chilenaCaracterización del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentración de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de enseñanza media de SantiagoDisfunción auditiva inducida por exposición a xilenoErgonomía aplicada al estudio del síndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimación de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposición a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y daños de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepción de cambios en la práctica médica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepción de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del BiobíoPesos máximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en población laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros según la función de Framingham adaptada para la población chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu

    Os desafios do atendimento de pacientes com sequelas cardiovasculares decorrentes de trauma do tórax / Challenges in the care of patients with cardiovascular sequels resulting from chest trauma

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    Introdução: O tórax apresenta estruturas de diversos sistemas de sustentação da vida, dentre eles o respiratório e o cardiovascular. Por conter, estruturas nobres para a manutenção da vida, os potenciais para ocorrer lesões graves em decorrência de traumas são muito grandes, como dados mostram, 25% das mortes são secundárias a trauma torácico. Dentro deste contexto, questiona-se quais os desafios no atendimento de pacientes com sequelas cardiovasculares decorrentes de traumas torácicos? Portanto, esse estudo tem como objetivo identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas na assistência de saúde de pacientes com repercussões cardiovasculares devido a trauma de tórax, através da elaboração de um formulário baseado em revisão bibliográfica de dados da literatura científica publicados sobre esse tema. Metodologia: O trabalho baseia-se numa revisão integrativa de literatura, na qual foram analisados artigos publicados em revistas científicas, utilizando-se das bases de dados da BVS (Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde), como: Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) e Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Resultados: Após as análises e seleção, restaram-se sete artigos para integrar a discussão. Os artigos selecionados, estão descritos na tabela, com autores, título, metodologia, resultados e conclusão. Em seguida, foi realizada uma discussão acerca destes artigos. Conclusão: Cada um dos casos revisados neste estudo demonstra a necessidade e a importância de acompanhamento cuidadoso de todos os pacientes que sofreram trauma torácico fechado, mesmo que a avaliação cardíaca inicial possa ser negativa.

    Updated Insights into the Phylogenetics, Phylodynamics, and Genetic Diversity of Nipah Virus (NiV)

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    Nipah virus (NiV), a biosafety level 4 agent, was first identified in human clinical cases during an outbreak in 1998 in Malaysia and Singapore. While flying foxes are the primary host and viral vector, the infection is associated with a severe clinical presentation in humans, resulting in a high mortality rate. Therefore, NiV is considered a virus with an elevated epidemic potential which is further underscored by its recent emergence (September 2023) as an outbreak in India. Given the situation, it is paramount to understand the molecular dynamics of the virus to shed more light on its evolution and prevent potential future outbreaks. In this study, we conducted Bayesian phylogenetic analysis on all available NiV complete genomes, including partial N-gene NiV sequences (≥1000 bp) in public databases since the first human case, registered in 1998. We observed the distribution of genomes into three main clades corresponding to the genotypes Malaysia, Bangladesh and India, with the Malaysian clade being the oldest in evolutionary terms. The Bayesian skyline plot showed a recent increase in the viral population size since 2019. Protein analysis showed the presence of specific protein families (Hendra_C) in bats that might keep the infection in an asymptomatic state in bats, which also serve as viral vectors. Our results further indicate a shortage of complete NiV genomes, which would be instrumental in gaining a better understanding of NiV’s molecular evolution and preventing future outbreaks. Our investigation also underscores the critical need to strengthen genomic surveillance based on complete NiV genomes that will aid thorough genetic characterization of the circulating NiV strains and the phylogenetic relationships between the henipaviruses. This approach will better prepare us to tackle the challenges posed by the NiV virus and other emerging viruses

    Efeito de diferentes proporções de volumoso: concentrado sobre a biometria testículo-epididimária e corporal e perfil metabólico de cordeiros Santa Inês

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    This study was carried out to verify the effects of different hay: concentrate ratios on body, testicular and epididymal development and metabolic profile of hair sheep lambs. Twenty-nine Santa Ines lambs were used. Treatments consisted of diets with different hay: concentrate ratios (100:0-Control, 80:20- T1, 60:40-T2, 40:60-T3 and 20:80-T4). The characteristics evaluated were: body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), hearth girth (HG), body length (BL), height at withers (HW), height at rump (HR), rump width (RW), chest width (CW), scrotal perimeter (SP), testis length (TL) testis width (TW), testis thickness (TT), cauda epididymal length (CEL), cauda epididymal width (CAW), cauda epididymal thickness (CET), scrotal skin thickness (SST) and testicular volume (TV). Blood samples were collected to analyze glucose, urea, albumin, total cholesterol, total proteins, inorganic phosphate and magnesium concentrations. The body and testicular-epididymal measurements increased linearly with increases in the energy concentration in the diet. BW, BL, CW, RW, HG and BCS showed positive high correlations (r = 0.71 to 0.94) with all testis-epididymal measurements. The results of the metabolic profile study showed interactions between the addition of the concentrated feed and time of blood collection on total proteins, albumin, urea, cholesterol, phosphorus and magnesium concentrations. At the beginning of the trial, hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia were verified in T3 and T4. However, the indices returned to normal over time with the continuity in the diet supplied. Hypomagnesaemia was verified in all treatments. The plasmatic phosphorus concentration was sufficiently high at the end of all treatments, except control. In conclusion, the BL, HG, CW, RW as well as the BCS may be used to estimate the development of the testes and epididymis. The metabolic profile results verified that adjusts are necessary in the amount of concentrated feed given to the lambs when Tifton 85 hay (Cynodon spp) is provided to the animals.Este estudo objetivou verificar os efeitos de diferentes proporções de feno: concentrado sobre o desenvolvimento corporal, testicular e epididimário, bem como, sobre perfil metabólico de cordeiros deslanados. Foram utilizados vinte e nove cordeiros Santa Inês. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de dietas com diferentes proporções de feno: concentrado (100: 0- Controle; 80: 20- T1, 60: 40- T2, 40: 60- T3 e 20: 80- T4). As características avaliadas foram: peso corporal (PC), escore de condição corporal (ECC), perímetro torácico (PT), comprimento do corpo (CC), altura na cernelha (AC), altura na garupa (AG), largura da garupa (LG), largura do peito (LP), perímetro escrotal (PS), comprimento do testículo (CT) largura dos testículos (LT), espessura de testículo (ET), comprimento da cauda do epidídimo (CCE), a largura da cauda do epidídimo (LCE), espessura da cauda do epidídimo (ECE), espessura da pele escrotal (EPE) e volume testicular (VT). Amostras de sangue foram colhidas para análise de glicose, ureia, albumina, colesterol total, proteínas totais, fosfato e magnésio. A biometria corporal, testicular e epididimárias aumentaram linearmente com o aumento da proporção de concentrado na dieta. PC, CC, LP, AC, PT e ECC mostraram correlação alta e positiva (r = 0,71-0,94), com todas as medidas testículo-epidídimárias. Os resultados do estudo mostraram interação entre o perfil metabólico, os tratamentos e o momento da coleta para as concentrações de proteínas totais, albumina, ureia, colesterol, fósforo e magnésio concentrado. No início do experimento foram verificadas hipoproteinemia e hipoalbuminemia em T3 e T4. No entanto, os índices voltaram ao normal com a continuidade do fornecimento da dieta. Hipomagnesemia foi verificada em todos os tratamentos. A concentração plasmática de fósforo foi significativamente alta no fim de todos os tratamentos, com exceção de controle. As medidas comprimento do corpo, perímetro torácico, largura de peito, altura de cernelha e o escore de condição corporal podem ser usados para estimar o desenvolvimento dos testículos e epidídimo. O resultado do perfil metabólico permitiu verificar que são necessários ajustes na quantidade de ração concentrada administrada aos cordeiros quando feno de tifton 85 (Cynodon spp) é fornecido aos animais

    Human Pegivirus-1 Detection and Genotyping in Brazilian Patients with Fulminant Hepatitis

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    Fulminant hepatitis is a severe clinical disease characterized by a marked decline in liver function and encephalopathy. In a previous survey, using metagenomics in a group of 27 patients with this clinical condition, we observed an expressive quantity of reads of the Human pegivirus-1 (HPgV-1). Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency, molecular features, and HPgV-1 circulating genotypes in patients with fulminant hepatitis. After testing the collected plasma samples, we discovered twelve samples (44.4%) that were positive for HPgV-1 RNA (using both real-time and nested PCR). The positive samples presented a mean cycle threshold (Ct) of 28.5 (±7.3). Genotyping assignments revealed that all HPgV-1 positive samples belonged to the HPgV-1 genotype 2 (both subgenotypes 2A and 2B were identified). Although HPgV-1 is considered a commensal virus, little is known regarding its prevalence and genotypes in cases of fulminant hepatitis. More research is needed to understand whether HPgV-1 can be implicated in clinical disorders and infectious diseases

    Exploring Viral Metagenomics in Pediatric Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections: Unveiling Pathogens beyond SARS-CoV-2

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    The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent pandemic have prompted extensive diagnostic and clinical efforts to mitigate viral spread. However, these strategies have largely overlooked the presence of other respiratory viruses. Acute respiratory diseases in pediatric patients can be caused by a diverse range of viral agents, and metagenomics represents a powerful tool for their characterization. This study aimed to investigate the viral abundance in pediatric patients with acute respiratory symptoms who tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 during the Omicron pandemic wave. To achieve this, viral metagenomics and next-generation sequencing were employed on 96 nasopharyngeal swab samples, which were organized into 12 pools, with each pool consisting of eight individual samples. Metagenomic analysis revealed that the most prevalent viruses associated with acute disease in pediatric patients were respiratory syncytial virus (detected in all pools) and enteroviruses, which are known to cause significant morbidity and mortality in children. Additionally, clinically significant viruses such as mumps orthorubulavirus, human metapneumovirus, influenza A, and a wide array of human herpesviruses (1, 3–7) were identified. These findings highlight the extensive potential of viral metagenomics in identifying viruses other than SARS-CoV-2 that contribute to acute infections in children. Consequently, this methodology should garner clinical attention in terms of differential diagnosis and the development of public policies to address such conditions in the global pediatric population

    Metagenomic insights into the plasma virome of Brazilian patients with prostate cancer

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    Growing evidence suggests that metavirome changes could be associated increased risk for malignant cell transformation. Considering Viruses have been proposed as factors for prostate cancer induction. The objective of this study was to examine the composition of the plasma metavirome of patients with prostate cancer. Blood samples were obtained from 49 male patients with primary prostate adenocarcinoma. Thirty blood donors were included as a control group. The obtained next-generation sequencing data were analyzed using a bioinformatic pipeline for virus metagenomics. Viral reads with higher abundance were assembled in contigs and analyzed taxonomically. Viral agents of interest were also confirmed by qPCR. Anelloviruses and the Human Pegivirus-1 (HPgV-1) were the most abundant component of plasma metavirome. Clinically important viruses like hepatitis C virus (HCV), cytomegalovirus and human adenovirus type C were also identified. In comparison, the blood donor virome was exclusively composed of torque teno virus types (TTV) types. The performed HPgV-1 and HCV phylogeny revealed that these viruses belong to commonly detected in Brazil genotypes. Our study sheds light on the plasma viral abundance in patients with prostatic cancer. The obtained viral diversity allowed us to separate the patients and controls, probably suggesting that malignant processes may influence virome composition. More complex and multiple approach investigations are necessary to examine the likely causal relationship between metavirome and its nvolvement in prostate cancer

    O modelo moderno do jurista perfeito

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    Criminologia Feminista com Criminologia Crítica: Perspectivas teóricas e teses convergentes

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