1,861 research outputs found

    An improved model for fast and reliable harbour wave agitation assessment

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    ABSTRACT: This study presents the new advances achieved in the field of harbour agitation climate assessment. Based on the improvement of an elliptic mild-slope model (MSP), which realistically reconstructs waves inside any-sized basin, represented by high-detailed unstructured meshes, and forced by real-shaped outer spectral data. A new solver is proposed for high performance runs, which allow fast agitation hindcast for statistical downtime analysis within an iterative and multi-scenario approach. Also, a realistic assimilation of partial reflection processes in quays/docks/wharfs/breakwaters is proposed. The model has been successfully validated in several harbours of special relevance in Spain with in situ measurements, through the assimilation of the hybrid downscaling (Camus et al., 2011) technique combined with monochromatic-based wave spectral reconstruction.This work has been also partially funded under the RETOS program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (BIA2017-87213-R). We would like to thank Puertos del Estado of Spain for providing spectral outer wave spectral forcing and wave agitation measurements, for gather/organize each Port Authority base data required

    Age-related differences on event-related potentials and brain rhythm oscillations during working memory activation

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    Previous functional imaging studies have pointed to the compensatory recruitment of cortical circuits in old age in order to counterbalance the loss of neural efficiency and preserve cognitive performance. Recent electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses reported age-related deficits in the amplitude of an early positive-negative working memory (PNwm) component as well as changes in working memory (WM)-load related brain oscillations during the successful performance of the n-back task. To explore the age-related differences of EEG activation in the face of increasing WM demands, we assessed the PNwm component area, parietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS) as well as frontal theta ERS in 32 young and 32 elderly healthy individuals who successfully performed a highly WM demanding 3-back task. PNwm area increased with higher memory loads (3- and 2-back>0-back tasks) in younger subjects. Older subjects reached the maximal values for this EEG parameter during the less WM demanding 0-back task. They showed a rapid development of an alpha ERS that reached its maximal amplitude at around 800ms after stimulus onset. In younger subjects, the late alpha ERS occurred between 1,200 and 2,000ms and its amplitude was significantly higher compared with elders. Frontal theta ERS culmination peak decreased in a task-independent manner in older compared with younger cases. Only in younger individuals, there was a significant decrease in the phasic frontal theta ERS amplitude in the 2- and 3-back tasks compared with the detection and 0-back tasks. These observations suggest that older adults display a rapid mobilization of their neural generators within the parietal cortex to manage very low demanding WM tasks. Moreover, they are less able to activate frontal theta generators during attentional tasks compared with younger person

    A New Methodology to Simulate Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Loads on a Vertical Breakwater along its Life Cycle

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    This work has been part of the research project DOVICAIM (RTC-2014-3077-4), which was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the National Program for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society

    Sistemas operacionales 2.0 de ayuda a la gestión costera y portuaria: arquitectura, métodos, mejoras e historias de éxito

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    Se agradece a DRAGADOS, FCC, Ministerio de Defensa, Instituto HIdrográfico de la Marina y Puertos del Estado por el apoyo recibido en la realización de los proyectos a ser mostrados