25 research outputs found

    On simulation of local fluxes in molecular junctions

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    We present a pedagogical review of current density simulation in molecular junction models indicating its advantages and deficiencies in analysis of local junction transport characteristics. In particular, we argue that current density is a universal tool which provides more information than traditionally simulated bond currents, especially when discussing inelastic processes. However, current density simulations are sensitive to choice of basis and electronic structure method. We note that discussing local current conservation in junctions one has to account for source term caused by open character of the system and intra-molecular interactions. Our considerations are illustrated with numerical simulations of a benzenedithiol molecular junction.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Local-noise spectroscopy for non-equilibrium systems

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    We introduce the notion, and develop the theory of local-noise spectroscopy (LNS) - a tool to study the properties of systems far from equilibrium by means of flux density correlations. As a test bed, we apply it to biased molecular junctions. This tool naturally extends those based on local fluxes, while providing complementary information on the system. As examples of the rich phenomenology that one can study with this approach, we show that LNS can be used to yield information on microscopic properties of bias-induced light emission in junctions, provide local resolution of intra-system interactions, and employed as a nano-thermometry tool. Although LNS may, at the moment, be difficult to realize experimentally, it can nonetheless be used as a powerful theoretical tool to infer a wide range of physical properties on a variety of systems of present interest.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Las peque帽as industrias dom茅sticas

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    Contiene: T. I. Peque帽os motores ; M谩quinas de coser, plegar y planchar ; Bordados ; Encajes y blondas ; Pasamaner铆a -- T. II. Flores ; Abanicos, paraguas y sombrillas ; Caretas y disfraces ; Cartoner铆a y sus similares ; Faroles de pape

    Manual del tejedor de pa帽os

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    聽2 v. (232, [1] f. pleg. de l脿m.; 246 p., [1] f. pleg. de l脿m.) : il ; 18 c

    La poes铆a de Alejandra Pizarnik como una b煤squeda interminable

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    En el presente trabajo, abordaremos una selecci贸n de poemas escritos por Alejandra Pizarnik, a trav茅s de conceptos tales como deconstrucci贸n, pliegue, significado-significante y differance, desarrollados por Jaques Derrida a lo largo de sus diversas obras. El an谩lisis propuesto, parte de la hip贸tesis que postula al lenguaje po茅tico como barrera, como una contenci贸n para no caer, en esa b煤squeda reveladora de una realidad que resulta inabarcable, llevada a cabo por la poeta en sus obras. En consecuencia, entendemos como al percibir Pizarnik l铆mites, insuficiencias en el lenguaje mismo -en todas sus manifestaciones- para expresar lo existente en su totalidad, encuentra que las palabras dejan sombras, lugares oscuros, indecibles. Finalmente, es este impedimento el que tradujo en silencio al no poder desplazar su angustia, estado que desencadenar谩 en su emblem谩tico suicidio. En conformidad con lo se帽alado, observaremos como la noci贸n de angustia atraviesa todo los poemas aqu铆 interpretados y resulta esencial para entender los mismos.Mesa E.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Efecto de las micorrizas arbusculares sobre la aclimataci贸n y endurecimiento de micropl谩ntulas de mora (Rubus glaucus)

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    The transfer of Andean blackberry plantlets from in vitro to ex vitro conditions is one of the most critical phases of the micropropagation technique due to the high mortality rate of plantlets (50-90%), as a consequence of a poorly developed cuticle, non-functional stomates and a weak radicle system that facilitates dehydration by water stress. This investigation focused on obtaining clean plantlets originated from tissue culture and hardened with arbuscular mycorrhizas (HMA). The research was performed under controlled conditions; an experimental design of random complete blocks was used with eight treatments, three repetitions and four experimental units as follows; three control treatments without inoculation, without fertilizing (T0), with 50% fertilizing (T50) and with 100% fertilizing (T100), and five treatments inoculated with HMA (MA1, MA2, MA3, MA4 and Mycobiol庐) plus T50. The major benefits of inoculation with HMA were achieved with the strain MA4 isolated from Silvania (Cundinamarca) and with native spores classified as Glomus sp. and Acaulospora sp. The inoculated plants showed better adaptation to the environment, reflected in plant size, accumulation of foliar and radicle biomass, wider foliar area, and better nutritional state reflected in a higher absorption of essential nutrients (P, N, Ca, and Mg). The use of the strain MA4 allowed the substitution of 50% of commercial fertilization since it achieved similar values to T100 in the absorption of P and Ca, and higher absorption for N and 聽Mg. The levels of root colonization by the 聽聽fungus explained this vegetative behavior.聽聽聽La transferencia de pl谩ntulas de mora de condiciones in vitro a ex vitro es una de las fases m谩s cr铆ticas de la t茅cnica de micropropagaci贸n debido al alto grado de mortalidad de pl谩ntulas (50 a 90%), como consecuencia de una cut铆cula poco desarrollada, estomas no funcionales y un sistema radical d茅bil que facilita la deshidrataci贸n por estr茅s h铆drico. Esta investigaci贸n se orient贸 a la obtenci贸n de pl谩ntulas limpias procedentes de cultivo de tejidos y endurecidas con micorrizas arbusculares (HMA). La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 bajo condiciones controladas; se utiliz贸 un dise帽o experimental de bloques completos al azar con ocho tratamientos, tres repeticiones y cuatro unidades experimentales, as铆: tres tratamientos testigo sin inoculaci贸n, sin fertilizar (T0), con 50% de fertilizaci贸n (T50), y con 100% de fertilizaci贸n (T100), y cinco tratamientos inoculados con HMA (MA1, MA2, MA3, MA4 y Mycobiol) m谩s T50. Los mayores beneficios de la inoculaci贸n con HMA se lograron con la cepa MA4 aislada de Silvania (Cundinamarca) y con esporas nativas clasificadas como Glomus sp. y Acaulospora sp. Las plantas inoculadas mostraron mejor adaptaci贸n al ambiente, expresada en el porte, la acumulaci贸n de biomasa foliar y radical, mayor 谩rea foliar y mejor estado nutricional expresado en una mayor absorci贸n de nutrientes esenciales (P, N, Ca y Mg). El uso de la cepa MA4 permiti贸 sustituir el 50% de la fertilizaci贸n comercial debido a que obtuvo valores similares a T100 en la absorci贸n de P y Ca, y superiores a 茅sta en la absorci贸n de N y Mg. Este comportamiento vegetal se explic贸 por los niveles de colonizaci贸n del hongo en las ra铆ces.聽

    Local-noise spectroscopy for nonequilibrium systems

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    On simulation of local fluxes in molecular junctions

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