279 research outputs found

    Conceptualising and measuring the housing affordability problem

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    “Copyright 1970 AHURI Limited. Published version of the paper reproduced here with permission from the publisher.” This is the publisher's copryight version of this article, the original can be found at: http://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/nrv-research-papers/nrv3-1Background Paper 1 has two aims. The first is to review relevant literature on affordability issues and discuss some of the main methods of measuring housing affordability. The second is to inform discussion on how housing affordability is to be measured for the overall CRV3 research program

    Ram Opportunity

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    RAM Opportunity is a self-sustaining mentoring and experiential learning program designed to serve high school students in the local community through programs led by graduate student mentors. RAM Opportunity operates using a plug-and-play structure that can be implemented in the arts, business, education, humanities, sciences, or any other discipline. Partnerships will be formed with local high schools and their guidance counseling services to develop a pipeline for potential students to participate in the program. The program benefits VCU by enhancing engagement with the local community, generating interest in high school students pursuing post-secondary education at VCU, and developing graduate students by providing professional development funding and real-world teaching and mentoring experience

    Situating Giving Back for Native Americans Pursuing Careers in STEM: “You Don’t Just Take, You Give Something Back”

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    This article explores how a desire to give back influences Native Americans pursuing education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We present analysis of data from 51 interviews with Native students and STEM professionals. Despite the compelling evidence of the core significance of a community orientation among Native Americans, insufficient attention has been given to thinking about the unique challenges faced by STEM professionals in devising ways to give back and how this relates to the continuing problem of under-representation of Native Americans in STEM. Here we propose strategies for universities and industry to honor Native ways of being by recognizing and embracing giving back as a value, and supporting STEM students and STEM professionals to overcome challenges to be able to give back to their communities. These strategies for situating giving back will promote expanded participation for Native Americans in STEM. This work provides insight for thinking about other under-represented populations in STEM

    AnĂĄlise fatorial da Medida de Estresse PsicolĂłgico de 9 itens em uma clĂ­nica nĂŁo clĂ­nica franco-canadense amostra de estudante

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    The aim of this study is to test the unidimensional 9-items factorial model, about psychological stress, with a non-clinical sample of Canadian students, evaluated by the metric principals of factorial analysis and internal consistency. A sample of 546 university students (Women = 79.6%, Men = 20.4%, Mean age = 23.2, Standard Deviation = 7.3) were used. The results of the exploratory factorial analysis (explaining about 55.3% of the total variance of the construct) and confi rmatory (GFI = 0.994, AGFI = 0.991, CMIN / DF = 3.77, RMSEA = 0.071, CFI = 0.985) satisfactorily confi rmed its unidimensionality. The results of the internal consistency study, obtained by Cronbach’s Alpha, McDonald’s Omega, Greatest Lower Bound coeffi cient, and also the EAP scores, ensure the accuracy of the tested model. New studies should explore and test other important metric qualities of this instrument (content validity and test-retest reliability, among others).O objetivo deste estudo Ă© testar o modelo fatorial, unidimensional, a 9-itens sobre Estresse psicolĂłgico de uma amostra nĂŁo clĂ­nica de estudantes canadenses, avaliado pela Escala de Estresse PsicolĂłgico (EEP-9), de Louise Lemyre (1988), atravĂ©s dos princĂ­pios mĂ©tricos das anĂĄlises fatoriais e consistĂȘncia interna. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 546 universitĂĄrios (Mulheres = 79,6%, Homens = 20,4%; Idade mĂ©dia = 23,2; Desvio-PadrĂŁo = 7,3). Os resultados das anĂĄlises fatoriais exploratĂłria (explicando cerca de 55,3% da variĂąncia total do construto) e confi rmatĂłria (GFI = 0,994; AGFI = 0,991; CMIN/DF = 3.77; RMSEA = 0,071; CFI = 0,985) permitem concluir que o modelo testado confi rmou satisfatoriamente sua unidimensionalidade. Os resultados do estudo da consistĂȘncia interna, obtidos pelos cĂĄlculos Alpha de Cronbach, Ômega de McDonald, o maior coefi - ciente de limite inferior, e, tambĂ©m, o escore EAP, asseguram a precisĂŁo do modelo testado. Novos estudos devem explorar/testar outras importantes qualidades mĂ©tricas deste instrumento (validade de conteĂșdo e fi dedignidade teste-reteste, entre outras)

    Transplantation of schistosome sporocysts between host snails: A video guide.

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    Schistosomiasis is an important parasitic disease, touching roughly 200 million people worldwide. The causative agents are different Schistosoma species. Schistosomes have a complex life cycle, with a freshwater snail as intermediate host. After infection, sporocysts develop inside the snail host and give rise to human dwelling larvae. We present here a detailed step-by-step video instruction in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese that shows how these sporocysts can be manipulated and transferred from one snail to another. This procedure provides a technical basis for different types of ex vivo modifications, such as those used in functional genomics studies

    Sensitization to gliadin induces moderate enteropathy and insulitis in nonobese diabetic-DQ8 mice

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    Celiac disease (CD) is frequently diagnosed in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and T1D patients can exhibit Abs against tissue transglutaminase, the auto-antigen in CD. Thus, gliadin, the trigger in CD, has been suggested to have a role in T1D pathogenesis. The objective of this study was to investigate whether gliadin contributes to enteropathy and insulitis in NOD-DQ8 mice, an animal model that does not spontaneously develop T1D. Gliadin-sensitized NOD-DQ8 mice developed moderate enteropathy, intraepithelial lymphocytosis, and barrier dysfunction, but not insulitis. Administration of anti-CD25 mAbs before gliadin-sensitization induced partial depletion of CD25+Foxp3+ T cells and led to severe insulitis, but did not exacerbate mucosal dysfunction. CD4+T cells isolated from pancreatic lymph nodes of mice that developed insulitis showed increased proliferation and proinflammatory cytokines after incubation with gliadin but not with BSA. CD4+ T cells isolated from nonsensitized controls did not response to gliadin or BSA. In conclusion, gliadin sensitization induced moderate enteropathy in NOD-DQ8 mice. However, insulitis development required gliadin-sensitization and partial systemic depletion of CD25+Foxp3+ T cells. This humanized murine model provides a mechanistic link to explain how the mucosal intolerance to a dietary protein can lead to insulitis in the presence of partial regulatory T cell deficiency.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta
