360 research outputs found

    High temperature tension-compression fatigue behavior of a tungsten copper composite

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    The high temperature fatigue of a (O)12 tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composite was investigated. Specimens having fiber volume percentages of 10 and 36 were fatigued under fully-reversed, strain-controlled conditions at both 260 and 560 C. The fatigue life was found to be independent of fiber volume fraction because fatigue damage preferentially occurred in the matrix. Also, the composite fatigue lives were shorter at 560 C as compared to 260 C due to changes in mode of matrix failure. On a total strain basis, the fatigue life of the composite at 560 C was the same as the life of unreinforced copper, indicating that the presence of the fibers did not degrade the fatigue resistance of the copper matrix in this composite system. Comparison of strain-controlled fatigue data to previously-generated load-controlled data revealed that the strain-controlled fatigue lives were longer because of mean strain and mean stress effects

    Isothermal and bithermal thermomechanical fatigue behavior of a NiCoCrAlY-coated single crystal superalloy

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    Specimens of single crystal PWA 1480 with group of zone axes (100) orientation, bare, or with NiCoCrAlY coating PWA 276, were tested in low cycle fatigue (LCF) at 650, 870, and 1050 C, and in simplified bithermal thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tests between these temperatures. These tests were examined as a bridge between isothermal LCF and general TMF. In the bithermal test, an inelastic strain is applied at one temperature, T sub max, and reversed at T sub min. The out-of-phase (OP) test type imposing tension at T sub min and compression at T sub max received most study, since it was more damaging than the in-phase type. Specifically investigated were the effects of: inelastic strain range, the coating, delta T, T sub max, T sub min, and the environment

    Fatigue crack propagation of nickel-base superalloys at 650 deg C

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    The 650 C fatigue crack propagation behavior of two nickel-base superalloys, Rene 95 and Waspaloy, is studied with particular emphasis placed on understanding the roles of creep, environment, and two key grain boundary alloying additions, boron and zirconium. Comparison of air and vacuum data shows the air environment to be detrimental over a wide range of frequencies for both alloys. More in-depth analysis on Rene 95 shows at lower frequencies, such as 0.02 Hz, failure in air occurs by intergranular, environmentally-assisted creep crack growth, while at higher frequencies, up to 5.0 Hz, environmental interactions are still evident but creep effects are minimized. The effect of B and Zr in Waspaloy is found to be important where environmental and/or creep interactions are presented. In those instances, removal of B and Zr dramatically increases crack growth and it is therefore plausible that effective dilution of these elements may explain a previously observed trend in which crack growth rates increase with decreasing grain size

    Tensile and fatigue behavior of tungsten/copper composites

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    Work on W/Cu unidirectional composites was initiated to study the behavior of this ductile-ductile composite system under thermomechanical fatigue and to examine the applicability of fatigue-life prediction methods for thermomechanical fatigue of this metal matrix composite. The first step was to characterize the tensile behavior of four ply, 10 vol. percent W/Cu plates at room and elevated temperatures. Fatigue tests were conducted in load control on 0 degree specimens at 260 C. The maximum cyclic stress was varied but the minimum cyclic stress was kept constant. All tests were performed in vacuum. The strain at failure increased with increasing maximum cyclic stress

    Characterization of failure processes in tungsten copper composites under fatigue loading conditions

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    A fractographic and metallographic investigation was performed on specimens of a tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composite (9 vol percent), which had experienced fatigue failures at elevated temperatures. Major failure modes and possible failure mechanisms, with an emphasis placed on characterizing fatigue damage accumulation, were determined. Metallography of specimens fatigued under isothermal cyclic loading suggested that fatigue damage initiates in the matrix. Cracks nucleated within the copper matrix at grain boundaries, and they propagated through cavity coalescence. The growing cracks subsequently interacted with the reinforcing tungsten fibers, producing a localized ductile fiber failure. Examinations of interrupted tests before final failure confirmed the suggested fatigue damage processes

    High temperature fatigue behavior of tungsten copper composites

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    The high temperature fatigue behavior of a 9 vol percent, tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composite was investigated. Load-controlled isothermal fatigue experiments at 260 and 560 C and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) experiments, both in phase and out of phase between 260 and 560 C, were performed. The stress-strain response displayed considerable inelasticity under all conditions. Also, strain ratcheting was observed during all the fatigue experiments. For the isothermal fatigue and in-phase TMF tests, the ratcheting was always in a tensile direction, continuing until failure. The ratcheting during the out-of-phase TMF test shifted from a tensile direction to a compressive direction. This behavior was thought to be associated with the observed bulging and the extensive cracking of the out-of-phase specimen. For all cases, the fatigue lives were found to be controlled by damage to the copper matrix. Grain boundary cavitation was the dominant damage mechanism of the matrix. On a stress basis, TMF loading reduced lives substantially, relative to isothermal cycling. In-phase cycling resulted in the shortest lives, and isothermal fatigue at 260 C, the longest

    Coping with Change: Environment as Prosthetic [Abstract]

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    Projected demographic trends suggest the need for specialized housing for older adults will increase substantially in the future. Research shows humans seek to maintain a balance between their functional ability and the challenge of their living environment (Folts &Yeatts, 1994). New empirically based knowledge as a resource for the design of housing for the aging population is not keeping pace with the construction of facilities. The focus of this three-phased project is a comparison of the cognitive perceptions and adaptive behavior strategies of elderly people moving from their current homes into a supportive group living environment. The project included administration and analysis of a survey to gather data: 1) while participants are in their existing homes; 2) immediately after their move to the independent living facility; and 3) six months after their move. Documentation of each physical environment and collection of data was accomplished through personal interviews. This project facilitates a partnership with the architecture profession to gather data and directly apply research results to current and future development of such housing. Most importantly, this project takes a critical view of the role of the physical environment in affecting elderly person\u27s adaptive behavior in times of transition

    Effect of Microstructure on Time Dependent Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior In a P/M Turbine Disk Alloy

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    A study was conducted to determine the processes which govern hold time crack growth behavior in the LSHR disk P/M superalloy. Nineteen different heat treatments of this alloy were evaluated by systematically controlling the cooling rate from the supersolvus solutioning step and applying various single and double step aging treatments. The resulting hold time crack growth rates varied by more than two orders of magnitude. It was shown that the associated stress relaxation behavior for these heat treatments was closely correlated with the crack growth behavior. As stress relaxation increased, the hold time crack growth resistance was also increased. The size of the tertiary gamma' in the general microstructure was found to be the key microstructural variable controlling both the hold time crack growth behavior and stress relaxation. No relationship between the presence of grain boundary M23C6 carbides and hold time crack growth was identified which further brings into question the importance of the grain boundary phases in determining hold time crack growth behavior. The linear elastic fracture mechanics parameter, Kmax, is unable to account for visco-plastic redistribution of the crack tip stress field during hold times and thus is inadequate for correlating time dependent crack growth data. A novel methodology was developed which captures the intrinsic crack driving force and was able to collapse hold time crack growth data onto a single curve

    Effect of the Machining Processes on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Powder Metallurgy Disk

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    A study has been performed to investigate the effect of various machining processes on fatigue life of configured low cycle fatigue specimens machined out of a NASA developed LSHR P/M nickel based disk alloy. Two types of configured specimen geometries were employed in the study. To evaluate a broach machining processes a double notch geometry was used with both notches machined using broach tooling. EDM machined notched specimens of the same configuration were tested for comparison purposes. Honing finishing process was evaluated by using a center hole specimen geometry. Comparison testing was again done using EDM machined specimens of the same geometry. The effect of these machining processes on the resulting surface roughness, residual stress distribution and microstructural damage were characterized and used in attempt to explain the low cycle fatigue results

    An Abrupt Transition to an Intergranular Failure Mode in the Near-Threshold FCG Regime in Ni-Based Superalloys

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    Cyclic near-threshold FCG behavior of two disk superalloys was evaluated, and was shown to exhibit an unexpected sudden failure mode transition from a mostly transgranular failure mode at higher stress intensities to an almost completely intergranular failure mode in the threshold regime. The change in failure modes was associated with a crossover effect in which the conditions that produced higher FCG rates in the Paris regime resulted in lower FCG rates and increased Kth values in the threshold region. High resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to carefully characterize the crack tips at these near-threshold conditions. Formation of stable Al-oxide followed by Cr and Ti oxides was found to occur at the crack tip prior to formation of unstable oxides. To contrast with the threshold failure mode regime, a quantitative assessment of the role that the intergranular failure mode has on cyclic FCG behavior in the Paris regime was also performed. It was demonstrated that the even a very limited intergranular failure content dominates the FCG response under mixed mode failure conditions
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