
An Abrupt Transition to an Intergranular Failure Mode in the Near-Threshold FCG Regime in Ni-Based Superalloys


Cyclic near-threshold FCG behavior of two disk superalloys was evaluated, and was shown to exhibit an unexpected sudden failure mode transition from a mostly transgranular failure mode at higher stress intensities to an almost completely intergranular failure mode in the threshold regime. The change in failure modes was associated with a crossover effect in which the conditions that produced higher FCG rates in the Paris regime resulted in lower FCG rates and increased Kth values in the threshold region. High resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to carefully characterize the crack tips at these near-threshold conditions. Formation of stable Al-oxide followed by Cr and Ti oxides was found to occur at the crack tip prior to formation of unstable oxides. To contrast with the threshold failure mode regime, a quantitative assessment of the role that the intergranular failure mode has on cyclic FCG behavior in the Paris regime was also performed. It was demonstrated that the even a very limited intergranular failure content dominates the FCG response under mixed mode failure conditions

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