329 research outputs found

    Understanding Everyday Relationship Work: The Development of a Relationship Maintenance Scale

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    Relationship maintenance behaviors contribute to the longevity of intimate relationships, yet existing scales are limited. Available measurement tools are primarily constrained to the Relationship Maintenance Strategy Measure (RMSM) and its further revisions. Covering a number of domains, conceptual overlap with other aspects of an intimate relationship (e.g., household division of labor) may exist. Our cross-sectional exploratory study included participants from 60 countries (n=8,162) who completed an online survey. Participants were diverse in their relationship status, age, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. From their responses, we developed a parsimonious and brief measure of relationship maintenance (8 items) through exploratory and then confirmatory factor analyses. Results indicated that the Relationship Maintenance Scale (RMS) shows initial evidence of reliability and validity. The RMS may have utility in working with couples and families. Future research should seek to re-test its use with varied samples, such as couples seeking relationship support

    Life in PBL : two PBL teams

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    Problem-based learning (PBL) continues to challenge educational institutions in terms of demonstrating its effectiveness. Prior studies have offered insight into the methods, application, and experiences of teaching using PBL. However, student behaviours and the learning cultures that develop in PBL settings are also important. In this paper, we present the ways students of a first year engineering course at an Australian university approach PBL. A number of PBL teams in the same subject were observed throughout two semesters with their consent. This paper reports on two of these teams. Some observations were video taped to aid analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyse and compare learning approaches that help or hinder successful group outcomes. It is evident from the data that individuals in the groups have a strong influence on what is learnt. Some students also focus more on exploiting the assessment system than on maximising their learning

    A model for predicting high-temperature fatigue failure of a W/Cu composite

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    The material studied, a tungsten-fiber-reinforced, copper-matrix composite, is a candidate material for rocket nozzle liner applications. It was shown that at high temperatures, fatigue cracks initiate and propagate inside the copper matrix through a process of initiation, growth, and coalescence of grain boundary cavities. The ductile tungsten fibers neck and rupture locally after the surrounding matrix fails, and complete failure of the composite then ensues. A simple fatigue life prediction model is presented for the tungsten/copper composite system

    An Abrupt Transition to an Intergranular Failure Mode in the Near-Threshold FCG Regime in Ni-Based Superalloys

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    Cyclic near-threshold FCG behavior of two disk superalloys was evaluated, and was shown to exhibit an unexpected sudden failure mode transition from a mostly transgranular failure mode at higher stress intensities to an almost completely intergranular failure mode in the threshold regime. The change in failure modes was associated with a crossover effect in which the conditions that produced higher FCG rates in the Paris regime resulted in lower FCG rates and increased Kth values in the threshold region. High resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to carefully characterize the crack tips at these near-threshold conditions. Formation of stable Al-oxide followed by Cr and Ti oxides was found to occur at the crack tip prior to formation of unstable oxides. To contrast with the threshold failure mode regime, a quantitative assessment of the role that the intergranular failure mode has on cyclic FCG behavior in the Paris regime was also performed. It was demonstrated that the even a very limited intergranular failure content dominates the FCG response under mixed mode failure conditions

    Understanding the Role of Relationship Maintenance in Enduring Couple Partnerships in Later Adulthood

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    Intimate relationships in later adulthood are understudied despite their positive association with health and well-being. This cross-sectional mixed methods study sought to redress this gap by investigating relationship maintenance in later adulthood. Our international sub-sample comprised 1,565 participants aged 55 + and in an ongoing relationship. Results from hierarchical multiple regression indicated that overall happiness with the relationship had the largest effect size on relationship maintenance, with 53% of the variance explained. Content analyses of open-ended questions identified companionship and laughter as some of the “best liked” aspects of the relationship. Housework/cooking and saying “I love you” were among the behaviors that made participants feel appreciated. Results illustrated the types of maintenance behaviors adults in later adulthood who are in enduring partnerships employ

    Relationship Between Unusual High-Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Behavior in Superalloys and Sudden Failure Mode Transitions

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    An investigation of high temperature cyclic fatigue crack growth (FCG) threshold behavior of two advanced nickel disk alloys was conducted. The focus of the study was the unusual crossover effect in the near-threshold region of these type of alloys where conditions which produce higher crack growth rates in the Paris regime, produce higher resistance to crack growth in the near threshold regime. It was shown that this crossover effect is associated with a sudden change in the fatigue failure mode from a predominant transgranular mode in the Paris regime to fully intergranular mode in the threshold fatigue crack growth region. This type of a sudden change in the fracture mechanisms has not been previously reported and is surprising considering that intergranular failure is typically associated with faster crack growth rates and not the slow FCG rates of the near-threshold regime. By characterizing this behavior as a function of test temperature, environment and cyclic frequency, it was determined that both the crossover effect and the onset of intergranular failure are caused by environmentally driven mechanisms which have not as yet been fully identified. A plausible explanation for the observed behavior is proposed

    Location-Specific Microstructure and the Effect of Heat Treatment on Electron-Beam Melted Ni-Based Superalloy LSHR

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    Examine set-to-set variability with 4 build sets with the same layout Establish the effect of solutioning heat treatments (HT) on as-fabricated grain structure and microstructure (gamma)-solvus= 1156 C (1) As-fabricated (2) 2 hour subsolvus HT(-15 C) + conventional 2-step aging (3, 4, 5) 0.5 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours supersolvus HT (+18 C) + 2 step aging Gain insight into location-specific microstructure to correlate later to mechanical properties (tensile, creep, LCF behavior

    Methods of assessment used by osteopathic educational institutions

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    Background: The methods used for assessment of students in osteopathic teaching institutions are not widely documented in the literature. A number of commentaries around clinical competency assessment have drawn on the health professional assessment literature, particularly in medicine. Objective: To ascertain how osteopathic teaching institutions assess their students and to identify issues associated with the assessment process. Design: A series of focus groups and interviews was undertaken with osteopathic teaching institutions. Participants: Twenty-five participants across eleven osteopathic teaching institutions from the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy and Australia. Results: Four themes were identified from the focus groups: Assessing; Processes; Examining; Cost Efficiency. Institutions utilised assessment types such as multiple choice questions and written papers in the early years of a program and progressed towards the long case assessment and Objective Structured Clinical Examination in the later stages of a program. Although examiner cost and training were common themes across all of the institutions, they were perceived to be necessary for developing and conducting assessments. Conclusion: Most institutions relied on traditional assessment methods such as the long case assessment, however, there is increasing recognition of newer forms of assessment, such as the portfolio. The assessment methods employed were typically written assessments in the early years of a program, progressing to long case and Objective Structured Clinical Examination format assessments. © 2012
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