4 research outputs found

    La Impulsividad y su Asociaci贸n con la Inclinaci贸n de la Frente

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    Avances en embriolog铆a, gen茅tica o neuroimagen, est谩n ayudando a discernir posibles correlaciones entre estructuras del rostro, cerebro y personalidad. Una conducta que ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones es la impulsiva, de la que han surgido distintas conceptualizaciones con cierta controversia etiol贸gica. En el presente trabajo estudiamos si el rostro refleja de manera objetiva el nivel de impulsividad. Para ello, se utiliz贸 en poblaci贸n adulta (N=33), la dimensi贸n B煤squeda de Novedad del Inventario de Temperamento y Car谩cter-Revisado de Cloninger, la Escala de Impulsividad de Barratt (BIS-11) y la Escala de Impulsividad Estado (EIE). En el rostro se midi贸 el grado de inclinaci贸n de la frente hacia atr谩s, resultando una asociaci贸n positiva con las 3 puntuaciones psicom茅tricas. Tres jueces evaluaron visualmente el nivel de inclinaci贸n de la frente. Se obtuvo un alto acuerdo entre ellos, as铆 como una alta correlaci贸n con la medida objetiva de inclinaci贸n. Aunque la muestra es reducida, los datos ofrecen una aproximaci贸n al objetivo de estudi

    Bizygomatic width and personality traits of the relational field Ancho bizigom谩tico y rasgos de personalidad del campo relacional

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    The bizygomatic width when compared to the bigonial width (WD) has been proposed as a craniofacial marker of some social and personality traits, such us self-reliance or the ability to express emotions. However, no studies have examined the association between WD and psychopathic traits, as happens with other craniofacial variables such us the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR). In a sample of 70 adults (male and female) we took measures of the bizygomatic and the bigonial arches. Subjects performed self-assessment tests to evaluate their self-reliance, their alexithymia and emotional expressiveness and their coldheartedness or callous-unemotional. Results showed a significant relationship between WD and self-reliance, emotional expression and alexithymia, and a tendency towards significance with general psychopathic scores. Additionally, we found a modificatory effect of the variables sex and age when analyzing the influence of the WD on the Factor 3-"Coldheartedness" of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R), where this effect diminished depending on the subject's sex and age. Results suggested that the WD seem to be a good marker to be taken into consideration in further research that examines craniofacial traits and personality traits of the socio-emotional field

    La Impulsividad y su Asociaci贸n con la Inclinaci贸n de la Frente

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    Bizygomatic width and personality traits of the relational field Ancho bizigom谩tico y rasgos de personalidad del campo relacional

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    The bizygomatic width when compared to the bigonial width (WD) has been proposed as a craniofacial marker of some social and personality traits, such us self-reliance or the ability to express emotions. However, no studies have examined the association between WD and psychopathic traits, as happens with other craniofacial variables such us the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR). In a sample of 70 adults (male and female) we took measures of the bizygomatic and the bigonial arches. Subjects performed self-assessment tests to evaluate their self-reliance, their alexithymia and emotional expressiveness and their coldheartedness or callous-unemotional. Results showed a significant relationship between WD and self-reliance, emotional expression and alexithymia, and a tendency towards significance with general psychopathic scores. Additionally, we found a modificatory effect of the variables sex and age when analyzing the influence of the WD on the Factor 3-"Coldheartedness" of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R), where this effect diminished depending on the subject's sex and age. Results suggested that the WD seem to be a good marker to be taken into consideration in further research that examines craniofacial traits and personality traits of the socio-emotional field