42 research outputs found

    Leverbot toenemend probleem

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    In de specifieke leverbotgebieden (door nattere perioden en peilverhoging nemen die toe) kan ernstige leverbotbesmetting voorkomen. Voor het behandelen van melkvee tegen leverbot zijn in Nederland alleen middelen geregistreerd voor niet-melkgevende koeie

    Sturen mestgedrag voorkomt spoelworminfectie niet

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    Het mestgedrag van biologische vleesvarkens blijkt in een groot hok goed te sturen met de juiste plaatsing van lignest, voerbak, drinkbak en buitenuitloop. Maar ook met het verminderen van het contact met de mest en het schoonspuiten van de uitloop vermindert het aantal spoelworminfecties niet

    Effect of some herbs as alternative for conventional treatment of Ascaris suum in pigs

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    The current study describes the effects of three individual herbs for the prevention and control of a mild infection of Ascaris suum in growing and finishing pigs. In our study, feed (a commercial organic starter diet) was supplemented with 1% of one of the three herbs (Papaya, Boldo leaf and Artemisia). Comparatively, a negative control group (no treatment) was included. Based on the results of the experiment the researchers do not advise to use the tested herbs as appropriate alternatives for conventional treatment of Ascaris suum in pigs. A combination of thoroughly cleaning the pig house and regularly deworming with a conventional drug seems to be the most effective strategy to prevent infections of Ascaris suum in pig

    Kruiden effectief bij bestrijding wormen

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    Op het Praktijkcentrum Raalte is de werking van een kruidenmengsel getest bij vleesvarkens die kunstmatig besmet waren met infectieuze eieren van de varkens-spoelworm, Ascaris suum. Een deel van de varkens kreeg 1 % of 5 % kruiden in het voer. Het bleek dat de varkens die 5 % kruiden kregen na besmetting geen wormeieren uitscheidden en er werden bij de slacht geen wormen in de darm aangetroffen. Deze groep had tevens een betere groei dan varkens die geen of minder kruiden krege

    Klaar voor blote benen

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    Het tekenseizoen is weer begonnen en ook de mens beweegt zich dan massaal door bos en tuin. Waar de twee elkaar ontmoeten, heeft de teek een lekker hapje. En ze bijten steeds vaker, zien de dokters

    Studies on the survival of Ascaris suum eggs under laboratory and simulated field conditions

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    A series of four experiments was carried out to study the survival of Ascaris suum eggs: in a pig slurry unit on a farm, in the laboratory under anaerobic conditions and different relative humidities (rH), and under simulated field conditions. Survival of eggs in the pig slurry unit was 20% after four weeks and 0% after 16 weeks. Anaerobic conditions had only a minor influence on survival: after 12 weeks, more than 80% of the eggs could still develop. At high relative humidities (100% and 75%), survival was respectively 96% and 62% after 12 weeks. At 47.5% rH, survival dropped to 0% after 10 weeks and at 7.5% rH in 8 weeks. A. suum eggs kept in pig slurry under dry and sunny outdoor conditions survived for 2-4 weeks, whereas under wet and shady conditions, 90% of the eggs were still viable after 8 weeks

    Reduction of Ascaris transmission to pigs by cleaning the dunging area

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    Ascaris suum is the most prevalent helminth on organic pig farms (Carstensen et al., 2002) and is transmitted mainly via the faeces. The use of anthelmintics does not fit in the organic principles and preventive measures are promoted. This project focused on assessing the efficacy of a cleaning protocol for the dunging area of pens on Ascaris s. transmission to pigs. In 4 batches with 8 identical pens for 15 pigs each (n=480 pigs) 6 pigs per pen were orally infected with Ascaris s. The other pigs can be earliest infected at 10 weeks and half of the pens were thoroughly cleaned at that time. Affected livers and egg counts in the manure had to show if this cleaning protocol keeps the non infected animals free of Ascaris s. The results show no effect of the cleaning protocol on the non infected pigs. These pigs had 57% damaged livers in both treatment and 50% had positive egg counts in the manure. The conclusion is that pen hygiene does not contribute to a reduction of Ascaris s. infection