9 research outputs found

    Journey to Zero NG-related HAPI\u27s

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    From October 2015 to April 2016, there were five Stage II or higher inner nares hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) caused by nasogastric (NG) tubes, with one being unstageable. These occurred despite previously implemented evidence- based prevention strategies, which included: • Two-person skin assessments on admission and return from surgery • Two-person skin assessment upon transfer from unit to unit • Daily skin assessments including under devices • Access to the Wound Ostomy Continence (WOC) teamhttps://digitalcommons.centracare.com/nursing_posters/1119/thumbnail.jp

    Rammeverk for klimatilpassing av bygningar

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    Forord. Denne rapporten presenterer eit rammeverk for klimatilpassing av bygningar. Rammeverket er meint å framheve myndigheitskrava til klimatilpassing, å vise til verktøy som kan vere til nytte for å verifisere at valte løysningar held, samt å presentere ei systematisk tenking for handtering av klimatilpassing. Rammeverket er fysisk vinkla og seier ikkje noko om prosess, organisering og samhandling. Rammeverket er eit resultat av ein kontinuerleg aktivitet gjennom heile den åtte år lange prosjektperioden til Klima 2050. Temasamlingane oppsummerte i Klima 2050 Note 5, 22, 62, 76 og 127 har alle vore sentrale i utviklinga av rammeverket. Utviklinga har også nytt godt av Norgeshus sitt IPN-prosjekt Verktøykasse for klimatilpasning av boliger og masteroppgåvene til Torun Krangsås Vikan (Vikan 2016) og Julie Sandli Danbolt (Danbolt, 2018). Den grunnleggande rammeverksidéen vart presentert og diskutert i ein internasjonal vitskapeleg konferanse av Lisø et al. (2017). Alle tilbakemeldingar i prosessen har vore svært nyttige i utviklinga av rammeverket. Klima 2050 – Reduksjon av samfunnsrisiko forbundet med klimaendringar på det bygde miljø er eit senter for forskingsbasert innovasjon (SFI) finansiert av Norges forskningsråd og partnerane i konsortiet. SFI-statusen gjer langsiktig forsking i nært samarbeid med privat og offentleg sektor mogleg, samt med andre forskingspartnarar som har som mål å styrke Norges innovasjons- og konkurranseevne innan klimatilpassing. Samansettinga av konsortiet er viktig for å kunne redusere samfunnsrisikoen forbundet med klimaendringar. Senteret vil styrke bedriftene sin innovasjonskapasitet gjennom fokus på langsiktig forsking. Det er også eit klart mål å legge til rette for tett samarbeid mellom FoU-aktive bedrifter og framifrå forskingsgrupper. Det blir lagt vekt på utvikling av fuktbestandige bygningar, overvannshandtering, blågrøne løysingar, tiltak for førebygging av vannutløyste skred, sosioøkonomiske insentiv og beslutningsprosessar. Både ekstremvêr og gradvise endringar i klimaet blir sett på. Vertsinstitusjonen for SFI Klima 2050 er SINTEF Community, og senteret blir leia i samarbeid med NTNU. Dei andre forskingspartnerane er Handelshøyskolen BI, Norges Geotekniske Institutt (NGI) og Meteorologisk institutt (MET Norge). Industripartnerane representerer viktige delar av norsk byggenæring; rådgivarar, entreprenørar og produsentar av byggevarer og teknologi: Skanska Norge, Multiconsult ASA, Mesterhus, Norgeshus AS, Leca Norge AS, Isola AS og Skjæveland Gruppen AS. Senteret inkluderer også viktige offentlege byggherrar og eigedomsutviklarar: Statsbygg, Statens vegvesen, Jernbanedirektoratet og Avinor AS. Sentrale aktørar er også Trondheim kommune, Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) og Finans Norge. Ein spesiell takk til Norgeshus i utviklinga av risikovurderingsoversikta presentert i rapporten og til Julie Sandli Danbolt som i si masteroppgåve (Danbolt, 2018) kartla relevante og nyttige hjelpemiddel ved prosjektering av klimatilpassa bygningar.publishedVersio

    Selective Startups: The importance of partnering experience on new ventures’ learning outcomes from collaboration with established ventures

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    The blue economy has been recognized for its potential to meet future requirements and represent immense opportunities for economic growth, employment and sustainable development. Emerging ocean industries are particularly expecting significant economic growth in the years to come, due to powerful incentives to innovate. Uncertainty in the regulatory and emerging environment, as well as urgent need for innovations that can replace current unsustainable solutions, causes industry players to increasingly seek collaboration with external partners. To meet requirements for future industrial sustainability, collaboration between new and established ventures may pose unique opportunities to increase its potential. For a collaboration to be successful, both parties should be committed, but this has been deemed challenging due to their diverse capabilities and structures. Efficient coordination and management of inter-organizational learning in partnerships is thus needed for collaboration to truly impact the sustainability of an industry. Accelerator programs are a solution for new ventures to connect with relevant industry ecosystems, including established ventures. These introductions might be crucial to create maximum value of collaboration, due to their ability to decrease challenges related to resource limitations, which otherwise would be difficult to achieve value from new ventures’ sustainable ideas. By participating, they are building possibilities for themselves that could form future collaborations that may not have happened without the learning outcomes from an accelerator program. The defined research questions are explained below

    Nipdraugmose Anastrophyllum joergensenii - en svært sjelden art tilhørende en eksklusiv gruppe oseaniske levermoser

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    Anastrophyllum joergensenii was described in 1910 based on material collected at Endestadnipa in Flora, Sogn og Fjordane in Norway, by the Norwegian bryologist Eugene Jørgensen. This is, a century later, still a rare species which belongs to the floristic element recognized as «the mixed northern hepatic mat» or «the oceanic boreal montane element». In Europe, this element is mainly found in Scotland, Ireland, Faeroe Islands, and Norway. Globally it is also found in eastern Himalaya and the Hengduan Mountains of south-western China, and British Columbia and southern Alaska in western North America. For long, A. joergensenii was in Norway only known from a few locations at the type locality, Endestadnipa. However, in 2006, 2007 and 2015, several new occurrences were registered at Endestadnipa. In 2014, the species was found at a new locality by Langevatnet in Sørdalen, Bremanger, Sogn og Fjordane and several new occurrences were registered in the same area in 2015 and 2017. Today, the species is monitored trough the Norwegian Nature index project. Here we present new knowledge about A. joergensenii, particularly its ecology and distribution in Norway, based on experiences from the last 10–15 years. We also discuss possible explanations for the fragmented distribution globally and regionally. At last we discuss possible threats to the Norwegian populations and need for conservation

    Thermal conductivity of high-performance insulation - a laboratory study. Realistic design values for use in energy-efficient buildings.

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    Aerogel insulation blankets could be the solution to some of the challenges encountered when designing (energy efficient) buildings. However, uncertainties regarding performance in different applications and environments may limit their use in cases where they could otherwise be employed to advantage. The purpose of this study was to examine how to best adapt European standards for the measurement of thermal insulation properties to aerogel insulation and highlight important aspects to be aware of when evaluating material parameters. We have systematically varied measurement parameters for thermal conductivity and compressive strength to map the impacts on reported material properties. Furthermore, we have compared the measurement conditions to actual conditions in selected building applications. In conclusion we propose that the European (EN) standard for measuring compression behavior for insulation materials should be revised and clarified with regards to materials that do not exhibit a clear elastic domain. We also suggest that the thermal conductivity of aerogel insulation blankets should be measured with a slight compressive load on the material, but that the calculation of the thermal conductivity should nevertheless be based on the measured sample thickness

    Pig feeds rich in rapeseed products and organic selenium increased omega-3 fatty acids and selenium in pork meat and backfat

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    -The concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and selenium (Se) is generally too low in the Western diet. But as the nutrient composition of pork meat and adipose tissue is influenced by the feed given to the animals, the product can be changed to support nutrient demands. Half (297/594) the pigs were given a feed concentrate based on low-glucosinolate rapeseed products (RS), while the other half was fed a traditional concentrate (Contr): The RS feed had an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 3.6:1, and the Contr feed had a ratio of 8.9:1, and both feeds were supplemented with 0.4 mg Se/kg (organic Se: inorganic Se, 1:1). There was a small difference in growth rate, but no differences in feed conversion ratio, lean meat percentage, carcass value, and margin per pig for the two groups. There were no differences in meat quality between the two groups, but there were differences in technological fat quality. The RS pigs contained about 2 times more alpha-linolenic acid in the backfat and 41% more in the meat (M. longissimus dorsi) compared to the controls. The concentration of EPA, DPA, and DHA were 42% and 20% higher in backfat and meat of the RS pigs compared to the control pigs respectively. The ratio between omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids were 4.7 in the meat and 4.0 in the backfat in the RS pigs, and the corresponding values were 6.6 and 8.0 in the control pigs. The selenium content was 0.3 mg/kg meat in both groups. The study showed that a portion of the present pig meat (175 g) provided the daily recommended intake of Se for men and women and about 1/6 of proposed reference intake of omega-3 LCPUFA (250 mg/day) to reduce the risk of CVD thereby providing a meat that is somewhat healthier for the consumer

    Incidence of chronic pain 6 y after major trauma

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    Background Life saving measures is the main focus in the initial treatment of major trauma. In surviving patients, chronic pain may be a serious problem, but the long term incidence and potential risk factors are not very well studied. Methods All adult trauma patients included in the institutional trauma registry in 2007 were assessed for eligibility. Among exclusion criteria were: Injury Severity Score < 9, endotracheal intubation before or during admission, spinal cord lesion, known chronic drug or substance abuse, major surgery within 3 h after admission. A patient questionnaire was sent out 6 y after injury focusing on frequency and intensity of pain. A subgroup analysis was done in patients with thoracic injuries, comparing patients with epidural analgesia (EDA) and patients without. Results Sixty‐eight patients were included in the study. Sixty‐nine percent reported pain 6 y after injury and 24% had severe pain. The severity of the injury was a risk factor for development of chronic pain, whereas pain during initial hospital stay was not. In patients with thoracic injuries there was no correlation between initial treatment with EDA and decreased incidence of chronic pain, however patient numbers were small. Opioids were the main analgesics used initially; no patients received non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs or peripheral nerve blocks during the first 24 h. Conclusion Two thirds of the trauma patients had chronic pain 6 y after injury and one out of four had severe pain. The initial pain treatment was focused on opioids