7 research outputs found

    Fermentaci贸n controlada de aceitunas verdes picholine marroqu铆es sometidas a choque t茅rmico e inoculadas sin sal

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    The present work reports the controlled fermentation of heat-shocked, unsalted and inoculated green olives. The effects of heat-shock (60, 70 and 80 掳C three times for 5 min), inoculation with the oleuropeinolytic strain of L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) and the addition of Cell-Free Supernatant of C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS of C.p-L18) on the fermentation process of unsalted green olives were examined. The results showed a drastic reduction in the initial indigenous Enterobacteria, and an improvement in the acidification of heat-shocked olives at 70 and 80 掳C, when compared to 60 掳C. The inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 enhanced the fermentation and preservation of unsalted green olives, indicated by a significant decrease in pH, increase in free acidity and total disappearance of Enterobacteria. The heat-shock treatment at high temperature (80 掳C), inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 led to the best reduction in bitterness, and favorable color changes (L, a, and b) in fermented olives. This sequential method led to more appreciated sensory characteristics (mainly bitterness and color) of fermented olives, lower spoilage incidence in olives, and reduced fermentation time to 50 days, and therefore may be suitable to control the fermentation of unsalted green olives of the Moroccan picholine variety.El presente trabajo reporta la fermentaci贸n controlada de aceitunas verdes sometidas a choque t茅rmico, sin salar e inoculadas. Se estudian los efectos del choque t茅rmico (60 掳C, 70 掳C y 80 掳C tres veces durante 5 min), la inoculaci贸n con cepa oleuropeinol铆tica de L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) y la adici贸n de sobrenadante libre de c茅lulas de C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS de C.p-L18), sobre el proceso de fermentaci贸n de aceitunas verdes sin salar. Los resultados mostraron la dr谩stica reducci贸n de las enterobacterias aut贸ctonas iniciales, y la mejora de la acidificaci贸n de las aceitunas sometidas a choque t茅rmico de 70 掳C y 80 掳C, en comparaci贸n con 60 掳C. La inoculaci贸n con L.p-FSO175 y la adici贸n de CFS de C.p-L18 mejor贸 la fermentaci贸n y conservaci贸n de las aceitunas verdes sin salar, indicada por una disminuci贸n significativa del pH, aumento de la acidez libre y desaparici贸n total de enterobacterias. El choque t茅rmico a alta temperatura (80 掳C), la inoculaci贸n con L.p-FSO175 y la adici贸n de CFS de C.p-L18 condujeron a una mejor reducci贸n del amargor y cambios de color favorables (L, a y b) en aceitunas fermentadas. Este m茅todo secuencial, que permiti贸 apreciar las caracter铆sticas sensoriales (principalmente amargor y color) de las aceitunas fermentadas, y una menor incidencia de deterioro en las aceitunas, y redujo el tiempo de fermentaci贸n a 50 d铆as, puede ser adecuado para controlar la fermentaci贸n de aceitunas verdes sin salar de Marruecos, variedad picholine

    Atypical E2F activity restrains APC/CCCS52A2 function obligatory for endocycle onset

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    The endocycle represents an alternative cell cycle that is activated in various developmental processes, including placental formation, Drosophila oogenesis, and leaf development. In endocycling cells, mitotic cell cycle exit is followed by successive doublings of the DNA content, resulting in polyploidy. The timing of endocycle onset is crucial for correct development, because polyploidization is linked with cessation of cell division and initiation of terminal differentiation. The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) activator genes CDH1, FZR, and CCS52 are known to promote endocycle onset in human, Drosophila, and Medicago species cells, respectively; however, the genetic pathways governing development-dependent APC/CCDH1/FZR/CCS52 activity remain unknown. We report that the atypical E2F transcription factor E2Fe/DEL1 controls the expression of the CDH1/FZR orthologous CCS52A2 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana. E2Fe/DEL1 misregulation resulted in untimely CCS52A2 transcription, affecting the timing of endocycle onset. Correspondingly, ectopic CCS52A2 expression drove cells into the endocycle prematurely. Dynamic simulation illustrated that E2Fe/DEL1 accounted for the onset of the endocycle by regulating the temporal expression of CCS52A2 during the cell cycle in a development-dependent manner. Analogously, the atypical mammalian E2F7 protein was associated with the promoter of the APC/C-activating CDH1 gene, indicating that the transcriptional control of APC/C activator genes by atypical E2Fs might be evolutionarily conserved