27 research outputs found

    Comparability of achievement at basic and higher level of mathematics at general matura

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    Mathematics examination on general matura is widely established in Slovenia as it represents one of compulsory exams. Since 1995 every gymnasium student must take it either at basic or higher level of difficulty. On the basic level a student can achieve grade points 1-5 while at higher level grade points go from 1 to 8. Both National examinations centre and subject experts committee constantly implement different instruments to assure equivalent point grades for equivalent knowledge on both exams. There is, however, always a possibility for improvements in current procedures towards higher objectivity and fairness. We compared current methods for setting grade boundaries (based on Classical Test Theory) to results and insights gained from Item Response Theory. They suggest new post-hoc procedures that may be implemented in a critical time period when grade boundaries are being defined. New procedures may improve both fairness and equivalence of grade points that students achieve on basic and higher level of examinations in mathematics

    Blind Benchmark Exercise for Spent Nuclear Fuel Decay Heat

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    The decay heat rate of five spent nuclear fuel assemblies of the pressurized water reactor type were measured by calorimetry at the interim storage for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. Calculations of the decay heat rate of the five assemblies were performed by 20 organizations using different codes and nuclear data libraries resulting in 31 results for each assembly, spanning most of the current state-of-the-art practice. The calculations were based on a selected subset of information, such as reactor operating history and fuel assembly properties. The relative difference between the measured and average calculated decay heat rate ranged from 0.6% to 3.3% for the five assemblies. The standard deviation of these relative differences ranged from 1.9% to 2.4%


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    Diplomsko delo obravnava prenovo računalniških komunikacij za potrebe izvajanja temeljnih in podpornih procesov v podjetju Grand hotel Union d.d. Prenova računalniških komunikacij ni omejena le na lokacijo, kjer je sedež podjetja in kjer se lokacijsko nahajata hotela Executive in Business, temveč zajema rešitve za integracijo dveh oddaljenih lokacij, kjer se nahajata hotela Central in Lev, v celoten sistem. Upoštevan je bil vidik razširitve nudenja storitev hotelskim in kongresnim gostom, kot tudi prenova informacijskega sistema za potrebe administracije. V diplomskem delu je prikazano dejansko stanje računalniških komunikacij v organizaciji. Na podlagi analize so podane potrebe in zahteve za integracijo novih rešitev in nato prikazane predlagane spremembe. V zaključku je podana ocena rešitve z navedenimi prednostmi in slabostmi.The diploma thesis treats the reengineering of computer communications for the supporting and fundamental business processes in the Grand hotel Union d.d. Reengineering of computer communications is not limited to the location of the headquarters where the hotels Executive and Business are located, but the integration of the solutions extends throughout the entire system and incorporates also the two remote locations, where hotels Central and Lev are situated. This thesis has taken in aspect the development of the services for hotel and conference guests, as well as the information system for the administration purposes. It also shows the actual state of computer communications in the organization. Based on the analysis and given the needs and requirements, the thesis shows the proposed changes and the integration of new solutions. In conclusion, the thesis provides an assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solutions

    An experimental comparison of some heuristics for cardinality constrained bin packing problem

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    Background: Bin packing is an Nphard optimization problem of packing items of given sizes into minimum number of capacitylimited bins. Besides the basic problem, numerous other variants of bin packing exist. The cardinality constrained bin packing adds an additional constraint that the number of items in a bin must not exceed a given limit Nmax. Objectives: Goal of the paper is to present a preliminary experimental study which demostrates adaptations of the new algorithms to the general cardinality constrained bin packing problem. Methods/Approach: Straightforward modifications of First Fit Decreasing (FFD), Refined First Fit (RFF) and the algorithm by Zhang et al. for the bin packing problem are compared to four cardinality constrained bin packing problem specific algorithms on random lists of items with 0%, 10%, 30% and 50% of large items. The behaviour of all algorithms when cardinality constraint Nmax increases is also studied. Results: Results show that all specific algorithms outperform the general algorithms on lists with low percentage of big items. Conclusions: One of the specific algorithms performs better or equally well even on lists with high percentage of big items and is therefore of significant interest. The behaviour when Nmax increases shows that specific algorithms can be used for solving the general bin packing problem as well

    Comparability of achievement at basic and higher level of mathematics at general matura

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    Izpit iz matematike na splošni maturi je v Sloveniji zelo dobro poznan, saj ga kot obvezen del splošne mature vsak gimnazijec opravlja bodisi na osnovni bodisi na višji ravni zahtevnosti že od leta 1995. V točkovnih ocenah je lahko kandidat na osnovni ravni ocenjen z ocenami od 1 do 5, na višji ravni do 8. Državni izpitni center in predmetna komisija z različnimi mehanizmi zagotavljajo, da oba izpita primerljivo znanje izmerita z enakimi ocenami, kar je nujno za zagotavljanje veljavnosti in objektivnosti državnega maturitetnega izpita. Seveda pa vedno obstaja prostor za znanstveno raziskovalne analize in izboljševanje obstoječih pristopov. Skozi primerjavo sedanjega pristopa k postavljanju mej med ocenami in analiz, ki temeljijo na Raschevem modelu teorije odgovora na postavko, sva raziskala načine, ki bi omogočali s post-hoc analizami v časovno kritičnem obdobju postavljanja mej med ocenami dosegati še bolj pravično in bolj primerljivo ocenjevanje znanja matematike na splošni maturi.Mathematics examination on general matura is widely established in Slovenia as it represents one of compulsory exams. Since 1995 every gymnasium student must take it either at basic or higher level of difficulty. On the basic level a student can achieve grade points 1-5 while at higher level grade points go from 1 to 8. Both National examinations centre and subject experts committee constantly implement different instruments to assure equivalent point grades for equivalent knowledge on both exams. There is, however, always a possibility for improvements in current procedures towards higher objectivity and fairness. We compared current methods for setting grade boundaries (based on Classical Test Theory) to results and insights gained from Item Response Theory. They suggest new post-hoc procedures that may be implemented in a critical time period when grade boundaries are being defined. New procedures may improve both fairness and equivalence of grade points that students achieve on basic and higher level of examinations in mathematics

    Examples of Use of SINBAD Database for Nuclear Data and Code Validation

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    The SINBAD database currently contains compilations and evaluations of over 100 shielding benchmark experiments. The SINBAD database is widely used for code and data validation. Materials covered include: Air, N. O, H2O, Al, Be, Cu, graphite, concrete, Fe, stainless steel, Pb, Li, Ni, Nb, SiC, Na, W, V and mixtures thereof. Over 40 organisations from 14 countries and 2 international organisations have contributed data and work in support of SINBAD. Examples of the use of the database in the scope of different international projects, such as the Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation of the OECD and the European Fusion Programme demonstrate the merit and possible usage of the database for the validation of modern nuclear data evaluations and new computer codes

    Examples of Use of SINBAD Database for Nuclear Data and Code Validation

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    The SINBAD database currently contains compilations and evaluations of over 100 shielding benchmark experiments. The SINBAD database is widely used for code and data validation. Materials covered include: Air, N. O, H2O, Al, Be, Cu, graphite, concrete, Fe, stainless steel, Pb, Li, Ni, Nb, SiC, Na, W, V and mixtures thereof. Over 40 organisations from 14 countries and 2 international organisations have contributed data and work in support of SINBAD. Examples of the use of the database in the scope of different international projects, such as the Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation of the OECD and the European Fusion Programme demonstrate the merit and possible usage of the database for the validation of modern nuclear data evaluations and new computer codes