283 research outputs found


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    Background: Cognitive deficits in the course of depressive disorders affect mainly memory, attention and the frontal functions. They are associated with both an earlier onset of symptoms and prolonged episodes. The main aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis of differences in the effectiveness of cognitive processes between patients with a first episode of depression (ED-I) and recurrent depressive disorders (rDD). Subjects and methods: The study comprised 210 subjects: patients with ED-I (n=60) and patients with rDD (n=150). The assessment of cognitive functions was based on performance of the Trail Making Test, the Stroop Test, the Verbal Fluency Test, the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) and the digit span from WAIS-R. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the analysed groups in the severity of depressive symptoms. The negative impact of depressive symptoms on the effectiveness of cognitive functions was observed. The ED-I group recorded better results compared to the rDD group in terms of the speed of information processing, visual-spatial and auditory-verbal memory and executive functions, auditory-verbal immediate and delayed memory, ability to learn and verbal fluency. The same differences were observed with respect to the patients from the ED-I group and the patients with the second episode of depression (ED-II) in the course of rDD. Conclusions: There are significant differences in cognitive functioning of patients with a depressive episode and recurrent depressive disorders. These differences are already visible from the second episode of a major depressive disorder. Memory, verbal fluency and frontal functions are reduced

    Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy followed by bilateral mastectomy for treating synchronous cancer and sarcoma — a rare case report

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    Purpose. Bilateral postmastectomy irradiation (BPMI) poses a challenge to radiotherapists. The difficulty lies whenever targets are large, irregular and lying at different depths. When breathing movements occur it is very hard to obtain homogenous dosing on such targets and also to not exceed those doses acceptable for at-risk organs, particularly the lungs and heart. The presented study is an example of using a single isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) technique for a BPMI case. Materials and methods. We report the case of a 66-year-old woman with simultaneous malignant sarcoma of the right breast and an invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. After modified radical mastectomy of the left breast and simple mastectomy of the right breast, the patient underwent adjuvant irradiation of the bilateral chest wall and left axillary and supraclavicular nodes region. Planning Target Volumes (PTV) and organs at risk (OAR) were deline­ated on CT scans. A single isocenter VMAT plan was created. The radiotherapy consisted of 50 Gy delivered in 2 Gy per fraction to the left side and 56.5 Gy delivered in 2.25 Gy per fraction to the right side in 25 fractions, five times a week over 5 weeks. Results. The left and right CTV (Clinical Target Volume) received 90% of the prescribed dose in 100% of the CTV volume. The mean heart dose was 14.4 Gy and V25 for the heart was 8.9%. The mean lung dose was 16.6 Gy and the V20 for both lungs was 28.3%. The dose to the anterior wall area of the heart was exceeded according to established constraints, but was accepted. One session of irradiation lasted about four minutes during which the patient received 595 monitor units. The treatment was carried out without interruption and complications. The early and late skin reaction was assessed as being second grade. After one year of follow-up, the patient did not present any serious side effects or recurrence. Conclusions. Synchronous irradiation of both sides of the chest wall after bilateral mastectomy with a single isocenter VMAT technique is possible and well tolerated

    Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy followed by bilateral mastectomy for treating synchronous cancer and sarcoma — a rare case report

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      Purpose. Bilateral postmastectomy irradiation (BPMI) poses a challenge to radiotherapists. The difficulty lies whenever targets are large, irregular and lying at different depths. When breathing movements occur it is very hard to obtain homogenous dosing on such targets and also to not exceed those doses acceptable for at-risk organs, particularly the lungs and heart. The presented study is an example of using a single isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) technique for a BPMI case. Materials and methods. We report the case of a 66-year-old woman with simultaneous malignant sarcoma of the right breast and an invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. After modified radical mastectomy of the left breast and simple mastectomy of the right breast, the patient underwent adjuvant irradiation of the bilateral chest wall and left axillary and supraclavicular nodes region. Planning Target Volumes (PTV) and organs at risk (OAR) were deline­ated on CT scans. A single isocenter VMAT plan was created. The radiotherapy consisted of 50 Gy delivered in 2 Gy per fraction to the left side and 56.5 Gy delivered in 2.25 Gy per fraction to the right side in 25 fractions, five times a week over 5 weeks. Results. The left and right CTV (Clinical Target Volume) received 90% of the prescribed dose in 100% of the CTV volume. The mean heart dose was 14.4 Gy and V25 for the heart was 8.9%. The mean lung dose was 16.6 Gy and the V20 for both lungs was 28.3%. The dose to the anterior wall area of the heart was exceeded according to established constraints, but was accepted. One session of irradiation lasted about four minutes during which the patient received 595 monitor units. The treatment was carried out without interruption and complications. The early and late skin reaction was assessed as being second grade. After one year of follow-up, the patient did not present any serious side effects or recurrence. Conclusions. Synchronous irradiation of both sides of the chest wall after bilateral mastectomy with a single isocenter VMAT technique is possible and well tolerated

    Arypiprazol w dawce 15 mg na dobę — aktywizacja i mniej działań niepożądanych. Przypadki kliniczne

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    Aripiprazole is one of the commercially available formulas that ensure therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of schizophrenia with a relatively small number of unwanted symptoms. Owing to the relief of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and a reduced risk of causing extrapyramidal symptoms, it is applied as the first-line drug in the treatment of episodes of this particular disease. Aripiprazole is also effective in the case of pharmacotherapy changes, in the long-lasting treatment of schizophrenic psychoses and other groups of mental disorders. This work presents clinical cases of patients treated using aripiprazole, with emphasis placed on the indications for application of this formula and a description of the mechanisms of its action.Jednym z dostępnych obecnie na rynku preparatów zapewniających skuteczność terapeutyczną w leczeniu schizofrenii, przy względnie nielicznych działaniach niepożądanych, jest arypiprazol. Z uwagi na łagodzenie objawów pozytywnych oraz negatywnych schizofrenii oraz mniejsze ryzyko wywoływania objawów pozapiramidowych stosuje się go jako lek pierwszego rzutu w leczeniu epizodów tej choroby. Jest on także lekiem skutecznym przy zmianach farmakoterapii, w leczeniu długoterminowym psychoz schizofrenicznych, a także innych grup zaburzeń psychicznych. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono opisy przypadków klinicznych pacjentów leczonych arypiprazolem z podkreśleniem wskazań do stosowania tego preparatu oraz wyjaśnieniem mechanizmów jego działania

    The Polish Cant Adverb przyboś, na przyboś and the Surname Przyboś

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    The author proves that the etymology of the surname Przyboś came from the lexicalised adverb przyboś, na przyboś (walk), “to wear shoes on bare feet, with a bare foot, (walk) slightly barefoot”, that came from the adjective przybosy. The surname did not stem from either compound names such as Przybysław, Przybywój or from the verb przybyć, contrary to what has been stated in the historical and etymological dictionary Nazwiska Polaków by Kazimierz Rymut.The author proves that the etymology of the surname Przyboś came from the lexicalised adverb przyboś, na przyboś (walk), “to wear shoes on bare feet, with a bare foot, (walk) slightly barefoot”, that came from the adjective przybosy. The surname did not stem from either compound names such as Przybysław, Przybywój or from the verb przybyć, contrary to what has been stated in the historical and etymological dictionary Nazwiska Polaków by Kazimierz Rymut

    John Henry Newman o filozofii i filozofach

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    Philosophy of philosophy, also called metaphilosophy, is a very interesting field of human intellectual activity. It shows not only what philosophy and its goals are, but it teaches philosophers a lot about themselves. John Henry Newman (1801–1890) in his work described the nature and role of philosophy as „organized, and therefore living knowledge”. He attached great importance to tell his listeners and readers what should characterize true philosopher as well.It is worth to knowing, what the idea of philosophy and the philosopher described and promoted by Newman (who was called – with good reason – the „Plato of Oxford” and „English Socrates”) was, and how philosophy can be a way of maturing our humanity and be a method to transform the world. This article provides an introduction and outline of this issue.Philosophy of philosophy, also called metaphilosophy, is a very interesting field of human intellectual activity. It shows not only what philosophy and its goals are, but it teaches philosophers a lot about themselves. John Henry Newman (1801–1890) in his work described the nature and role of philosophy as „organized, and therefore living knowledge”. He attached great importance to tell his listeners and readers what should characterize true philosopher as well.It is worth to knowing, what the idea of philosophy and the philosopher described and promoted by Newman (who was called – with good reason – the „Plato of Oxford” and „English Socrates”) was, and how philosophy can be a way of maturing our humanity and be a method to transform the world. This article provides an introduction and outline of this issue

    25 lat Zakładu Radioterapii w Centrum Onkologii w Warszawie na Ursynowie

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    Can radiotherapy following breast conserving surgery be even shorter than actually recommended?

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