537 research outputs found

    Perceptions on proof and the teaching of proof: A comparison across preservice secondary teachers in Australia, USA and Korea

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    Despite the recognised importance of mathematical proof in secondary education, there is a limited but growing body of literature indicating how preservice secondary mathematics teachers (PSMTs) view proof and the teaching of proof. The purpose of this survey research was to investigate how PSMTs in Australia, the USA and Korea perceive of proof in the context of secondary mathematics teaching and learning. PSMTs were able to outline various mathematical and pedagogical aspects of proof, including purposes, characteristics, reasons for teaching and imposed constraints. In addition, PSMTs attended to differing, though overlapping, features of proof when asked to determine the extent to which proposed arguments constituted proofs or to decide which arguments they might present to students


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Scaling study of an improved fermion action on quenched lattices

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    We present scaling studies for heavy-quark observables calculated with an O(a2)O(a^2)-improved fermion action on tree-level Symanzik improved gauge configurations. Lattices of 1/a=1/a = 2.0-3.8 GeV with an equal physical volume 1.6 fm are used. The results are compared with the standard domain-wall and naive Wilson fermions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, presented at the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 23-28 June, 2014, Colombia University, New York, US

    Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the emotional labour-burnout relationship: evidence from Malaysian HR professionals

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    The role of emotions amongst employees with extensive interpersonal interactions has been identified as critical for both individual and organisational performance. This particular study examines the relationship between emotional labour, trait emotional intelligence and three dimensions of burnout. Specifically, we examine whether trait emotional intelligence moderates the relationship between emotional labour and burnout. Based on a sample of 136 Malaysian HR professionals, we find that surface acting, but not deep acting, is a significant direct predictor of personal and work-related burnout. More interestingly though, trait emotional intelligence only buffered the effects between deep acting strategies and personal and work-related burnout. The findings from our study contribute to a deeper understanding of the conditions under which emotional labour can be beneficial to employee well-being

    Charm physics with Moebius Domain Wall Fermions

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    We present results showing that Domain Wall fermions are a suitable discretisation for the simulation of heavy quarks. This is done by a continuum scaling study of charm quarks in a M\"obius Domain Wall formalism using a quenched set-up. We find that discretisation effects remain well controlled by the choice of Domain Wall parameters preparing the ground work for the ongoing dynamical 2+1f2+1f charm program of RBC/UKQCD.Comment: The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theor


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    Pembelajaran berbasis mikro telah banyak digunakan di berbagai area khususnya pendidikan. Berbagai materi dirancang dengan menggunakan basis mikro dan terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Namun belum ada bahan ajar berbasis pembeajaran mikro yang ditujukan untuk siswa tuna grahita khususnya untuk mengajar keterampilan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, ketrampilan kolaborasi juga sangat dibutuhkan di pembelajaran abad 21. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bahan ajar untuk mengajarkan keterampilan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris berbasis mikro untuk siswa tunagrahita ringan kelas 8 yang terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran kolaboratif. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Desain dan Pengembangan dan terdapat tiga temuan utama yaitu: pertama, materi belum sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran kolaboratif dan pembelajaran mikro. Kedua, ada lima prosedur yang digunakan untuk merancang bahan ajar untuk mengajarkan keterampilan membaca dalam bahasa Inggris berbasis pembelajaran kolaboratif terintegrasi dan pembelajaran mikro, yaitu: 1) memilih deskriptor pembelajaran mikro dan kolaboratif yang sesuai; 2) menganalisis materi buku yang tersedia dengan menggunakan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro dan keterampilan kolaboratif; 3) mengklasifikasikan deskriptor yang tidak tercakup dalam bahan ajar yang ada; 4) mengintegrasikan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro dan keterampilan kolaboratif ke dalam materi pembelajaran untuk mengajarkan keterampilan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris; dan 5) merancang naskah bahan ajar untuk keterampilan membaca dalam bahasa Inggris. Ketiga, rancangan berupa naskah bahan ajar keterampilan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa tuna grahita kelas 8 dengan menggunakan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro dan pembelajaran kolaboratif. Microlearning has been widely used in many fields, particularly education. The recent studies showed that a variety of materials that are taught using microlearning-based can increase students’ motivation while they are learning. However, there isn't any material based on microlearning that is intended for mild intellectually disabled students, specifically to teach them how to read in English. In addition, collaboration skills are needed to support the 21st century education. Thus, the purpose of this study is to design collaborative learning-integrated and microlearning-based learning materials scripts of English-reading for the eighth graders of mild intellectually disabled students. The study uses Design and Development Research (DDR), and there are three major findings: first, the material has not yet been fully integrated with collaborative learning and microlearning. Second, there are five procedures that can be used to design collaborative learning-integrated and microlearning-based learning materials scripts of English-reading for the eighth graders of mild intellectually disabled students: 1) selecting the suitable microlearning and collaborative learning descriptors; 2) analyzing the existing materials using microlearning and collaboration skills descriptors; 3) classifying the descriptors which are not enclosed in the existing learning materials; 4) integrating the microlearning and collaboration skills descriptors which are relevant with the teaching stages of English Reading; and 5) designing the English-reading learning material scripts. The last finding is the design of collaborative learning-integrated and microlearning-based learning materials scripts of English-reading for the eighth graders of mild intellectually disabled students
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