34 research outputs found

    Observation of the Zero Doppler Effect

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    Automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) through aggressive space mapping (ASM)

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    This paper is focused on the application of space mapping optimization to the automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs). These structures are of interest for the implementation of resonant-type metamaterial transmission lines and for the design of planar microwave circuits based on such complementary resonators. The paper presents a method to generate the layouts of CSRR- and OCSRR-loaded microstrip lines from the elements of their equivalent circuit models. Using the so-called aggressive space mapping, a specific implementation that uses quasi-Newton type iteration, we have developed synthesis algorithms that are able to provide the topology of these CSRR and OCSRR-loaded lines in few steps. The most relevant aspect, however, is that this synthesis process is completely automatic, i.e., it does not require any action from the designers, other than initiating the algorithm. Moreover, this technique can be translated to other electrically small planar elements described by lumped element equivalent circuit models.This work has been partially supported by MICIIN-Spain (Projects TEC2010-17512 METATRANSFER, TEC2010-21520-C04-01 AVANSAT, CONSOLIDER EMET CSD2008-00066, and Grant AP2008-04707), Generalitat de Catalunya (Project 2009SGR-421), and MITyC-Spain (Project TSI-020100-2010-169 METASINTESIS). Ferran Martin is in debt to ICREA for supporting his work through an ICREA Academia Award (calls 2008 and 2013).Selga, J.; Rodríguez Pérez, AM.; Orellana, M.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Martín, F. (2014). Automated synthesis of transmission lines loaded with complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) through aggressive space mapping (ASM). Applied Physics A. 117(2):557-565. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-014-8703-xS5575651172G.V. Eleftheriades, K.G. Balmain, Negative Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2005)C. Caloz, T. Itoh, Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2006)R. Marqués, F. Martín, M. Sorolla, Metamaterials with Negative Parameters: Theory, Design and Microwave Applications (Wiley, New Jersey, 2008)F. Martín, Artificial Transmission Lines for RF and Microwave Applications. (Wiley, New Jersey) (to be published)M.A. Antoniades, G.V. Eleftheriades, A broadband series power divider using zero-degree metamaterial phase shifting lines. IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 15, 808–810 (2005)H. Okabe, C. Caloz, T. 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