242 research outputs found

    Nationalism and globalization in contemporary indian cinema: The development motif as an identity Marker

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    La componente nacionalista del cine indio ha estado siempre a la orden del día y sigue estándolo en la actualidad, ya sea en el marco de películas bélicas, anticolonialistas o, simplemente, que apelan de manera enfática a la vigencia y pervivencia de la cultura, la tradición y los valores indios en un mundo crecientemente globalizado. En los últimos años, sin embargo, muchas de estas películas han pasado relativamente desapercibidas mientras que otras, que exploran de forma consistente la asociación entre nacionalismo y desarrollismo, subrayando el enorme potencial de la India contemporánea en un cambiante contexto internacional, han cosechado grandes éxitos y se han convertido incluso en una suerte de subgénero de la producción comercial de Bollywood. Este nacionalismo de nuevo cuño, de corte abiertamente desarrollista, refleja en realidad los profundos cambios que se están produciendo actualmente en la sociedad india y está en consonancia con las grandes transformaciones a que está sometido también el mercado cinematográfico indio, cada vez más estratificado y dependiente para sus rendimientos de sectores acomodados y aun diaspóricos del públicoThe nationalist factor has been a constant presence in Indian cinema and continues to be so to this day, be it in war films, anticolonial movies or simply in those films that stress the validity and permanence of the Indian values, culture and traditions in an increasingly globalized world. In the last few years, however, many of these movies have gone relatively unnoticed while others that explore the links between nationalism and development, underlying the enormous potential of contemporary India in an ever changing international context, have resulted in big hits and have become a sort of subgenre in the commercial production of Bollywood. This new brand of nationalism-cum-developmental undertones reflects the profound changes that are taking place in the Indian society, and runs parallel to the big transformations that the Indian film market is undergoing –a market increasingly stratified and dependent on the upper urban classes and the diaspora for box office revenue

    Characterizations of regular local rings via syzygy modules of the residue field

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    Let RR be a commutative Noetherian local ring with residue field kk. We show that if a finite direct sum of syzygy modules of kk surjects onto `a semidualizing module' or `a non-zero maximal Cohen-Macaulay module of finite injective dimension', then RR is regular. We also prove that RR is regular if and only if some syzygy module of kk has a non-zero direct summand of finite injective dimension.Comment: 7 page

    Bimodal protection of DNA by Mycobacterium smegmatis DNA-binding protein from stationary phase cells

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    Some members of the DNA-binding protein from stationary phase cells (Dps) family of proteins have been shown to play an important role in protecting microorganisms from oxidative or nutritional stress. Dps homologs have been identified in various bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Listeria innocua. Recently we have reported the presence of a Dps homolog, Ms-Dps, in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Ms-Dps was found to have a nonspecific DNA binding ability. Here we have detected two stable oligomeric forms of Ms-Dpsin vitro, a trimeric and a dodecameric form. Interestingly, the conversion of Dps from a trimeric to a dodecameric form takes place upon incubation at 37° C for 12 h. These two oligomeric forms differ in their DNA binding properties. The dodecameric form is capable of DNA binding and forming large crystalline arrays with DNA, whereas the trimeric form cannot do so. However, even in the absence of DNA binding, the trimeric form has the capacity to protect the DNA against Fenton's-mediated damage. The protection is afforded by the ferroxidase activity of the trimer. However, the trimeric form cannot protect DNA from DNaseI attack, for which a direct physical shielding of DNA by the dodecamer is required. Thus we suggest that Ms-Dps provides a bimodal protection of DNA by its two different oligomeric forms

    TSO: Curriculum Generation using continuous optimization

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    The training of deep learning models poses vast challenges of including parameter tuning and ordering of training data. Significant research has been done in Curriculum learning for optimizing the sequence of training data. Recent works have focused on using complex reinforcement learning techniques to find the optimal data ordering strategy to maximize learning for a given network. In this paper, we present a simple and efficient technique based on continuous optimization. We call this new approach Training Sequence Optimization (TSO). There are three critical components in our proposed approach: (a) An encoder network maps/embeds training sequence into continuous space. (b) A predictor network uses the continuous representation of a strategy as input and predicts the accuracy for fixed network architecture. (c) A decoder further maps a continuous representation of a strategy to the ordered training dataset. The performance predictor and encoder enable us to perform gradient-based optimization in the continuous space to find the embedding of optimal training data ordering with potentially better accuracy. Experiments show that we can gain 2AP with our generated optimal curriculum strategy over the random strategy using the CIFAR-100 dataset and have better boosts than the state of the art CL algorithms. We do an ablation study varying the architecture, dataset and sample sizes showcasing our approach's robustness.Comment: 10 pages, along with all experiment detail

    Identification, Activity and Disulfide Connectivity of C-di-GMP Regulating Proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    C-di-GMP, a bacterial second messenger plays a key role in survival and adaptation of bacteria under different environmental conditions. The level of c-di-GMP is regulated by two opposing activities, namely diguanylate cyclase (DGC) and phosphodiesterase (PDE-A) exhibited by GGDEF and EAL domain, respectively in the same protein. Previously, we reported a bifunctional GGDEF–EAL domain protein, MSDGC-1 from Mycobacterium smegmatis showing both these activities (Kumar and Chatterji, 2008). In this current report, we have identified and characterized the homologous protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Rv 1354c) named as MtbDGC. MtbDGC is also a bifunctional protein, which can synthesize and degrade c-di-GMP in vitro. Further we expressed Mtbdgc in M. smegmatis and it was able to complement the MSDGC-1 knock out strain by restoring the long term survival of M. smegmatis. Another protein Rv 1357c, named as MtbPDE, is an EAL domain protein and degrades c-di-GMP to pGpG in vitro. Rv1354c and 1357c have seven cysteine amino acids in their sequence, distributed along the full length of the protein. Disulfide bonds play an important role in stabilizing protein structure and regulating protein function. By proteolytic digestion and mass spectrometric analysis of MtbDGC, connectivity between cysteine pairs Cys94-Cys584, Cys2-Cys479 and Cys429-Cys614 was determined, whereas the third cysteine (Cys406) from N terminal was found to be free in MtbDGC protein, which was further confirmed by alkylation with iodoacetamide labeling. Bioinformatics modeling investigations also supported the pattern of disulfide connectivity obtained by Mass spectrometric analysis. Cys406 was mutated to serine by site directed mutagenesis and the mutant MtbC406S was not found to be active and was not able to synthesize or degrade c-di-GMP. The disulfide connectivity established here would help further in understanding the structure – function relationship in MtbDGC

    Determining Sequence of Image Processing Technique (IPT) to Detect Adversarial Attacks

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    Developing secure machine learning models from adversarial examples is challenging as various methods are continually being developed to generate adversarial attacks. In this work, we propose an evolutionary approach to automatically determine Image Processing Techniques Sequence (IPTS) for detecting malicious inputs. Accordingly, we first used a diverse set of attack methods including adaptive attack methods (on our defense) to generate adversarial samples from the clean dataset. A detection framework based on a genetic algorithm (GA) is developed to find the optimal IPTS, where the optimality is estimated by different fitness measures such as Euclidean distance, entropy loss, average histogram, local binary pattern and loss functions. The "image difference" between the original and processed images is used to extract the features, which are then fed to a classification scheme in order to determine whether the input sample is adversarial or clean. This paper described our methodology and performed experiments using multiple data-sets tested with several adversarial attacks. For each attack-type and dataset, it generates unique IPTS. A set of IPTS selected dynamically in testing time which works as a filter for the adversarial attack. Our empirical experiments exhibited promising results indicating the approach can efficiently be used as processing for any AI model

    Small and large scale genomic DNA isolation protocol for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), suitable for molecular marker and transgenic analyses

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    Chickpea is an important food legume crop with high nutritional value. Lack of appropriate DNA isolation protocol is a limiting factor for any molecular studies of this crop. The present report describes a rapid and efficient protocol for small and large scale preparation of superior quality and quantity of DNA from four cultivars (JG62, WR315, C235 and ICCV89314) compared to that of earlier reports. The yield of DNA through both the methods was estimated to be approximately 80 μg per g of plant tissue. Both small and large scale preparations were essentially suitable for PCR and Southern blot hybridization analyses, which are the key steps in crop improvement programme through marker development and genetic engineering techniques.Key words: Cicer arietinum L., phenolics, restriction enzyme digestion, PCR amplification, Southern hybridization

    Antiferro quadrupolar ordering in Fe intercalated few layers graphene

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    The π electron cloud above and below the honeycomb structure of graphene causes each carbon atom to carry a permanent electric quadrupole moment which can attach any cation to impart interesting physical properties. We have synthesized Fe intercalated graphene structures to investigate tunable magnetic properties as a result of this chemical modification. An interesting antiferro quadrupolar ordering is observed which arises due to a coupling between magnetic dipole moment of Fe and electric quadrupole moment on graphene surface. In contrast to antiferromagnetic Neel temperature (TN), here the ordering temperature (TQ) increases from 35.5 K to 47.5 K as the magnetic field is raised upto 1 Tesla

    Primary Metabolism of Chickpea Is the Initial Target of Wound Inducing Early Sensed Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Race I

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    BACKGROUND: Biotrophic interaction between host and pathogen induces generation of reactive oxygen species that leads to programmed cell death of the host tissue specifically encompassing the site of infection conferring resistance to the host. However, in the present study, biotrophic relationship between Fusarium oxysporum and chickpea provided some novel insights into the classical concepts of defense signaling and disease perception where ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation followed by hypersensitive responses determined the magnitude of susceptibility or resistant potentiality of the host. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Microscopic observations detected wound mediated in planta pathogenic establishment and its gradual progression within the host vascular tissue. cDNA-AFLP showed differential expression of many defense responsive elements. Real time expression profiling also validated the early recognition of the wound inducing pathogen by the host. The interplay between fungus and host activated changes in primary metabolism, which generated defense signals in the form of sugar molecules for combating pathogenic encounter. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study showed the limitations of hypersensitive response mediated resistance, especially when foreign encounters involved the food production as well as the translocation machinery of the host. It was also predicted from the obtained results that hypersensitivity and active species generation failed to impart host defense in compatible interaction between chickpea and Fusarium. On the contrary, the defense related gene(s) played a critical role in conferring natural resistance to the resistant host. Thus, this study suggests that natural selection is the decisive factor for selecting and segregating out the suitable type of defense mechanism to be undertaken by the host without disturbing its normal metabolism, which could deviate from the known classical defense mechanisms
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