1,548 research outputs found

    E3 : Keyphrase based News Event Exploration Engine

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    This paper presents a novel system E3 for extracting keyphrases from news content for the purpose of offering the news audience a broad overview of news events, with especially high content volume. Given an input query, E3 extracts keyphrases and enrich them by tagging, ranking and finding role for frequently associated keyphrases. Also, E3 finds the novelty and activeness of keyphrases using news publication date, to identify the most interesting and informative keyphrases

    Tourist adoption of mapping apps: a UTAUT2 perspective of smart travellers

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    Purpose – Mapping apps are location based travel apps used for navigation and routing. These apps are gaining worldwide popularity because of its enormous potential. Despite of the growing popularity and utility of the mapping apps, the published literature in this area is scarce, leaving an unexplored area of research. Thus, the current study aims to identify factors affecting tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Design – The Extended Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) was applied as the basis of the present study Methodology – The data was collected from 284 travellers in India using a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Square approach. Findings – The results indicated that the most significant antecedents of behavioral intentions are habit, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and hedonic motivation. It was observed that the actual usage behavior was influenced by traveler’s intentions and habit to use the technology (mapping apps). However it was noted that effort expectancy, social influence and price value had no significant effects on the tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Originality of the research – Till date limited empirical studies have explored the adoption of mapping apps by travelers. This study is unique as it explores the adoption intentions using a relevant theoretical framework in the developing economy context wherein the use of mapping apps is still in the nascent stage. This research contributes to the literature of innovation adoption and provides an interesting perspective to companies developing location based travel mobile apps

    Outage and Rate Evaluation of Drone based Decode and Forward Cooperation for Hybrid Fading Channels

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    In this paper, we consider a drone as a relay in Cooperative Communication (CC) to improve the network performance in an upcoming wireless network. Drone Assisted CC (DACC) is more useful when the central coordinator (base station) gets disrupted. In such a scenario, the drone works as an aerial relay and provides CC diversity to the end-users. In this article, a Decode-and-Forward (DF) protocol is used as a relaying scheme at the drone, and the Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) scheme is used at the end-users for combining the direct and relayed signal. Here, we assume Nakagami faded channel among Airto- Ground (A2G) links and Rayleigh faded distribution between Ground-to-Ground (G2G) links. The performance of DA-CC is evaluated in a hybrid channel environment and compared based on drone height, rate, horizontal distance, and transmitted power with the existing Rayleigh and Nakagami faded distributions. The analytical expression of outage probability and the rate have been derived for analysis purposes, and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to verify the analytical results. This work can have security and surveillance applications to improve the network performance in the absence of a central base station

    Bioactive and pharmacological characterization of Chenopodium quinoa, Sorghum bicolor and Linum usitassimum: A review

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and flaxseed (Linum usitassimum L.) are grains and seeds popularly known for their nutritional values. This  review aimed to discuss the nutritional profile of these grains and seeds, their bioactive compounds and how those compounds help to prevent chronic diseases. These crops were selected for this study as they are all free of gluten; they are a rich source of protein, and they all have a low glycemic index (GI) i.e. they do not spike the blood sugar level, which makes them a good choice for people with diabetes and celiac disease. During the study, it was found that some or all of the bioactive compounds like phenolic acids, flavonoids, saponins, phytosterols, tocopherol, tannins, betalains, stillbenoids, polycosanols, alpha-linoleic acid, and lignans have anti- cancerous, anti- diabetic, anti-hypertensive and cardiovasculareffects on the body.  Quinoa posses’ bioactive compounds like quercetin, kaempferol, Betacyanins, betalains and tocopherol, that have biological functions such as anti-hypertensive, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-cancerous, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, anti-thrombosis, and anti-atherosclerosis effects on the body. Sorghum contains trans-resveratrol, caffeic acid, gallic acid, campesterol, stigmasterol and gallotannins, which helps prevent lung, breast and prostate cancer, prevents type-2-diabetes, and has neuroprotective effect. Flaxseed bioactives like Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans and cyanogenic glycosides have Immunomodulatory, anti-fibrosis, anti-mutagenic and anti-obesity effects. Since the world is moving towards a healthy lifestyle, grains and seeds are a good source of nutritious foods

    A Novel Developed Supervised Machine Learning System For Classification And Prediction of Software Faults Using NASA Dataset

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    The software systems of modern computers are extremely complex and versatile. Therefore, it is essential to regularly detect and correct software design faults. In order to devote resources effectively towards the creation of trustworthy software, software companies are increasingly engaging in the practise of predicting fault-prone modules in advance of testing. These software fault prediction methods rely on the thoroughness with which prior software versions' fault as well as related code has been retrievedTime, energy, and money are all saved as a result. Increases the company's initial success and bottom line greatly by satisfying its clientele. Numerous academics have poured into this area throughout the years in an effort to raise the bar for all software. Nowadays, The most often used approaches in this field are those based on machine learning (ML). The field of ML seeks to perfect software capable of evolving as well as adapting in response to fresh data. This paper introduces a fresh approach for doing ML by bringing together a number of different expert systems. In order to reach agreement on which aspects of a software system need to be tested, the proposed multi-classifier model pools the strengths of the most effective classifiers. Several top-performing classifiers for defect prediction are put through their paces in an experiential evaluation. We test our method on 16 publicly available datasets from the NASA Metric Data Programme (MDP) repository at the promise repository. Parameters of confusion, recall, precision, recognition accuracy, etc., are evaluated and contrasted with existing schemes in a software analysis performed with the help of the python simulation tool with findings. The experimental outcomes demonstrate that by combining LGBM, XGBoost, and Voting classifiers, using a multi classifier approach, we are capable to significantly improve software fault prediction performance. The results of the investigation show that the suggested method will lead to better practical outcomes in the prediction of device failures

    What motivates posting online travel reviews? Integrating gratifications with technological acceptance factors

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    Purpose –The aim of the present study is to understand the effect of travelers’ motivations and technological acceptance factors on intentions to post online reviews. Design- Uses and gratification and the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) were applied as the basis of the present study. Methodology – A structured questionnaire was designed on the basis of the previous literature. 600 questionnaires were distributed out of which 273 valid responses were considered for statistical analysis. Findings – The results reveal that altruism, reciprocity, effort expectancy, habit and hedonic motivations have positive influence, whereas economic rewards negatively influence the intentions of travelers to post online reviews. However, there is no significant relationship between social influence and review posting intentions of travelers. Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between altruism and effort expectancy; reciprocity and effort expectancy and habit and effort expectancy. Further, both behavioural intentions and habit were significant predictors of actual usage. Originality/ Value – The present study is among the few studies which investigate the effect of motivational factors in conjunction with technological acceptance factors on travel review posting intentions

    Parry Romberg Syndrome with localized scleroderma: a case report

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    Parry Romberg syndrome(PRS) is a rare acquired poorly understood neurocutaneous syndrome of unknown etiology characterized by slow progressive atrophic changes commonly affecting one half of the face. The exact incidence and etiology towards the syndrome remains unclear. Apart from the multifactorial etiology proposed, the possible primary cause is mainly attributed to the cerebral disturbance of the fat metabolism. The syndrome over - laps with "en coup de sabre" morphea, with an ill defined relationship existing between the two. Parry Romberg Syndrome is an invalidating lesion that may be associated with different neurological, cutaneous, ocular, dental and autoimmune abnormalities. This report presents one rare case of 22 years old female patient with Parry Romberg syndrome associated with localized scleroderma, accompanied by a brief review of literature with classical clinical, radiographic, histological findings and the treatment of progressive hemifacial atrophy

    Generating recommendations for entity-oriented exploratory search

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    We introduce the task of recommendation set generation for entity-oriented exploratory search. Given an input search query which is open-ended or under-specified, the task is to present the user with an easily-understandable collection of query recommendations, with the goal of facilitating domain exploration or clarifying user intent. Traditional query recommendation systems select recommendations by identifying salient keywords in retrieved documents, or by querying an existing taxonomy or knowledge base for related concepts. In this work, we build a text-to-text model capable of generating a collection of recommendations directly, using the language model as a "soft" knowledge base capable of proposing new concepts not found in an existing taxonomy or set of retrieved documents. We train the model to generate recommendation sets which optimize a cost function designed to encourage comprehensiveness, interestingness, and non-redundancy. In thorough evaluations performed by crowd workers, we confirm the generalizability of our approach and the high quality of the generated recommendations

    Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Fixed Partial Denture and Dental Implants: A Case Report

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    The major challenge in prosthodontics is restoring the function while maintaining the esthetics, especially considering the cases of full mouth rehabilitation. The use of a complete denture was thought to be the best solution in the past for these conditions but the perfect fit of the dentures raised questions in many cases. The advent of implants in dentistry proved to be a boon for such patients. Dental Implants are one of the most preferred treatment options for such cases as they help to support and retain the fixed or removable prosthesis. Implant-supported prosthesis gives an opportunity to such patients to lead a normal and healthy life considering their functional and esthetic demands. Successful osseointegration enables both dentist and the patient to accept full-arch implant-supported prosthesis. Here we present a case of full mouth rehabilitation with implants and fixed prosthesis
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