6 research outputs found

    Preservation of Cesis Medieval Castle (1903-1974)

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Cēsu viduslaiku pils praktiskā saglabāšana (1903-1974)”. Sakarā ar līdzšinējo pētījumu trūkumu, vēl jo projām pastāv nepamatots uzskats, ka Cēsu pilsdrupas līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušās nepārveidotā izskatā. Izpētes rezultātā noskaidrojies, ka šis mīts ir pretrunā ar patieso situāciju, jo 20.gadsimta gaitā šīs pilsdrupas ir ievērojami pārveidotas, kādēļ zaudējušas daļu sava autentiskuma, vienlaikus kļūstot par senatnes pieminekļu praktiskās saglabāšanas vēstures spoguli. Lai vispusīgi izpētītu pils saglabāšanas vēsturi, darbā izvērtēti ne tikai mūru konservācijas, restaurācijas un atjaunošanas darbi, bet arī pilsdrupu un to teritorijas labiekārtošanas pasākumi, kā arī aplūkojamajā periodā pastāvošais arheoloģiskās un vēsturiskās izpētes līmenis.Research on “Preservation of Cesis Medieval Castle (1903-1974)” shows that the castle in it’s almost 200 year long preservation process had been changed a lot. Despite this fact it is still popular to see Cesis castle ruins as authentic 16th century monument. Preservation of Cesis castle ruins from 1903 to 1974 generally had been done to prevent collapse threats in the separate castle parts and to insure security of visitors. To give a comprehensive survey on history of Cesis castle preservation, author focus not only on preservation of unsafe constructions but also on improvement of castle’s territory and on level of research, which makes base for practical activities

    The Castle of Cēsis, Latvia

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    The two volumes of The Archaeology of Medieval Europe together comprise the fi rst complete account of Medieval Archaeology across the continent. This groundbreaking set will enable readers to track the development of different cultures and regions over the 800 years that formed the Europe we have today. In addition to revealing the process of Europeanisation, within its shared intellectual and technical inheritance, the complete work provides an opportunity for demonstrating the differences that were inevitably present across the continent – from Iceland to Sicily and Portugal to Finland

    Towards to - the Industry Driven Research Introduction in Electro – Magnetic Compatibility Engineering Doctoral Studies

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    Recently Riga Technical University (RTU) has established the EMC laboratory in order to promote scientific cooperation between the university and the industry by means of applied research where particularly electronic engineering graduate level students are most actively involved. A strong emphasis has been given to extend cooperation with international research organisations and industry based on bilateral research agreements or collaboration within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program on EMC topic. This initiative facilitates the introduction of the industry driven approach into RTU curriculum in particularly for EMC research involving several PhD students and researchers to this topic

    An Approach for Meeting Room Activity Monitoring and Analysis

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    This paper presents the ongoing collaboration project between Riga Technical University and Accenture. The project is implemented by using recent technologies ‒ Wireless Sensor Networks and Cloud Computing ‒ to implement office room monitoring application that would make room utilization easier and more productive. The proposed system will provide administration with following information: how long and when the room is occupied, temperature, humidity, luminosity and CO2 concentration. The obtained information will be used to plan meetings, interviews, etc