1,276 research outputs found

    Autoriciclaggio e reati tributari

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    I rapporti tra riciclaggio e reati tributari sono stati al centro di un intenso dibattito in dottrina e, almeno in parte, in giurisprudenza. La questione si ripropone oggi avuto riguardo all\u2019autoriciclaggio, con profili di ancor maggiore delicatezza. Il lavoro intende analizzare il tema, valorizzando una lettura forte del requisito della provenienza delittuosa del denaro, dei beni o delle altre utilit\ue0 oggetto nell\u2019art. 648 ter1. c.p. di impiego

    Diffamazione e pena detentiva

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    1noRiflessioni su Cass. Pen., Sez. V, 11.12.2013 (13 marzo 2014), n. 12203, Pres. Marasca, Rel. Lapalorcia, Ric. Strazzacapa e FregniopenÈ legittima l'inflizione di una pena detentiva per fatti di diffamazione al metro della giurisprudenza della Corte EDU? L'interrogativo, entrato nel dibattito interno con la vicenda Sallusti, è affrontato dalla sentenza in esame. L'obiettivo del lavoro è quello di analizzare i passaggi argomentativi di fondo della sentenza per verificare se, ed eventualmente in che misura, essa rappresenti una rottura rispetto alla decisione resa dalla Cassazione nel caso Sallusti.openA. GulloGullo, Antonin

    Exact spectral function of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in a lattice

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    The single-particle spectral function of a strongly correlated system is an essential ingredient to describe its dynamics and transport properties. We develop a general method to calculate the exact spectral function of a strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas in the Tonks-Girardeau regime, valid for any type of confining potential, and apply it to bosons on a lattice to obtain the full spectral function, at all energy and momentum scales. We find that it displays three main singularity lines. The first two can be identified as the analogs of Lieb-I and Lieb-II modes of a uniform fluid; the third one, instead, is specifically due to the presence of the lattice. We show that the spectral function displays a power-law behaviour close to the Lieb-I and Lieb-II singularities, as predicted by the non-linear Luttinger liquid description, and obtain the exact exponents. In particular, the Lieb-II mode shows a divergence in the spectral function, differently from what happens in the dynamical structure factor, thus providing a route to probe it in experiments with ultracold atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Decoherence in a fermion environment: Non-Markovianity and Orthogonality Catastrophe

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    We analyze the non-Markovian character of the dynamics of an open two-level atom interacting with a gas of ultra-cold fermions. In particular, we discuss the connection between the phenomena of orthogonality catastrophe and Fermi edge singularity occurring in such a kind of environment and the memory-keeping effects which are displayed in the time evolution of the open system

    Acquisition of Medical Immunology Knowledge: A Preliminary Study of the Knowledge Structures of Medical Students

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    Medical students from both Duke-NUS and NUS participated in a study that attempted to assess their knowledge structure in the medical immunology domain. Students had to perform a sorting task with a list of concepts derived from immunology experts. We collected demographic information as well as sorting data and the diversity of the sorts are presented in this article

    The future is in the numbers: the power of predictive analysis in the biomedical educational environment

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    Biomedical programs have a potential treasure trove of data they can mine to assist admissions committees in identification of students who are likely to do well and help educational committees in the identification of students who are likely to do poorly on standardized national exams and who may need remediation. In this article, we provide a step-by-step approach that schools can utilize to generate data that are useful when predicting the future performance of current students in any given program. We discuss the use of linear regression analysis as the means of generating that data and highlight some of the limitations. Finally, we lament on how the combination of these institution-specific data sets are not being fully utilized at the national level where these data could greatly assist programs at large

    Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects

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    The concept of inner friction, by which a quantum heat engine is unable to follow adiabatically its strokes and thus dissipates useful energy, is illustrated in an exact physical model where the working substance consists of an ensemble of misaligned spins interacting with a magnetic field and performing the Otto cycle. The effect of this static disorder under a finite-time cycle gives a new perspective of the concept of inner friction under realistic settings. We investigate the efficiency and power of this engine and relate its performance to the amount of friction from misalignment and to the temperature difference between heat baths. Finally we propose an alternative experimental implementation of the cycle where the spin is encoded in the degree of polarization of photons.Comment: Published version in the Focus Issue on "Quantum Thermodynamics

    An association of boswellia, betaine and myo-inositol (Eumastós) in the treatment of mammographic breast density. A randomized, double-blind study

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    Mammographic breast density is a recognized risk factor for breast cancer. The causes that lead to the proliferation of the glandular breast tissue and, therefore, to an increase of breast density are still unclear. However, a treatment strategy to reduce the mammary density may bring about very relevant clinical outcomes in breast cancer prevention. Myo-inositol is a six-fold alcohol of cyclohexane, has already been proved to modulate different pathways: inflammatory, metabolic, oxidative and endocrine processes, in a wide array of human diseases, including cancer and the genesis of mammary gland and breast diseases, like fibrosis, as well as metabolic and endocrine cues. Similarly, boswellic acid and betaine (three-methyl glycine) both inhibit inflammation and exert protective effects on breast physiology. Based on this scientific background, we hypothesized that a combination including, boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol would be able to reduce breast density working on different pathways.OBJECTIVE: Mammographic breast density is a recognized risk factor for breast cancer. The causes that lead to the proliferation of the glandular breast tissue and, therefore, to an increase of breast density are still unclear. However, a treatment strategy to reduce the mammary density may bring about very relevant clinical outcomes in breast cancer prevention. Myo-inositol is a six-fold alcohol of cyclohexane, has already been proved to modulate different pathways: inflammatory, metabolic, oxidative and endocrine processes, in a wide array of human diseases, including cancer and the genesis of mammary gland and breast diseases, like fibrosis, as well as metabolic and endocrine cues. Similarly, boswellic acid and betaine (threemethyl glycine) both inhibit inflammation and exert protective effects on breast physiology. Based on this scientific background, we hypothesized that a combinat ion including, boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol would be able to reduce breast density working on different pathways. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, seventy-six premenopausal women were randomly assigned to the placebo and the experimental drug arms (Eumastós®) for six months. RESULTS: After 6 months of treatment, statistically significant difference between the two groups was recorded on the breast density reduction (60% vs. 9%), using mammographic as well as ultrasound examination. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary data collected here with support the starting assumptions,that the association comprising boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol significantly reduces mammary density, providing the first evidence for a new and safe approach for the management of mammographic density treatment

    Structural change of vortex patterns in anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the changes in the spatial distribution of vortices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate due to an increasing anisotropy of the trapping potential. Once the rotational symmetry is broken, we find that the vortex system undergoes a rich variety of structural changes, including the formation of zig-zag and linear configurations. These spatial re-arrangements are well signaled by the change in the behavior of the vortex-pattern eigenmodes against the anisotropy parameter. The existence of such structural changes opens up possibilities for the coherent exploitation of effective many-body systems based on vortex patterns.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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