442 research outputs found

    Effects of an Increasing Harbor Seal Population on Changes in Sites Used for Pupping

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    Aerial survey data from 198 1 to 1997 of an increasing harbor seal (Phoca vitulina concolor) population in Penobscot and Blue Hill bays, Maine, were used to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns of use of pupping sites by mother-pup pairs. Pupping sites refer to haul-out sites where pups were observed during surveys, and are assumed to be used consistently from birth to weaning. Sites with pups were spatially clustered to remove spatial auto-correlation, reduce temporal variability and provide biologically cohesive and independent sample units. Spatial, temporal and habitat analyses were completed for 2 spatial scales: individual sites and clusters of sites. The temporal and spatial distribution of the population increase was examined for individual sites (individual site scale) and clusters of sites (cluster scale) to predict behavioral and environmental characteristics that may effect pupping site use at different population densities. On the site scale, Taylor Power Law (TPL) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results revealed that numbers of pups at all sites increased at an \u27 equal rate providing no strong evidence for aggregation or repulsion behavior. However, increased use of new sites at high densities decreased spatial pattern, implying some degree of spatial limitation. Clusters of sites that were used during all survey years had the highest number of pups and increased steadily with the overall increase, while clusters used less frequently (\u3c all survey years) maintained low numbers of pups and had higher temporal variability. Logistic and multiple regression were used to relate frequency of pupping site use and numbers of pups per site and cluster to physical characteristics of sites. Initial site selection was for clusters of sites with a high availability of haul-out space, access to close alternative haul-outs, and seclusion from humans (significant variables (α = 0.05): area of intertidal zone, number of sites in a cluster, and minimum distance to an site ≥ 2000 ha). Individual site use, however, was poorly related to physical site characteristics, and is likely more dependent on unmeasured dynamic characteristics such as wind direction, surf, tidal phase, human use patterns, harbor seal behavior, and food availability. Physical characteristics of sites are poor to moderate indicators of pup production and distribution on the individual site and cluster scales, respectively. Spatial auto-correlation in pup counts was incorporated into multiple regression models using trend surface analyses. Spatial auto-correlation accounted for a moderate amount of variation in pup counts (r2 ≤ 0.35) on both the individual site and cluster scales. On the individual site scale, this likely represents species aggregation (patchy spatial pattern), while on the cluster scale it likely represents a larger scale spatial gradient across the study area resulting from an unmeasured environmental gradient in resources

    Welfare Effects of Tariff Reduction Formulas

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    WTO negotiations rely on tariff reduction formulas. It has been argued that formula approaches are of increasing importance in trade talks, because of the large number of countries involved, the wider dispersion in initial tariffs (e.g. tariff peaks) and gaps between bound and applied tariff rates. This paper resents a two country intra-industry trade model with heterogeneous firms subject to high and low tariffs. We examine the welfare effects of applying three different tariff reduction formulas proposed in the literature i) a proportional cut, ii) the Swiss formula and iii) a compression formula. No single formula dominates for all conditions. The ranking of the three tools depends on the degree of product differentiation in the industry, and the achieved reduction in the average tariff.Welfare, monopolistic competition, intra-industry trade, wto trade liberalization, formula approaches

    Incitamentet til pensionsopsparing set i lyset af de nye regler for beskatning af pensionsafkast

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    I forbindelse med FL2001 er der vedtaget en række love, som får betydning for valget mellem aktier og obligationer i en pensionsordning og i et frit depot. Ændringerne betyder, at afkast af aktier og obligationer i en kapitalpension fra 2001 bliver genstand for den samme beskatning. Der er fortsat et incitament til at oprette, opretholde og indskyde på en kapitalpension. De gennemførte og foreslåede ændringer vil dog i løbet af perioden 2000-02 påvirke dette incitament afhængigt af, om kapitalpensionen er placeret i aktier eller i obligationer. En kapitalpension, der er placeret i aktier, bliver dårligere beskyttet mod hævning i løbet af perioden. Dette gælder navnlig, hvis kontohaveren har positiv kapitalindkomst og betaler topskat. Er kapitalpensionen i stedet placeret i obligationer, øges beskyttelsen, og den er for personer med positiv kapitalindkomst og topskat fortsat ganske betydelig. Såfremt ændringerne bevirker, at efterspørgslen efter aktier falder, vil det hovedsageligt gå ud over kurserne på de mindre selskabers aktier. Endelig er en konsekvens af de gennemførte ændringer, at statens provenu fra pensionsbeskatningen vil svinge langt mere fra år til år, end det har været tilfældet tidligere.

    Marginalskatterne efter Pinsepakken

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    Skattepolitik; Danmark; Fiscal policy; Denmark

    Folkepensionisternes incitamenter til at arbejde

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    Nedsættelsen af pensionsalderen fra 67 til 65 år vil fra midten af 2004 og de næste to år vil øge antallet af folkepensionister med ca. 100.000 og antallet af pensionister under 70 år med ca. 70%. De nye pensionister er yngre, og de af dem, der har været på efterløn, har været det i en kortere periode, end det hidtil har været tilfældet. Begge forhold bidrager til at øge deres betydning som arbejdskraftreserve. Såvel folkepensionens pensionstillæg som grundbeløb aftrappes med 30%, og sammen med arbejdsmarkedsbidrag og indkomstskat betyder dette, at pensionisternes arbejdsindkomst bliver genstand for en væsentlig højere effektiv beskatning end den, der gælder for almindelige lønmodtagere. Udbredelsen af arbejdsmarkedspensioner, ratepensioner o.l. har reelt udhulet det beløb, en folkepensionist kan tjene ved arbejde uden at møde en effektiv marginalskat på ca. 60%. Mange folkepensionister oplever således en væsentlig højere effektiv beskatning af deres arbejdsindkomst end den, de tidligere var udsat for. I den hensigt at give pensionisterne et incitament til at blive længere på arbejdsmarkedet arbejder regeringen med planer om at give folkepensionisterne adgang til at udskyde pensionstidspunktet mod en tilsvarende højere pension senere. Tilsvarende incitamenter kan skabes ved at fjerne aftrapningen af pensionstillægget for arbejdsindkomst. Derved bliver folkepensionisternes arbejdsindkomst indtil godt 250.000 kr. genstand for den samme beskatning som almindelige lønmodtageres. Beregninger foretaget på Finansministeriets lovmodel indikerer, at en fjernelse af aftrapningen af pensionstillægget for arbejdsindkomst ikke er nogen bekostelig affære, og selv ved en beskeden positiv reaktion på arbejdsudbuddet vil den give overskud.Pensionister; Arbejdets fordeling blandt hele befolkningen; Arbejdsmotivation; Pensioners; Division of work in society; Work motivation

    A selective annotated list of reading promotion events recommended for elementary students

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    Students who are not afforded with the opportunity to read for pleasure often become students who choose not to read once the required reward­-based reading system is removed (Pavonetti et al., 2002). Although anecdotal ideas for reading promotion are often shared in email, blogs, and journals, teacher librarians would benefit from a clear annotated list of reading promotion events designed to help them select a wide variety of events to create a planned sequence of events throughout the school year to best meet a variety of school and community needs. The research based project is an annotated list of 31 pleasure reading promotional events designed to support teacher librarians in choosing reading promotion events to meet the needs of students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Events were selected for inclusion based upon the following criteria: the primary audience were students kindergarten through sixth grade; events were free or very low cost; events were not tied to extrinsic rewards (e.g. tokens), but could include literacy related rewards (e.g. books); and events could be implemented in one day or launched in one day with future follow up lessons and/or discussions. New or experienced teacher librarians can use this list of 31 reading promotion events to incorporate events into their curriculum. Events were selectively chosen to only include events that could be implemented in one day’s time or launched in one day to allow for practicality. Therefore, choosing at least two events per month is a goal the researcher would encourage all readers of this project to adopt

    Modelling the respiratory system

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    Et blik for værdifulde ressourcer

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    Of Roman Extraction

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