40 research outputs found

    Anmerkungen zu der aus der La-Mortola-Sammlung beschriebenen Gattung Epiphyllanthus (Cactaceae)

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    History, systematics and taxonomy of Epiphyllanthus (Cactaceae), a genus described at the Hanbury Botanical Gardens, are outlined. As result, two new combinations, Epiphyllanthus obtusangulus f. candidus and Pseudozygocactus bradei, are proposed for a revised circumscription of the Rhipsalideae subtrib. Schlumbergerinae

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 2

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Ageratum, Aster, Buddleja, Cedrus, Centranthus, Cephalotaxus, Clerodendrum, Cotoneaster, Cyperus, Honorius, Lantana, Ligustrum, Morus, Muscari, Oenothera, Opuntia, Platycladus, Plumbago, Pseudotsuga, Sedum, Sporobolus, Stachys, Ulmus and Yucca. A nomen novum, Stachys talbotii, is proposed as a replacement name for Sideritis purpurea

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 2

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Ageratum, Aster, Buddleja, Cedrus, Centranthus, Cephalotaxus, Clerodendrum, Cotoneaster, Cyperus, Honorius, Lantana, Ligustrum, Morus, Muscari, Oenothera, Opuntia, Platycladus, Plumbago, Pseudotsuga, Sedum, Sporobolus, Stachys, Ulmus and Yucca. A nomen novum, Stachys talbotii, is proposed as a replacement name for Sideritis purpurea

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 3

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Acer, Amaranthus, Araujia, Aubrieta, Avena, Bidens, Calycanthus, Celtis, Elaeagnus, Eragrostis, Euonymus, Fallopia, Ficus, Hedera, Lantana, Ligustrum, Ludwigia, Morus, Oenothera, Opuntia, Oxalis, Parkinsonia, Paspalum, Paulownia, Platycladus, Pleuropterus, Rumex, Salvia, Senecio, Setaria, Syagrus, Tradescantia, Trifolium and Yucca. Furthermore, a new combination in the genus Vicia is proposed

    Further records of opuntioid cacti (Opuntieae, Opuntioideae, Cactaceae) from Tunisia with a key and updated checklist of the species of the genus Opuntia in northern Africa

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    Further botanical investigations on the vascular mainly non-native flora in Tunisia, especially between 2012 and 2023, yielded numerous novelties of succulents belonging to the Cactaceae in the form of new records and or new distribution data. Opuntia phaeacantha and O. pilifera as casual aliens are here reported for the first time from the African continent. O. engelmannii and O. leucotricha are probably reported for the first time from northern Africa. These two species are considered only as adventive, at least at present. 0. tomentosa is here first reported as established in northern Africa, previously reported only as casual from Algeria. Additionally, new distributional records from Tunisia are given for O. elatior,O. monacantha, O. robusta and O. tuna. Short chorological data are given for each of the reported species, comments on their actual status was pointed out and original field photographs are provided. A diagnostic key to the naturalised species of 0puntia in North Africa is proposed together with an updated checklist and a pictorial guide


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    Alwin Berger (1871-1931) during his scientific activity at the Hanbury Botanical Gardens (1897-1915) and as succulent specialist have preserved more than 1,500 exsiccata and published more than 700 new taxa and combinations. The Berger\u2019s succulent dry collection, preserved at the Herbarium Mortolensis [HMGBH] and characterized by approximately 1,400 exsiccata with 48 specimens potentially useful for typifications, and 59 genera is here presented and compared for the first time with the other collections deposited at the Smithsonian Institution of Washington [US], New York Botanical Garden [NY], and Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew [K]. Two projects focusing on the Berger\u2019s succulent herbaria conservation, study and revision now being carried out so to contribute to the promotion of the monumental history of the Hanbury Gardens and the Berger\u2019s systematic work on succulent families are presented