49 research outputs found


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    Efforts to conserve birds of prey have been increasing over the past three decades, highlighting breeding programs in captivity and zoos, scientific research, environmental education, rehabilitation and reintroduction. In order to generate subsidies for such actions, blood samples and gonads were collected from 24 roadside hawks to determine the hematological and hormonal indexes and gonadal morphology. Routine techniques for hematological, histological and chemiluminescence analyses were used to determine hematology, gonadal morphology and hormone levels, respectively. Hematological values of PCV, erythrocytes and lymphocytes differed between the birds recently-arrived in captivity and the birds with at least one year of captivity, a difference associated to the higher level of stress of the newly arrived animals due to the recent exposure to captivity conditions. T3 was significantly different between females and males, and T3 and T4 were higher in animals during feather moulting. The gonadal morphology was similar to that of other birds, however, persistence of the right ovary was observed in 66% of the cases, and other characteristics indicative of a seasonal reproductive cycle in the Brazilian Northeast. The data collected serve as subsidies for the clinical care of this species, besides providing a better understanding of the reproduction of birds of prey, and assisting in the preservation

    Morphology and ultrastructural development of renal system in bovine embryos with gestational age between 10 and 50 days

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento dos sistemas renais de bovinos durante o período embrionário compreendido entre 10 e 50 dias. Embriões bovinos coletados em frigorífico foram fotografados e medidos utilizando-se o método Crow-Rump (CR) para estimar a idade gestacional. Os embriões destinados à miscroscopia óptica foram fixados em solução de Bouin para a avaliação do desenvolvimento do sistema renal, assim como suas estruturas. Alguns embriões também foram fixados em Glutaraldeído 2,5% e destinados à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão para o estudo ultraestrutural das células do sistema renal. Embriões entre o 14° e o 15° dia de desenvolvimento (E14-15) não apresentaram pronefro, mas apresentaram mesonefro, assim como indícios morfológicos que indicam sua atividade funcional. O mesonefro apresentou, no interior de suas células tubulares, inúmeras mitocôndrias e interdigitações, indicando uma alta atividade de transporte iônico. O metanefro, ou rim definitivo, iniciou seu desenvolvimento em E23-24. Os achados emonstram que a involução do mesonefro acontece simultaneamente com a diferenciação metanefrogênica. Em E45-46, já iniciando a fase fetal, o metanefro possuiu unidades filtradoras (néfrons), com seus respectivos glomérulos, túbulos contorcidos proximais e distais e alça de Henle. Nessa fase, o rim ainda não apresenta lobação externa.The aim of this study was to describe the bovine renal system development, during the early embryonic period (10-50 days). Bovine embryos collected in abattoir were photographed and measured by Crow-Rump (CR) method to estimate the gestational age. The embryos destined to optical microscopy were fixed in Bouin solution for development evaluations of renal system, as well as its structures. Some embryos also were fixed in Glutaraldeheyde 2.5% and destined to transmission electron microscopy for ultrastructural study of renal system cells. In bovine embryos with gestational age of 14 to 15 days (E14-15) the presence of pronephro were not observed, however the mesonephro was found, as well as morphologic indications of it is functional activity. Mesonephro presented, in the interior of its tubular cells, innumerable mitochondrias and interdigitations, indicating high activity of ionic transportation. The metanephro, or definitive kidney, initiates its development in E23-24. The study demonstrated that the involution of mesonephro happened simultaneously with the metanephrogenic differentiation. In E45-46, the embryos already initiated the fetal phase, and the metanephro possess the filter units (nephrons), with its respective glomeruli, proximal and distal convoluted tubules, and the loop of Henle

    Effect of photoperiodicity in the pregnancy rate of isogenic rats (F344)

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    O uso de animais isogênicos apresenta grandes vantagens experimentais, como uniformidade fenotípica e genotípica (reduzindo o número de animais em experimentos) e histocompatibilidade, permitindo, assim, o acúmulo de informações e a repetibilidade dos experimentos. A linhagem isogênica de Rattus norvegicus Fischer 344 existe há 90 anos, entretanto pouco se sabe sobre as razões de seu baixo índice reprodutivo. O presente estudo demonstrou que ratos Fischer F344 são fotorresponsivos quanto à reprodução, tendo seus índices de prenhezes acrescidos com o aumento do fotoperíodo. Os melhores índices são obtidos quando os machos são submetidos a 14 horas de luz e fêmeas a 16 horas de luz, indicando dimorfismo sexual na fotorresponsividade.The use of isogenic animals presents great experimental advantages, as phenotypic and genotypic uniformity (reducing the number of experimental animals) and histocompatibility, thus allowing, the accumulation of information, and the repeatability of the experiments. The isogenic strain of Rattus norvegicus Fischer 344 has existed for 90 years, however the reasons of its low reproductive index are not knew. The present study has demonstrated that Fischer F344 rats are photoresponsive regarding reproduction, having improved its pregnancy index with the increase of the photoperiod. The best indexes were achieved when the males had been submitted to 14 hours of light and females to 16 hours of light, indicating sexual dimorphism in photoresponsivity

    Biometria, histologia e morfometria do sistema digestório do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous) de vida livre

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    O cachorro do mato (Cerdocyon thous) é encontrado por todo o Brasil. Possui hábito noturno, podendo ser observado nas margens de estradas, onde procura restos de animais atropelados e, por isso, frequentemente são vítimas de atropelamento. Esse estudo visa a caracterização anatômica macro e microscópicas do sistema digestório do cachorro do mato, pois os mesmos trazem subsídios para a realização de procedimentos clínicos e cirúrgicos, além de trazer informações importantes a respeito das estratégias de alimentação, principalmente para indivíduos selvagens que necessitem de cuidados veterinários após resgate em casos de atropelamento, queimadas e enchentes causadas por enchimento de lagos de hidroelétricas ou mesmo em projetos de reprodução em cativeiro e repovoamento. Foram coletadas amostras do sistema digestório de 3 animais de vida livre da região de Guarapuava-PR. Os cachorros do mato estudados era maiores do que a média descrita para espécie, possuíam um sistema digestório menor que de outros carnívoros, além de apresentar outras características anatômicas e histológicas diferentes das encontradas na literatura

    Morphology and functionality of the type II pneumocytes and their variation in relation to bovine gestational age

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    Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a presença de pneumócitos tipo II e o início da produção de lipoproteína surfactante em bovinos, correlacionando a idade gestacional com a síntese de surfactante durante o desenvolvimento fetal. Pulmões de fetos com quatro meses de idade gestacional estavam na fase canalicular de desenvolvimento, sem a presença de pneumócitos tipo II ou bandas eletroforéticas compatíveis com a presença de proteínas surfactante. No 5° mês gestacional, os pulmões dos fetos encontravam-se em fase de saculação terminal, com a presença de alvéolos por epitélio cúbico, com áreas formadas por pneumócitos I e II. Nesse período ainda não foi possível identificar proteína surfactante nos pulmões. Esses órgãos em fetos com seis meses de idade gestacional estavam em fase de saco terminal, com presença de pneumócitos tipo I e II. Nessa fase a análise para determinação protéica do surfactante de feto bovino (SDS - PAGE) demonstrou presença de bandas entre 26 e 36kDa, confirmando produção de SP - A, proteína surfactante encontrada em maior quantidade. A partir do 7° mês gestacional, a fase de saco terminal é mais evidente e complexa, com desenvolvimento de intensa vascularização. O pneumócito tipo I apresentava aspecto mais pavimentoso, e o tipo II apresentava aspecto mais globoso. Na análise SDS - PAGE do lavado bronco - alveolar, bandas de proteína surfactante com aspecto similar ao de animais recém-nascidos foram encontradas. Em recém-nascidos, pulmões na fase alveolar foram observados com pneumócitos tipo I e II característicos. O perfil das bandas do lavado bronco-alveolar dos recém-nascidos foi igual ao de animais adultos. Esses achados sugerem que um animal nascido precocemente, a partir dos sete meses de gestação, teria sua sobrevivência garantida devido a uma possível funcionalidade do sistema respiratório do feto, pois o pulmão possuiria as características necessárias para a síntese de proteínas surfactantes. Entretanto, mais estudos clínicos sobre a funcionalidade do sistema respiratório abrem novas fronteiras de experimentos sobre fisiologia respiratória em recém-nascidos bovinos.The aim of this study was to characterize the presence of type II pneumocyte and the beginning of the surfactant protein production in bovines to the correlated gestational age. Lungs of fetuses at 4 months gestational age were found to be in the canalicular development phase, without presence of type II pneumocytes or appearance of electrophoretic bands compatible with the presence of the surfactant protein. In fetuses at 5 months of gestational age, the lungs were at the terminal sac phase, with the presence of primitive alveolus, formed by cubical epithelium and areas formed by pneumocytes I and pneumocytes II. No electrophoretic bands compatible to the surfactants proteins were identified. In contrast, lungs of fetuses at 6 months of gestational age showed, development of terminal sac phase, with the presence of type I and type II pneumocytes. In this phase, proteic determination for the SDS - PAGE analysis showed the presence of bands between 26 to 36kDa, demonstrating SP - A production, which is the surfactant protein found in highest amount. From the 7th gestational month on, the phase of terminal sac is more evident and complex, with intense sprouting vascularization. The type I pneumocyte had a more squamous aspect and type II pneumocyte were more globular. In the SDS - PAGE analysis of the bronchial - alveolar wash, surfactant protein bands had been observed with a profile similar to that of the newborn animals. In newborn animals, lungs in alveolar phase showed the development of type I and II pneumocytes. The profile of the bronchial - alveolar wash from the newborn was similar to an adult animal, presenting the same bands in triplets. These results suggest that early born fetuses, from 7 months of pregnancy could have a guarantee of surviving due to possible functionality of respiratory system because the lung presented all necessary features for surphactant protein syntheses. However, new clinical studies related to respiratory system functionality open new venues for newborn bovine's experiments respiratory physiology

    Performance and ruminal and intestinal morphometry of Santa Inês sheep submitted to feed restriction and refeeding

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the performance and ruminal and intestinal morphology of Santa Inês sheep subjected to feed restriction followed by refeeding. A total of 40 uncastrated lambs with an approximate age of 120 ± 15 days and mean body weight (BW) of 17.04 ± 1.18 kg were randomly divided into two groups of BW (20 and 25 kg of BW), which were subjected to different levels of feed restriction (0%, 25%, and 40% of feed restriction). For performance variables, six treatments were considered (0, 25%, and 40% of feed restriction for both groups (20 and 25 kg of BW)) and five treatments for morphometric variables (ad libitum, 25% and 40% for both groups (20 and 25 kg of BW)). All animals were slaughtered with 14 weeks of experimentation. During the feed restriction phase, the dry matter intake (DMI), feed efficiency (FE), and average daily gain (ADG) decreased (P < 0.05) as the level of restriction increased. During the refeeding phase, lambs with 20 kg of body weight subjected to restriction presented lower (P < 0.05) DMI in the ad libitum treatment. However, lambs with 25 kg of body weight under feed restriction presented DMI, FE, and ADG similar (P > 0.05) to the group ad libitum. The final body weight of restricted lambs after refeeding (both groups 20 and 25 kg of body weight) was lower (P < 0.05) than lambs feed ad libitum. In relation to morphology, restricted lambs showed greater height ruminal papillae and larger (P < 0.05) area of ruminal absorption and intestinal absorption, especially the lambs under treatment 40% of feed restriction. The feed restriction followed by refeeding in sheep provided partial compensatory gain, in addition, caused morphological changes in the rumen and intestine that allowed greater absorption and possibly compensatory gain in periods of greater refeeding.The authors would like to thank the Federal University of Campina Grande and Federal University of Paraíba for their technical assistance. This study was supported by CNPq and CAPESinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio