5,544 research outputs found

    An Extended Variational Principle for the SK Spin-Glass Model

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    The recent proof by F. Guerra that the Parisi ansatz provides a lower bound on the free energy of the SK spin-glass model could have been taken as offering some support to the validity of the purported solution. In this work we present a broader variational principle, in which the lower bound, as well as the actual value, are obtained through an optimization procedure for which ultrametic/hierarchal structures form only a subset of the variational class. The validity of Parisi's ansatz for the SK model is still in question. The new variational principle may be of help in critical review of the issue.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex

    General properties of overlap probability distributions in disordered spin systems. Toward Parisi ultrametricity

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    For a very general class of probability distributions in disordered Ising spin systems, in the thermodynamical limit, we prove the following property for overlaps among real replicas. Consider the overlaps among s replicas. Add one replica s+1. Then, the overlap q(a,s+1) between one of the first s replicas, let us say a, and the added s+1 is either independent of the former ones, or it is identical to one of the overlaps q(a,b), with b running among the first s replicas, excluding a. Each of these cases has equal probability 1/s.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages. Submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. Also available at http://rerumnatura.zool.su.se/stefano/ms/ghigu.p

    Interpolating the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick replica trick

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    The interpolation techniques have become, in the past decades, a powerful approach to lighten several properties of spin glasses within a simple mathematical framework. Intrinsically, for their construction, these schemes were naturally implemented into the cavity field technique, or its variants as the stochastic stability or the random overlap structures. However the first and most famous approach to mean field statistical mechanics with quenched disorder is the replica trick. Among the models where these methods have been used (namely, dealing with frustration and complexity), probably the best known is the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass: In this paper we are pleased to apply the interpolation scheme to the replica trick framework and test it directly to the cited paradigmatic model: interestingly this allows to obtain easily the replica-symmetric control and, synergically with the broken replica bounds, a description of the full RSB scenario, both coupled with several minor theorems. Furthermore, by treating the amount of replicas n(0,1]n\in(0,1] as an interpolating parameter (far from its original interpretation) this can be though of as a quenching temperature close to the one introduce in off-equilibrium approaches and, within this viewpoint, the proof of the attended commutativity of the zero replica and the infinite volume limits can be obtained.Comment: This article is dedicated to David Sherrington on the occasion of his seventieth birthda

    Replica symmetry breaking in mean field spin glasses trough Hamilton-Jacobi technique

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    During the last years, through the combined effort of the insight, coming from physical intuition and computer simulation, and the exploitation of rigorous mathematical methods, the main features of the mean field Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model have been firmly established. In particular, it has been possible to prove the existence and uniqueness of the infinite volume limit for the free energy, and its Parisi expression, in terms of a variational principle, involving a functional order parameter. Even the expected property of ultrametricity, for the infinite volume states, seems to be near to a complete proof. The main structural feature of this model, and related models, is the deep phenomenon of spontaneous replica symmetry breaking (RSB), discovered by Parisi many years ago. By expanding on our previous work, the aim of this paper is to investigate a general frame, where replica symmetry breaking is embedded in a kind of mechanical scheme of the Hamilton-Jacobi type. Here, the analog of the "time" variable is a parameter characterizing the strength of the interaction, while the "space" variables rule out quantitatively the broken replica symmetry pattern. Starting from the simple cases, where annealing is assumed, or replica symmetry, we build up a progression of dynamical systems, with an increasing number of space variables, which allow to weaken the effect of the potential in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, as the level of symmetry braking is increased. This new machinery allows to work out mechanically the general K-step RSB solutions, in a different interpretation with respect to the replica trick, and lightens easily their properties as existence or uniqueness.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    The mean field theory of spin glasses: the heuristic replica approach and recent rigorous results

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    The mathematically correct computation of the spin glasses free energy in the infinite range limit crowns 25 years of mathematic efforts in solving this model. The exact solution of the model was found many years ago by using a heuristic approach; the results coming from the heuristic approach were crucial in deriving the mathematical results. The mathematical tools used in the rigorous approach are quite different from those of the heuristic approach. In this note we will review the heuristic approach to spin glasses in the light of the rigorous results; we will also discuss some conjectures that may be useful to derive the solution of the model in an alternative way.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; lecture at the Flato Colloquia Day, Thursday 27 November, 200

    A Statistical Interpretation of Space and Classical-Quantum duality

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    By defining a prepotential function for the stationary Schr\"odinger equation we derive an inversion formula for the space variable xx as a function of the wave-function ψ\psi. The resulting equation is a Legendre transform that relates xx, the prepotential F{\cal F}, and the probability density. We invert the Schr\"odinger equation to a third-order differential equation for F{\cal F} and observe that the inversion procedure implies a xx-ψ\psi duality. This phenomenon is related to a modular symmetry due to the superposition of the solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation. We propose that in quantum mechanics the space coordinate can be interpreted as a macroscopic variable of a statistical system with \hbar playing the role of a scaling parameter. We show that the scaling property of the space coordinate with respect to τ=ψ2F\tau=\partial_{\psi}^2{\cal F} is determined by the ``beta-function''. We propose that the quantization of the inversion formula is a natural way to quantize geometry. The formalism is extended to higher dimensions and to the Klein-Gordon equation.Comment: 11 pages. Standard Latex. Final version to appear in Physical Review Letters. Revised and extended version. The formalism is extended to higher dimensions and to the Klein-Gordon equation. A possible connection with string theory is considered. The xψx-\psi duality is emphasized by a minor change in the title. The new title is: Duality of xx and ψ\psi and a statistical interpretation of space in quantum mechanic

    How glassy are neural networks?

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    In this paper we continue our investigation on the high storage regime of a neural network with Gaussian patterns. Through an exact mapping between its partition function and one of a bipartite spin glass (whose parties consist of Ising and Gaussian spins respectively), we give a complete control of the whole annealed region. The strategy explored is based on an interpolation between the bipartite system and two independent spin glasses built respectively by dichotomic and Gaussian spins: Critical line, behavior of the principal thermodynamic observables and their fluctuations as well as overlap fluctuations are obtained and discussed. Then, we move further, extending such an equivalence beyond the critical line, to explore the broken ergodicity phase under the assumption of replica symmetry and we show that the quenched free energy of this (analogical) Hopfield model can be described as a linear combination of the two quenched spin-glass free energies even in the replica symmetric framework

    A note on the Guerra and Talagrand theorems for Mean Field Spin Glasses: the simple case of spherical models

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the main ideas of the Talagrand proof of the Parisi Ansatz for the free-energy of Mean Field Spin Glasses with a physicist's approach. We consider the case of the spherical pp-spin model, which has the following advantages: 1) the Parisi Ansatz takes the simple ``one step replica symmetry breaking form'', 2) the replica free-energy as a function of the order parameters is simple enough to allow for numerical maximization with arbitrary precision. We present the essential ideas of the proof, we stress its connections with the theory of effective potentials for glassy systems, and we reduce the technically more difficult part of the Talagrand's analysis to an explicit evaluation of the solution of a variational problem.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Added references and minor language correction

    Crowd-based cognitive perception of the physical world: Towards the internet of senses

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    This paper introduces a possible architecture and discusses the research directions for the realization of the Cognitive Perceptual Internet (CPI), which is enabled by the convergence of wired and wireless communications, traditional sensor networks, mobile crowd-sensing, and machine learning techniques. The CPI concept stems from the fact that mobile devices, such as smartphones and wearables, are becoming an outstanding mean for zero-effort world-sensing and digitalization thanks to their pervasive diffusion and the increasing number of embedded sensors. Data collected by such devices provide unprecedented insights into the physical world that can be inferred through cognitive processes, thus originating a digital sixth sense. In this paper, we describe how the Internet can behave like a sensing brain, thus evolving into the Internet of Senses, with network-based cognitive perception and action capabilities built upon mobile crowd-sensing mechanisms. The new concept of hyper-map is envisioned as an efficient geo-referenced repository of knowledge about the physical world. Such knowledge is acquired and augmented through heterogeneous sensors, multi-user cooperation and distributed learning mechanisms. Furthermore, we indicate the possibility to accommodate proactive sensors, in addition to common reactive sensors such as cameras, antennas, thermometers and inertial measurement units, by exploiting massive antenna arrays at millimeter-waves to enhance mobile terminals perception capabilities as well as the range of new applications. Finally, we distillate some insights about the challenges arising in the realization of the CPI, corroborated by preliminary results, and we depict a futuristic scenario where the proposed Internet of Senses becomes true