58 research outputs found

    Use of mannan oligosaccharides during "post-weaning enteric syndrome" in rabbits: effect on in vivo performance from 35 to 60 days

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    Four groups, each consisting of 684 weaned (35 days) hybrid Hyla rabbits were fed ad libitum the same commercial concentrate supplemented, respectively, with antibiotics (AGP group: colistin sulphate 144 mg/kg; tylosin 100m g/kg and oxytetracyclin 1000 mg/kg) or with mannan oligosac- charides (MOS) at 0.5 (group MOS_0.5), 1.0 (group MOS_1.0) and 1.5 g/kg (group MOS_1.5). Up to 60 days, mortality rate was recorded daily. For each group, 64 rabbits were controlled weekly for live weight to calculate daily weight gain (DWG). Feed intake (and, by consequence, feed conversion ratio) was measured, weekly, per group. No differences were observed for live weight during the trial, while DWG showed an alternate trend, in general, significantly lower for AGP group, exclusive of the third week (49- 56 days). Exclusive of the first week of the trial feed intake was higher for AGP than the other groups and the feed conversion ratio was more favourable for MOS groups. Mortality rate was significantly higher (34.2%) in AGP groups. The lowest mortality was recorded in MOS_1.0 group (7.75%)

    Characterization and effect of year of harvest on the nutritional properties of three varieties of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.)

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    BACKGROUND: Three cultivars of Lupinus albus L. (Lutteur, Lublanca and Multitalia) were assessed for proximate composition, fatty acids, alkaloids and in vitro fermentation characteristics over three harvest years. RESULTS: The chemical composition varied greatly during the three harvest years. Crude protein content ranged from 353 to 456 g kg-1 dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber content from 209 to 321 g kg-1 DM and lignin content from 3.0 to 63.9 g kg-1 DM. Lublanc showed the highest crude protein (417 g kg-1 DM) and lignin (35 g kg-1 DM) contents. High levels of lipids (89.9gkg-1 DM) and starch (93.3 g kg-1 DM) were found in all samples. Alkaloid content ranged from 3.63 to 165mg per 100g. Lutteur and Lublanc showed more favorable n-3/n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios (from 0.44 to 0.73) and lower values of the anti-quality factor 'erucic acid' (from 5.8 to 20.9 g kg-1) than Multitalia. Lutteur showed higher degradability (897 g kg-1), gas production (330 mL g-1 organic matter (OM)) and volatile fatty acid production (117mmolg-1 OM) than the other varieties. CONCLUSION: The present data suggest L. albus L. cv. Lutteur to be a promising crop as food thanks to its high nutritive traits and most constant yield over time

    Nutritional Characterization of Hay Produced in Campania Region: Analysis by the near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Technology

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    : Since the dietary characteristics of hays can be very variable, it is of great importance for nutritionists to know their chemical composition in order to formulate adequate rations for the animals. Laboratory analyses are time-consuming and expensive while the Near Infrared Spectroscopy offers several advantages, including obtaining information on feeds nutritional characteristics very quickly and in situ at the farm, thanks to portable NIRS. In this trial, over 400 hay samples collected in the Campania region (Italy) were analyzed with portable NIRS device. The final aim was to analyze the differences in hay quality in different production areas, highlighting the possible factors involved and suggesting possible corrective measures. All the analyzed hays (polyphite, Gramineae and alfalfa) were significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by the area of cultivation/preservation. In particular, the polyphite and Gramineae hays produced in most of the areas of Campania region showed poor nutritional value due to the low protein content and high structural carbohydrate that significantly reduced its digestibility. The use of high-quality forages in the ration represents a pivotal factor to allow the production of high-quality products of animal origin. The use of NIRS seems to be a valuable strategy to select potential treatments that can increase feed digestibility and to avoid long chemical analysis

    Aloe arborescens supplementation in cat diet: Evaluation of effects by in vitro gas production technique

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Aloe arborescens on organic matter digestibility (OMD), cumulative gas (OMCV) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) production, using the in vitro gas production technique (IVGPT). Three adult cats were fed with a commercial diet (CP 31.21; EE 16.64% as fed) for 20 days before the collection of their faeces used as inoculum. The same diet, used as substrate, was incubated in vitro supplemented with different amounts (0, 0.7, 1.6 and 3.2%) of lyophilised Aloe arborescens. OMD, OMCV and SCFA significantly decreased with the increase of Aloe addition; an increase of L-lactic acid production was detected, even if pH was within physiological range. A potential prebiotic role of the Aloe arborescens car- bohydrates was hypothesised in cats, but it needs further investigations. As a whole, our results show that IVGPT can represent a useful tool for nutritional evaluation of novel ingredient and/or additive also in cats

    Influence of Feeding Linseed on SCD Activity in Grazing Goat Mammary Glands

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    The effects of linseed feeding on the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) activity were evaluated on grazing dairy goats divided into two homogeneous groups (C, control, and L, treated) fed the same amount of concentrate which, for group L was supplemented with linseed. Milk yield was unaffected by the treatment. Group L showed significantly higher milk fat (4.10% vs 2.94%, p < 0.01) than group S. Within milk fatty acids, group C showed significantly higher levels of saturated fatty acids and lower values of mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In group L, total CLAs were higher than in group S (0.646% vs 0.311%; p < 0.01) mainly because of the differences in CLA cis9 trans 11 (0.623% vs 0.304%; p < 0.01). In treated animals, SCD activity, measured as cis9 C14:1/C14:0, was lower than in the control group, mainly in July and August

    De parásitos ubicuos: el caso de Blastocystis

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    Blastocystis es uno de los parásitos intestinales zoonóticos de mayor prevalencia y de distribución mundial. Es un organismo unicelular, anaerobio, cuya taxonomía ha sido motivo de estudios, controversias y revisiones. Se caracteriza por una gran variabilidad genética, con la existencia de al menos 10 genotipos o subtipos, lo que hace dificultoso su estudio y que ha llevado también a controversias en cuanto a características morfológicas, ciclo vital y su rol como patógeno tanto en una amplia variedad de animales como en humanos. El subtipo 3 es el genotipo más frecuentemente hallado en el hombre. Su potencialidad patogénica estaría asociada a un determinado subtipo que aún no se ha definido completamente por estudios moleculares. En nuestro grupo hemos efectuado relevamientos epidemiológicos a fin de detectar la presencia del parásito en diversas fuentes. En estudios sobre poblaciones infantiles en zonas periféricas de La Plata hemos hallado que sobre 408 muestras, el 45 % de ellas estaban parasitadas y el 56 % por Blastocystis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    De parásitos ubicuos: el caso de Blastocystis

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    Blastocystis es uno de los parásitos intestinales zoonóticos de mayor prevalencia y de distribución mundial. Es un organismo unicelular, anaerobio, cuya taxonomía ha sido motivo de estudios, controversias y revisiones. Se caracteriza por una gran variabilidad genética, con la existencia de al menos 10 genotipos o subtipos, lo que hace dificultoso su estudio y que ha llevado también a controversias en cuanto a características morfológicas, ciclo vital y su rol como patógeno tanto en una amplia variedad de animales como en humanos. El subtipo 3 es el genotipo más frecuentemente hallado en el hombre. Su potencialidad patogénica estaría asociada a un determinado subtipo que aún no se ha definido completamente por estudios moleculares. En nuestro grupo hemos efectuado relevamientos epidemiológicos a fin de detectar la presencia del parásito en diversas fuentes. En estudios sobre poblaciones infantiles en zonas periféricas de La Plata hemos hallado que sobre 408 muestras, el 45 % de ellas estaban parasitadas y el 56 % por Blastocystis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    De parásitos ubicuos: el caso de <i>Blastocystis</i>

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    Blastocystis es uno de los parásitos intestinales zoonóticos de mayor prevalencia y de distribución mundial. Es un organismo unicelular, anaerobio, cuya taxonomía ha sido motivo de estudios, controversias y revisiones. Se caracteriza por una gran variabilidad genética, con la existencia de al menos 10 genotipos o subtipos, lo que hace dificultoso su estudio y que ha llevado también a controversias en cuanto a características morfológicas, ciclo vital y su rol como patógeno tanto en una amplia variedad de animales como en humanos. El subtipo 3 es el genotipo más frecuentemente hallado en el hombre. Su potencialidad patogénica estaría asociada a un determinado subtipo que aún no se ha definido completamente por estudios moleculares. En nuestro grupo hemos efectuado relevamientos epidemiológicos a fin de detectar la presencia del parásito en diversas fuentes. En estudios sobre poblaciones infantiles en zonas periféricas de La Plata hemos hallado que sobre 408 muestras, el 45 % de ellas estaban parasitadas y el 56 % por Blastocystis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria