248 research outputs found

    Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels (KCa, KNa) in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Calcium- and sodium- activated potassium channels are members of the 6TM family of K channels which comprises the voltage-gated KV subfamilies, including the KCNQ subfamily, the EAG subfamily (which includes hERG channels), the Ca2+-activated Slo subfamily (actually with 6 or 7TM) and the Ca2+- and Na+-activated SK subfamily (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels [125]). As for the 2TM family, the pore-forming a subunits form tetramers and heteromeric channels may be formed within subfamilies (e.g. KV1.1 with KV1.2; KCNQ2 with KCNQ3)

    Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels (KCa, KNa) in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Calcium- and sodium- activated potassium channels are members of the 6TM family of K channels which comprises the voltage-gated KV subfamilies, including the KCNQ subfamily, the EAG subfamily (which includes hERG channels), the Ca2+-activated Slo subfamily (actually with 6 or 7TM) and the Ca2+- and Na+-activated SK subfamily (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels [126]). As for the 2TM family, the pore-forming a subunits form tetramers and heteromeric channels may be formed within subfamilies (e.g. KV1.1 with KV1.2; KCNQ2 with KCNQ3)

    Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Calcium- and sodium- activated potassium channels are members of the 6TM family of K channels which comprises the voltage-gated KV subfamilies, including the KCNQ subfamily, the EAG subfamily (which includes herg channels), the Ca2+-activated Slo subfamily (actually with 6 or 7TM) and the Ca2+- and Na+-activated SK subfamily (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Calcium- and sodium-activated potassium channels [124]). As for the 2TM family, the pore-forming a subunits form tetramers and heteromeric channels may be formed within subfamilies (e.g. KV1.1 with KV1.2; KCNQ2 with KCNQ3)

    Pharmacology and Surface Electrostatics of the K Channel Outer Pore Vestibule

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    In spite of a generally well-conserved outer vestibule and pore structure, there is considerable diversity in the pharmacology of K channels. We have investigated the role of specific outer vestibule charged residues in the pharmacology of K channels using tetraethylammonium (TEA) and a trivalent TEA analog, gallamine. Similar to Shaker K channels, gallamine block of Kv3.1 channels was more sensitive to solution ionic strength than was TEA block, a result consistent with a contribution from an electrostatic potential near the blocking site. In contrast, TEA block of another type of K channel (Kv2.1) was insensitive to solution ionic strength and these channels were resistant to block by gallamine. Neutralizing either of two lysine residues in the outer vestibule of these Kv2.1 channels conferred ionic strength sensitivity to TEA block. Kv2.1 channels with both lysines neutralized were sensitive to block by gallamine, and the ionic strength dependence of this block was greater than that for TEA. These results demonstrate that Kv3.1 (like Shaker) channels contain negatively charged residues in the outer vestibule of the pore that influence quaternary ammonium pharmacology. The presence of specific lysine residues in wild-type Kv2.1 channels produces an outer vestibule with little or no net charge, with important consequences for quaternary ammonium block. Neutralizing these key lysines results in a negatively charged vestibule with pharmacological properties approaching those of other types of K channels

    Kv1.1 channelopathy abolishes presynaptic spike width modulation by subthreshold somatic depolarization

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    Although action potentials propagate along axons in an all-­or-­none manner, subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations at the soma affect neurotransmitter release from synaptic boutons. An important mechanism underlying analog-­digital modulation is depolarization-­mediated inactivation of presynaptic Kv1-­family potassium channels, leading to action potential broadening and increased calcium influx. Previous studies have relied heavily on recordings from blebs formed after axon transection, which may exaggerate the passive propagation of somatic depolarization. We recorded instead from small boutons supplied by intact axons identified with scanning ion conductance microscopy in primary hippocampal cultures, and asked how distinct potassium channels interact in determining the basal spike width and its modulation by subthreshold somatic depolarization. Pharmacological or genetic deletion of Kv1.1 broadened presynaptic spikes without preventing further prolongation by brief depolarizing somatic prepulses. A heterozygous mouse model of Episodic Ataxia type 1 harboring a dominant Kv1.1 mutation had a similar broadening effect on basal spike shape as deletion of Kv1.1;; however, spike modulation by somatic prepulses was abolished. These results argue that the Kv1.1 subunit is not necessary for subthreshold modulation of spike width. However, a disease-­associated mutant subunit prevents the interplay of analog and digital transmission, possibly by disrupting the normal stoichiometry of presynaptic potassium channels

    Importance of Glycosylation on Function of a Potassium Channel in Neuroblastoma Cells

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    The Kv3.1 glycoprotein, a voltage-gated potassium channel, is expressed throughout the central nervous system. The role of N-glycans attached to the Kv3.1 glycoprotein on conducting and non-conducting functions of the Kv3.1 channel are quite limiting. Glycosylated (wild type), partially glycosylated (N220Q and N229Q), and unglycosylated (N220Q/N229Q) Kv3.1 proteins were expressed and characterized in a cultured neuronal-derived cell model, B35 neuroblastoma cells. Western blots, whole cell current recordings, and wound healing assays were employed to provide evidence that the conducting and non-conducting properties of the Kv3.1 channel were modified by N-glycans of the Kv3.1 glycoprotein. Electrophoretic migration of the various Kv3.1 proteins treated with PNGase F and neuraminidase verified that the glycosylation sites were occupied and that the N-glycans could be sialylated, respectively. The unglycosylated channel favored a different whole cell current pattern than the glycoform. Further the outward ionic currents of the unglycosylated channel had slower activation and deactivation rates than those of the glycosylated Kv3.1 channel. These kinetic parameters of the partially glycosylated Kv3.1 channels were also slowed. B35 cells expressing glycosylated Kv3.1 protein migrated faster than those expressing partially glycosylated and much faster than those expressing the unglycosylated Kv3.1 protein. These results have demonstrated that N-glycans of the Kv3.1 glycoprotein enhance outward ionic current kinetics, and neuronal migration. It is speculated that physiological changes which lead to a reduction in N-glycan attachment to proteins will alter the functions of the Kv3.1 channel

    Potassium Channel and NKCC Cotransporter Involvement in Ocular Refractive Control Mechanisms

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    Myopia affects well over 30% of adult humans globally. However, the underlying physiological mechanism is little understood. This study tested the hypothesis that ocular growth and refractive compensation to optical defocus can be controlled by manipulation of potassium and chloride ion-driven transretinal fluid movements to the choroid. Chicks were raised with +/−10D or zero power optical defocus rendering the focal plane of the eye in front of, behind, or at the level of the retinal photoreceptors respectively. Intravitreal injections of barium chloride, a non-specific inhibitor of potassium channels in the retina and RPE or bumetanide, a selective inhibitor of the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter were made, targeting fluid control mechanisms. Comparison of refractive compensation to 5mM Ba2+ and 10−5 M bumetanide compared with control saline injected eyes shows significant change for both positive and negative lens defocus for Ba2+ but significant change only for negative lens defocus with bumetanide ; ; ; ; ; ). Vitreous chamber depths showed a main effect for drug conditions with less depth change in response to defocus shown for Ba2+ relative to Saline, while bumetanide injected eyes showed a trend to increased depth without a significant interaction with applied defocus. The results indicate that both K channels and the NKCC cotransporter play a role in refractive compensation with NKCC blockade showing far more specificity for negative, compared with positive, lens defocus. Probable sites of action relevant to refractive control include the apical retinal pigment epithelium membrane and the photoreceptor/ON bipolar synapse. The similarities between the biometric effects of NKCC inhibition and biometric reports of the blockade of the retinal ON response, suggest a possible common mechanism. The selective inhibition of refractive compensation to negative lens in chick by loop diuretics such as bumetanide suggests that these drugs may be effective in the therapeutic management of human myopia

    Predominant Functional Expression of Kv1.3 by Activated Microglia of the Hippocampus after Status epilepticus

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    BACKGROUND:Growing evidence indicates that the functional state of microglial cells differs according to the pathological conditions that trigger their activation. In particular, activated microglial cells can express sets of Kv subunits which sustain delayed rectifying potassium currents (Kdr) and modulate differently microglia proliferation and ability to release mediators. We recently reported that hippocampal microglia is in a particular activation state after a status epilepticus (SE) and the present study aimed at identifying which of the Kv channels are functionally expressed by microglia in this model. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:SE was induced by systemic injection of kainate in CX3CR1(eGFP/+) mice and whole cell recordings of fluorescent microglia were performed in acute hippocampal slices prepared 48 h after SE. Microglia expressed Kdr currents which were characterized by a potential of half-maximal activation near -25 mV, prominent steady-state and cumulative inactivations. Kdr currents were almost abolished by the broad spectrum antagonist 4-Aminopyridine (1 mM). In contrast, tetraethylammonium (TEA) at a concentration of 1 mM, known to block Kv3.1, Kv1.1 and 1.2 subunits, only weakly reduced Kdr currents. However, at a concentration of 5 mM which should also affect Kv1.3 and 1.6, TEA inhibited about 30% of the Kdr conductance. Alpha-dendrotoxin, which selectively inhibits Kv1.1, 1.2 and 1.6, reduced only weakly Kdr currents, indicating that channels formed by homomeric assemblies of these subunits are not important contributors of Kdr currents. Finally, agitoxin-2 and margatoxin strongly inhibited the current. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results indicate that Kv1.3 containing channels predominantly determined Kdr currents in activated microglia after SE