8 research outputs found

    Germinal Epithelium Cytology during Spermatogenesis in the Alligator Snapping Turtle, Macrochelys temminckii (Reptilia: Chelydridae)

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    We investigated the cytology of the seminiferous epithelia of the Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii). Spermatogenic and regressed testes were assessed from 2 adult individuals collected in Arkansas in May and September of 1993. Specifically, we focused on the cellular phases of germ cell development and maturation. The germ cell morphology and developmental strategy within the germinal epithelium of M. temminckii appear similar to that of other genera of turtles previously studied. Interestingly, mitotic, meiotic, and spermiogeneic cells are nearly identical to that of other turtles studied based on light microscopy. There are also 6 recognizable steps to spermiogenesis, which is slightly different than the 7 steps of most turtles (step 7 absent). Though this study only uses 2 individuals (because of its endangered status), M. temminckii appears to start spermatogenesis in the spring, and the climax of spermiogenesis occurs in the fall similar to that of other temperate turtles studied to date based on light microscopy. Peculiar to both turtles in this study were the regular appearance of very large germ cells in the basal compartment of the germinal epithelium. Based on previous research and our histological analysis these enlarged spermatogonia exhibit hypertrophic characteristics typical of cells undergoing apoptosis

    Ontogenic development of spermatids during spermiogenesis in the high altitude bunchgrass lizard (Sceloporus bicanthalis)

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    The body of ultrastructural data on spermatid characters during spermiogenesis continues to grow in reptiles, but is still relatively limited within the squamates. This study focuses on the ontogenic events of spermiogenesis within a viviparous and continually spermatogenic lizard, from high altitude in Mexico. Between the months of June and August, testicular tissues were collected from eight spermatogenically active bunchgrass lizards (Sceloporus bicanthalis) from Nevado de Toluca, M茅xico. The testicular tissues were processed for transmission electron microscopy and analyzed to access the ultrastructural differences between spermatid generations during spermiogenesis. Interestingly, few differences exist between S. bicanthalis spermiogenesis when compared with what has been described for other saurian squamates. Degrading and coiling membrane structures similar to myelin figures were visible within the developing acrosome that are likely remnants from Golgi body vesicles. During spermiogenesis, an electron lucent area between the subacrosomal space and the acrosomal medulla was observed, which has been observed in other squamates but not accurately described. Thus, we elect to term this region the acrosomal lucent ridge. This study furthers the existing knowledge of spermatid development in squamates, which could be useful in future work on the reproductive systems in high altitude viviparous lizard species

    Can Assisted Reproductive Technologies Help Conserve 300 Million Years of Evolution? A First Attempt at Developing These Technologies for Male Reptiles

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    Biodiversity loss is the most critical environmental problem threatening ecosystem, animal, and human health today. Increases in extinction rates have been observed over the past 50 years, with reptile losses occurring twelve times faster than traditional extinction rates. This demonstrated biodiversity loss is secondary to climate change, habitat destruction, infectious disease, invasive species, poaching, and unsustainable trade. Approximately 20% of all reptiles are threatened with extinction and population declines are approaching rates similar to the current amphibian extinction crisis. Preventing the extinction of reptiles will require humans to acknowledge these losses and develop plans to preserve these evolutionary sentinel species. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are well developed in a handful of species, and these technologies have become integral parts of conservation programs for threatened and endangered species. The creation of functional and sustainable reproductive assistance programs for reptiles using ART will strengthen our conservation capacity. Combining ART with an understanding of reproductive physiology will enable scientists to capture genetic material from different animals housed at different institutions, overcoming reproductive barriers. Subsequent gamete transport will reduce the need to transport animals from stressful or dangerous environments for breeding. Additionally, these gametes could be stored indefinitely to preserve genetic diversity. The goal of this research was to systematically apply ART to male reptiles. Semen was safely and successfully collected from veiled (Chamaeleo calyptratus) and panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) using electroejaculation. The annual reproductive cycles of these two chameleons were characterized under captive conditions, and both species follow season breeding cycles. Human chorionic gonadotropin can be used to increase circulating plasma testosterone concentrations in veiled chameleons. Short-term cooled semen storage can be done in red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and diamondback water snakes (Nerodia fasciata) using Ham鈥檚 F10, INRA 96, and sperm washing buffer; green anole (Anolis carolinensis) semen could not be stored using these same extenders. Red-eared slider turtle spermatozoa motility was lost following cryopreservation, but plasma membrane integrity remained. Reptile survival is dependent on how we plan today. ART will help us develop programs to preserve the genetics of these sentinel animals

    Aspidoscelis costatus costatus (Squamata, Teiidae): high elevation clutch production for a population of whiptail lizards

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    Art铆culo del tama帽o de nidada en la lagartija Aspidoscelis costatus costatus.Clutch size and number of clutches per reproductive cycle are important life history traits that can be influenced by anatomical, physiological, evolutionary, and ecological factors. This report on the clutch size and number of clutches of an endemic Mexican whiptail lizard, Aspidoscelis costatus costatus (Cope, 1878), is based on a study of population at an unsually high elevation for a member of this genus. The study site is located in Ixtapan de la Sal, southeastern Estado de M茅xico, Central Mexico, at 2090 m a.s.l. Lizards were sampled in June 2006, and from May to July 2007, where females of Aspidoscelis costatus costatus were collected by hand along a drift fence. Female reproductive condition was evaluated based on abdominal palpation for presence of developing eggs; clutch size was determined by actual counts of either vitellogenic follicles or oviductal eggs. The smallest reproductive female was 77 mm snout vent length; females produced a minimum of two clutches during the breeding season, the mean clutch size of 6.5 eggs (n = 33) was one of the largest reported for the genus. However, both length and width of its eggs, and the relative clutch mass have not been diminished by development of a large clutch. Additionally, comparisons of clutch size were undertaken within the polytypic A. costatus complex, within the genus Aspidoscelis, and between certain genera of whiptail lizards. This apparently represents the first study of whiptail lizards (genus Aspidoscelis), assessing the aforementioned reproductive characteristics, in a population above 2000 m

    Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science - Volume 74, 2020

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    Determinaci贸n sexual de Basiliscus vittatus (Squamata: Corytophanidae)

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    Tesis doctoralLa determinaci贸n sexual es un proceso que influye en muchos aspectos biol贸gicos en la historia de vida de los organismos, como el establecimiento del sexo; as铆 como de gran importancia en el desarrollo de los individuos y la proporci贸n sexual dentro las poblaciones. El tama帽o de la nidada, masa relativa de la nidada, estadio embrionario en la oviposici贸n, diferenciaci贸n sexual, son caracter铆sticas importantes que se relacionan con factores bi贸ticos y abi贸ticos que interact煤an con los reptiles. En el presente estudio, se dan a conocer rasgos de la historia de vida de Basiliscus vittatus sobre las limitantes de la respuesta reproductora debida a la morfolog铆a de las hembras. Adem谩s, por primera vez, se detalla la descripci贸n del estadio embrionario a la oviposici贸n de un integrante de la familia Corytophanidae y el mecanismo de determinaci贸n sexual de B. vittatus. El estadio embrionario se asoci贸 con el largo m谩ximo del huevo, el cual parece estar relacionado con factores fisiol贸gicos y morfol贸gicos de las hembras, as铆 como por su estrategia de forrajeo. El mecanismo de determinaci贸n sexual de B. vittatus es gen茅tico con presencia de un sistema de novo de micro- cromosomas sexuales de tipo XY, diferente al que comparten los dem谩s miembros que integran el clado Pleurodonta. Las condiciones t茅rmicas de incubaci贸n influyen en el n煤mero de d铆as que son necesarios para que un embri贸n pase de un estadio de desarrollo embrionario a otro: una mayor temperatura resulta en menores tiempos de incubaci贸n. Sin embargo, se observ贸 que la temperatura de incubaci贸n no tiene un efecto en la diferenciaci贸n gonadal del embri贸n, siendo en el estadio 35 cuando se acent煤an diferencias entre ambos sexos a nivel histol贸gico. Adem谩s, la temperatura no tiene un efecto en 3 la determinaci贸n sexual de los basiliscos, dado que el genotipo (XX vs. XY), determinado a trav茅s de la presencia del gen CAMSAP1 ligado al cromosoma Y, coincidi贸 con el fenotipo (ovarios vs. test铆culos) proveniente de la histolog铆a de las g贸nadas. La presencia de 贸rganos copuladores ocurre desde el estadio 34 en ambos sexos y es posible que embriones de B. vittatus presenten una forma de pseudohermafroditismo temporal en la cual ovarios y hemipenes est谩n presentes al mismo tiempo durante m煤ltiples estadios de desarrollo. Ser谩 necesario realizar m谩s estudios donde se integre la biolog铆a t茅rmica y la biolog铆a molecular para entender c贸mo las temperaturas de incubaci贸n pueden influir en el mecanismo de determinaci贸n sexual y en las caracter铆sticas de la historia de vida de los reptiles