1,057 research outputs found

    ISR effects for resonant Higgs production at future lepton colliders

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    We study the effects of the initial state radiation on the ss-channel Higgs boson resonant production at μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- and e+ee^+e^- colliders by convoluting with the beam energy spread profile of the collider and the Breit-Wigner resonance profile of the signal. We assess their impact on both the Higgs signal and SM backgrounds for the leading decay channels hbbˉ, WWh\rightarrow b\bar b,\ WW^*. Our study improves the existing analyses of the proposed future resonant Higgs factories and provides further guidance for the accelerator designs with respect to the physical goals.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures and 3 table

    Reflexiones sobre un caso de rediseño organizacional (UNQ).

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    El presente trabajo aborda la experiencia de una universidad nueva emplazada en el conurbano de Buenos Aires. Trata de examinar en primer lugar la impronta que sobre su definición organizacional tuvo su atributo de institución de “reciente creación”. Intentará dar cuenta de cómo ha procesado la “tradición reformista” del sistema universitario argentino. Se analiza entonces el contexto de las universidades creadas en la década del ’90 y el nuevo marco legal consolidado con la sanción de la Ley de Educación Superior. Por otro lado se procede a reflexionar sobre un conjunto de “reformas” llevadas a cabo en la institución, desde el año 1995 al 2001, reformas que implican paradójicamente un doble impacto. Por cierto, la idea de reformar los que se está fundando es al menos confusa. En ese sentido creemos que en tanto institución inserta en el sistema, estos sucesivos “rediseños” son, por un lado un intento de “reformar” la tradición universitaria que se presenta ineludiblemente en formas organizativas, estilos de gestión, comportamientos de los actores fundamentales, etc., que la UNQ porta en su inconsciente organizacional. Por otro lado y desde una perspectiva de refundación, la UNQ se orientó fuertemente hacia un proceso de reclutamiento de personal docente- investigador joven con alto compromiso y a crear una carrera académica basada en criterios competitivos y meritocráticos, sometida a proceso de evaluación. Estructuró su oferta académica de manera flexible. El proceso de formación apunta, así, a centrarse en alumnos que, con niveles crecientes de autonomía intelectual, encuentran espacios curriculares de libre elección. Las carreras de grado acortaron la duración teórica y se encuentran en estado potencial de revisión. Se crearon, desde una lógica matricial, áreas disciplinarias que satisfacen las distintas demandas de los organizadores curriculares (carreras). Se creó un plan estratégico de investigación que consolidó a través de la evaluación externa un sistema de programas temporarios que aspiran y obtienen fondos en función de su mérito relativo al contexto nacional e internacional. Se creó un área de reingeniería permanente de los procesos administrativos y de gestión, al tiempo que comienza a implementarse un programa de capacitación permanente del PAS, una nueva estructura orgánico –funcional y un nuevo sistema de personal y remuneración del PAS con orientación de estructura plana, flexible y con evaluación permanente. Al mismo tiempo se está implementando un esquema de dirección estratégica para el cuerpo directivo. En lo que respecta al posgrado, se diseñó un programa de Doctorado con títulos generales y menciones, desestructurado y personalizado, con un soporte en los programas prioritarios de investigación. Por último se lanzó un programa de formación de grado y posgrado en entorno virtual que redundó en un crecimiento de casi un 60 % en la matrícula total de alumnos, y en el desarrollo de modelos tecnológicos y pedagógicos propios asumiendo el desafío de las TICs en la sociedad del conocimiento. El trabajo intentará privilegiar y explicitar una perspectiva, un punto de vista. A partir de una analítica retrospectiva desde la propia organización; poniendo el énfasis en indagar por las causas endógenas del proceso. Esto es, buscar en la propia institución las articulaciones causales y las “no necesarias” que están en la base de un modelo por lo menos implícito. Se busca de esta manera cuestionar aquellas hipótesis que demostraron el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo al compás de las nuevas condiciones del entorno; esto es verificar desde otra perspectiva rupturas allí donde se suponen continuidades y viceversa

    Charm photoproduction via fragmentation

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    The next-to-leading open charm production in \gamma p collisions is calculated within the Perturbative Fragmentation Functions formalism, to allow resummation of \as\log(\pt^2/m^2) terms. In the large \pt region (\pt > m) the result is consistent with the fixed order NLO calculation, small discrepancies being found for very large \pt and at the edge of phase space. The two approaches differ in the definition and the relative contribution of the direct and resolved terms, but essentially agree on their sum. The resummation is found to lead to a reduced sensitivity to the choice of the renormalization/factorization scale

    ISR corrections to associated HZHZ production at future Higgs factories

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    We evaluate the QED corrections due to initial state radiation (ISR) to associated Higgs boson production in electron-positron (e+ee^+ e^-) annihilation at typical energies of interest for the measurement of the Higgs properties at future e+ee^+ e^- colliders, such as CEPC and FCC-ee. We apply the QED Structure Function approach to the four-fermion production process e+eμ+μbbˉe^+ e^- \to \mu^+ \mu^- b \bar b, including both signal and background contributions. We emphasize the relevance of the ISR corrections particularly near threshold and show that finite third order collinear contributions are mandatory to meet the expected experimental accuracy. We analyze in turn the r\^ole played by a full four-fermion calculation and beam energy spread in precision calculations for Higgs physics at future e+ee^+ e^- colliders.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The pTp_{T} Spectrum in Heavy-Flavour Hadroproduction

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    We consider the transverse-momentum distribution of heavy flavours in hadronic collisions. We present a formalism in which large transverse-momentum logarithms are resummed at the next-to-leading level, and mass effects are included exactly up to order \alpha_strong^3, so as to retain predictivity at both small and large transverse momenta. As an example, we apply our formalism to b production at the Tevatron

    Recovery of smell sense loss by mepolizumab in a patient allergic to dermatophagoides and affected by chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps

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    Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) frequently presents with dysfunction or loss of the sense of smell, resulting in a signifcant impairment in quality of life. The medical treatments currently available may improve the olfactory function in patients with CRSwNP, but such an outcome is generally only transitory. We report the case of a patient with CRSwNP who completely recovered from smell sense loss by treatment with mepolizumab. Case presentation: The patient was a 62-year-old female who has severe asthma induced by allergy to Dermatophagoides and concomitant CRSwNP. Any treatment for the latter, including oral and injective corticosteroids, was unsuccessful in the loss of smell. Due to the satisfaction of admission criteria to mepolizumab treatment for severe asthma, treatment was initiated on March 2018, resulting in good clinical control of both asthma and CRSwNP, and particularly in complete recovery of the smell loss after 4 months of treatment and still persisting. Conclusion: In this case report, the treatment with mepolizumab in a patient allergic to Dermatophagoides and afected by CRSwNP was associated with an improvement of anosmia. That fnding may be explained by a reduction of the nasal obstruction by nasal polyp

    Human–Robot Interaction for Improving Fuselage Assembly Tasks: A Case Study

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    In current industrial systems, automation is a very important aspect for assessing manufacturing production performance related to working times, accuracy of operations and quality. In particular, the introduction of a robotic system in the working area should guarantee some improvements, such as risks reduction for human operators, better quality results and a speed increase for production processes. In this context, human action remains still necessary to carry out part of the subtasks, as in the case of composites assembly processes. This study aims at presenting a case study regarding the reorganization of the working activity carried out in workstation in which a composite fuselage panel is assembled in order to demonstrate, by means of simulation tool, that some of the advantages previously listed can be achieved also in aerospace industry. In particular, an entire working process for composite fuselage panel assembling will be simulated and analyzed in order to demonstrate and verify the applicability and effectiveness of human-robot interaction (HRI), focusing on working times and ergonomics and respecting the constraints imposed by standards ISO 10218 and ISO TS 15066. Results show the effectiveness of HRI both in terms of assembly performance, by reducing working times and ergonomics-for which the simulation provides a very low risk index

    Digital Twin for Monitoring Ergonomics during Manufacturing Production

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    Within the era of smart factories, concerning the ergonomics related to production processes, the Digital Twin (DT) is the key to set up novel models for monitoring the performance of manual work activities, which are able to provide results in near real time and to support the decision-making process for improving the working conditions. This paper aims to propose a methodological framework that, by implementing a human DT, and supports the monitoring and the decision making regarding the ergonomics performances of manual production lines. A case study, carried out in a laboratory, is presented for demonstrating the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The results show how it is possible to identify the operational issues of a manual workstation and how it is possible to propose and test improving solutions