345 research outputs found

    Ultrafast photodoping and effective Fermi-Dirac distribution of the Dirac particles in Bi2Se3

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    We exploit time- and angle- resolved photoemission spectroscopy to determine the evolution of the out-of-equilibrium electronic structure of the topological insulator Bi2Se. The response of the Fermi-Dirac distribution to ultrashort IR laser pulses has been studied by modelling the dynamics of the hot electrons after optical excitation. We disentangle a large increase of the effective temperature T* from a shift of the chemical potential mu*, which is consequence of the ultrafast photodoping of the conduction band. The relaxation dynamics of T* and mu* are k-independent and these two quantities uniquely define the evolution of the excited charge population. We observe that the energy dependence of the non-equilibrium charge population is solely determined by the analytical form of the effective Fermi-Dirac distribution.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 Figure

    Evidence of reduced surface electron-phonon scattering in the conduction band of Bi_{2}Se_{3} by non-equilibrium ARPES

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    The nature of the Dirac quasiparticles in topological insulators calls for a direct investigation of the electron-phonon scattering at the \emph{surface}. By comparing time-resolved ARPES measurements of the TI Bi_{2}Se_{3} with different probing depths we show that the relaxation dynamics of the electronic temperature of the conduction band is much slower at the surface than in the bulk. This observation suggests that surface phonons are less effective in cooling the electron gas in the conduction band.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure


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    Il fegato \ue8 l\u2019organo pi\uf9 grande del corpo umano e, con le sue numerose funzioni, \ue8 indispensabile al buon funzionamento di tutto l\u2019organismo. La molteplicit\ue0 delle patologie che ne possono alterare struttura e fun- zionalit\ue0 giustifica il numero sempre crescente di richieste di esami che studino il fegato. La sua buona ac- cessibilit\ue0 anatomica e le caratteristiche strutturali consentono spesso il raggiungimento di una diagnosi di malattia mediante ecografia e TC (entrambe senza e con mdc). L\u2019utilizzo della RM, per la sua risoluzione di contrasto e per la possibilit\ue0 di utilizzare mdc non iodati ed epatospecifici, costituisce ad oggi ancora un esa- me di secondo livello nei pazienti che, per vari motivi, non possono eseguire la TC o come problem-solver nella risoluzione di dubbi diagnostici

    The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Impacts the Management of Swiss Pediatric Intensive Care Units.

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    The impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic on pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) is difficult to quantify. We conducted an observational study in all eight Swiss PICUs between 02/24/2020 and 06/15/2020 to characterize the logistical and medical aspects of the pandemic and their impact on the management of the Swiss PICUs. The nine patients admitted to Swiss PICUs during the study period suffering from pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS) and constituting 14% (9/63) of all SARS-CoV-2 positive hospitalized patients in Swiss children's hospitals caused a higher workload [total Nine Equivalents of nursing Manpower use Score (NEMS) points, p = 0.0008] and were classified to higher workload categories (p < 0.0001) than regular PICU patients (n = 4,881) admitted in 2019. The comparison of the characteristics of the eight Swiss PICUs shows that they were confronted by different organizational issues arising from temporary regulations put in place by the federal council. These general regulations had different consequences for the eight individual PICUs due to the differences between the PICUs. In addition, the temporal relationship of these different regulations influenced the available PICU resources, dependent on the characteristics of the individual PICUs. As pandemic continues, reflecting and learning from experience is essential to reduce workload, optimize bed occupancy and manage resources in each individual PICU. In a small country as Switzerland, with a relatively decentralized health care local differences between PICUs are considerable and should be taken into account when making policy decisions

    Blockchain-Based Distributed Marketplace

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    Developments in Blockchain technology have enabled the creation of smart contracts; i.e., self-executing code that is stored and executed on the Blockchain. This has led to the creation of distributed, decentralised applications, along with frameworks for developing and deploying them easily. This paper describes a proof-of-concept system that implements a distributed online marketplace using the Ethereum framework, where buyers and sellers can engage in e-commerce transactions without the need of a large central entity coordinating the process. The performance of the system was measured in terms of cost of use through the concept of ‘gas usage’. It was determined that such costs are significantly less than that of Amazon and eBay for high volume users. The findings generally support the ability to use Ethereum to create a distributed on-chain market, however, there are still areas that require further research and development

    Comparison of nutritional and antinutritional traits among different species (Lupinus albus L., Lupinus luteus L., Lupinus angustifolius L.) and varieties of lupin seeds

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    In order to promote the use of lupin in pig nutrition, in this research the nutritional characteristics (i.e. dietary fibre, alkaloid and fatty acid profile) and the in vitro gas production of 12 lupin varieties grown in the Mediterranean basin and belonging to three lupin species (Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius and Lupinus luteus) were assessed. Four varieties of L. albus (Asfer, Lublanc, Lutteur and Multitalia) were grown in South Campania. Three varieties of L. luteus (Dukat, Mister and Taper), three of L. angustifolius (Jindalee, Sonet and Wonga) and two of L. albus (Rosetta and Luxor) were grown in Eastern Sicily. Lupinus albus varieties showed interesting nutritional and dietetic characteristics (i.e. high protein and low fibre content); the lipid fraction, rather elevated, is well represented by monounsaturated fatty acids (544 g/kg), whereas saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are less represented (167 g/kg) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (0.510) is the most favourable. Lupinus luteus varieties presented the most remarkable dietetic aspects, in terms of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content (569 g/kg), n-6 PUFA series (490 g/kg), UFA/SFA (5.24) and PUFA/SFA (3.56) ratios and atherogenic (0.059) and thrombogenic (0.100) indices and very low alkaloid content (1.07 mg per 100 g). Lupinus angustifolius varieties showed the least interesting nutritional and dietetic characteristics: low protein and fat content, high fibre level, high SFA amount (248 g/kg) and the lowest favourable nutritional indices (IA: 0.164 and IT: 0.334). Regarding the fermentation process, in L. albus, the tendency to increase the rate of gas production during the early stages of fermentation suggests that the high presence of alkaloids did not affect the in vitro degradability, production of short-chain fatty acids and fermentation process, probably due to their concentration and/or water solubility. Lupinus angustifolius and L. luteus showed intermediate and slightly worse in vitro fermentation patterns respectively. From a nutritional and dietetic point of view, lupin may represent an interesting alternative to soya bean in pig feeding

    Atomic contributions to the valence band photoelectron spectra of metal-free, iron and manganese phthalocyanines

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    The present work reports a photoelectron spectroscopy study of the low-energy region of the valence band of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) compared with those of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) and manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc). Density Functional Theory calculations have been used to resolve the atomic orbital composition of the valence spectra of all the phthalocyanines (Pcs) analyzed in this study. Moreover we show how the atomic character of the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) is reflected on the outermost valence band binding energy region. The intensity related to the C 2p contributions, resulting in the HOMO for H2Pc and FePc and in the HOMO-1 for MnPc as described by the theoretical predictions is in very good agreement with the experimental results. The DFT simulations, discerning the atomic contribution to the density of states, indicate how the central metal atom interacts with the C and N atoms of the molecule, giving rise to different partial and total density of states for these three different Pc molecules
