20 research outputs found

    Seleccion de plantas de alcachofa y análisis de correlación entre caracteres cuantitativos para consumo en fresco

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    The goals of the present study were to evaluate and select artichoke plants suitable for fresh consumption and to establish correlations between quantitative traits. Clones from 39 accessions were obtained from the germplasm collection of the University of Passo Fundo and evaluated for 17 quantitative and 3 qualitative traits. Data on quantitative traits were subjected to analysis of variance followed by a Tukey test at p<0.05 to compare averages, and correlations were analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Significant differences were observed for 9 of the 17 quantitative traits analyzed, and 10 of the 39 accessions presented higher values for some of those traits than the remaining tested accessions. Significant correlations were observed between several traits and the capitulum yield, which makes indirect selection easier. For the qualitative traits, nine accessions were selected that presented circular head, violet colored bracts and absence of thorns, which are desirable traits for fresh consumption.Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar y seleccionar plantas de alcachofa aptas para consumo en fresco y establecer correlaciones entre caracteres cuantitativos. Treinta y nueve accesiones pertenecientes a la colección de germoplasma de la Universidad de Passo Fundo fueron clonadas y luego evaluadas para 17 caracteres cuantitativos y 3 cualitativos. Los datos correspondientes a los caracteres cuantitativos fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza seguido por una prueba comparación de valores medios de Tukey (p<0,05); las correlaciones fueron analizadas utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Se observaron diferencias significativas para 9 de los 17 caracteres cuantitativos analizados y 10 de las 39 accesiones mostraron elevados valores para algunos de esos caracteres. Se observaron valores significativos de correlación entre varios caracteres y el rendimiento, lo que facilita la selección indirecta. Considerando los caracteres cualitativos, se seleccionaron nueve accesiones por presentar capítulo esférico, brácteas violetas y ausencia de espinas, las cuales son características deseables para el consumo en fresco

    Investigation of 2-(Docosylamino)-5-nitropyridine Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett Films

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    The behavior of 2-(docosylamino)-5-nitropyridine (DCANP) spreading monolayers was investigated as a function of temperature, pH, and subphase composition. The interactions of DCANP monolayers with copper ions dissolved into the subphase at different concentrations were also studied. The investigations were carried out by measuring surface pressure and surface potential−area isotherms. Langmuir−Blodgett (LB) films transferred from pure water and copper aqueous subphases were also studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), UV−vis, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ellipsometry, and refractive index measurements. The interactions between copper ions and DCANP molecules were investigated by means of various techniques in the bulk phase, in monolayers, and in LB films. Clear evidence of interactions between DCANP and copper ions was provided only from EPR spectroscopy in the LB films, because of the very small molar ratio of bound/free DCANP in the LB films. The refractive index of Cu-doped LB films was shown to be increased by the presence of metal ions

    Agronomic, cytogenetic, and isoenzymatic characterizations of oat somaclones

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    Immature embryo-derived somaclones regenerated from genotypes UPF 12, UPF 89S080 and UFRGS 7 were analyzed for eight agronomic traits and two enzymatic systems in order to evaluate the potential of tissue cultures to induce genetic variability in oats (Avena sativa L.). Some somaclones were also analyzed cytogenetically. Agronomic traits were evaluated in the field for all somaclones in 1993 and 1994. Bi-directional variation (P < 0.05) was detected for all characteristics, and the average frequency of variation observed in 1993 in somaclones from genotypes UPF 12 and UPF 89S080 was 35.2%. Variation observed for agronomic characteristics was heritable through two generations. Isoenzymatic analysis showed variation for both enzymatic systems in four somaclones. In general, the frequency of abnormalities at the cytogenetic level was low. The few that were observed had no effect on the meiotic index. Tissue culture can generate variability in oats in breeding programs.<br>Para avaliar o potencial da cultura de tecidos na indução de variabilidade genética em aveia (Avena sativa L.), somaclones regenerados de embriões imaturos dos genótipos UPF 12, UPF 89S080 e UFRGS 7 foram analisados em relação a oito características agronômicas e dois sistemas enzimáticos. A avaliação foi realizada em dois anos consecutivos, 1993 e 1994, em relação aos caracteres agronômicos. Foram observadas variações bidirecionais significativas (P < 0.05) para todos os caracteres, sendo que a freqüência média de variações detectadas em 1993, em populações somaclonais provenientes dos genótipos UPF 12 e UPF 89S080, foi de 35,2%. A maioria das alterações observadas em 1993 se mantiveram em 1994. A análise isoenzimática mostrou variações para os dois sistemas enzimáticos em quatro somaclones. A freqüência de anormalidades citogenéticas, de uma forma geral, foi baixa, porém mesmo nos somaclones onde a mesma foi alta, estas anormalidades não se refletiram na estabilidade meiótica. O processo de cultura de tecidos como gerador de variabilidade apresenta potencial como estratégia de apoio aos programas de melhoramento genético de aveia

    Comportamento de linhagens diaplóides de trigo em dois locais do Estado de São Paulo Performance of wheat dihaploid lines at two locations of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Compararam-se 20 genótipos (18 linhagens diaplóides e as cultivares IAC-24 e IAC-289) de trigo em experimentos instalados em condição de sequeiro e solo ácido de Capão Bonito (1997-1999), e em condição de irrigação por aspersão e solo ácido com aplicação de calcário de Tatuí (1997-2000). Analisaram-se produção de grãos, outros componentes da produção, características agronômicas e resistência às doenças. Estudou-se também a tolerância ao alumínio em soluções nutritivas, em laboratório. As linhagens diaplóides 10 e 11 e a cultivar IAC-24, em Capão Bonito, e a cultivar IAC-24 e a linhagem diaplóide 19, em Tatuí, destacaram-se quanto à produção de grãos. A linhagem diaplóide 5 foi resistente ao acamamento, a 20 apresentou porte baixo e ciclo precoce para maturar, e a cultivar IAC-289 exibiu maior número de espiguetas por espiga e grãos mais pesados. Todos os genótipos avaliados mostraram-se suscetíveis à mancha-da-folha. Em relação à ferrugem-da-folha, todas as linhagens foram resistentes, exceto a 20 que foi moderadamente resistente. A cultivar IAC-24 e todas as linhagens diaplóides avaliadas apresentaram-se tolerantes à toxicidade de alumínio. Os genótipos mais produtivos em solo ácido e em cultivo de sequeiro apresentaram-se associados às plantas altas, com espigas compridas, maior número de grãos por espiga e por espigueta e tolerância ao alumínio. Em solo ácido, com aplicação de calcário e condição de irrigação por aspersão, os genótipos mais produtivos estavam associados às plantas altas (porte semi-anão) com os grãos pesados, não se correlacionando com a tolerância ao alumínio.<br>Twenty wheat genotypes (18 dihaploid lines and the IAC-24 and IAC-289 cultivars) were evaluated in experiments carried out under dryland and acid soil conditions in Capão Bonito (1997-99), and under sprinkler irrigation and acid soil conditions with lime application in Tatuí (1997-2000). Grain yield, yield components, agronomic characteristics and disease resistance were analyzed. In addition, the genotypes were evaluated for their tolerance to Al toxicity, in nutrient solutions, at laboratory conditions. The dihaploid lines 10 and 11 and the cultivar IAC-24, in Capão Bonito, and the cultivar IAC-24 and the dihaploid line 19, in Tatuí, were superior for grain yield. The dihaploid line 5 presented lodging resistance, the line 20 showed short stature and early plants to mature, and the cultivar IAC-289 exhibited higher number of spikelets per spike and heavier grains. All evaluated genotypes were susceptible to leaf spot. In relation to leaf rust, all lines were resistant, except the line 20 which was moderately resistant. The cultivar IAC-24 and all evaluated dihaploid lines were tolerant to aluminum toxicity. The higher grain yield genotypes, under dryland and acid soil conditions, were associated to tall plants, with long spikes, with high number of grains per spike and per spikelet and with tolerance to aluminum. Under sprinkler irrigation and acid soil conditions with lime application the most productive genotypes were associated to tall plants (semidwarf type) with heavy grains, and presenting no correlation with tolerance to aluminum