9,005 research outputs found

    Generalized Competing Glauber-type Dynamics and Kawasaki-type Dynamics

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    In this article, we have given a systematic formulation of the new generalized competing mechanism: the Glauber-type single-spin transition mechanism, with probability p, simulates the contact of the system with the heat bath, and the Kawasaki-type spin-pair redistribution mechanism, with probability 1-p, simulates an external energy flux. These two mechanisms are natural generalizations of Glauber's single-spin flipping mechanism and Kawasaki's spin-pair exchange mechanism respectively. On the one hand, the new mechanism is in principle applicable to arbitrary systems, while on the other hand, our formulation is able to contain a mechanism that just directly combines single-spin flipping and spin-pair exchange in their original form. Compared with the conventional mechanism, the new mechanism does not assume the simplified version and leads to greater influence of temperature. The fact, order for lower temperature and disorder for higher temperature, will be universally true. In order to exemplify this difference, we applied the mechanism to 1D Ising model and obtained analytical results. We also applied this mechanism to kinetic Gaussian model and found that, above the critical point there will be only paramagnetic phase, while below the critical point, the self-organization as a result of the energy flux will lead the system to an interesting heterophase, instead of the initially guessed antiferromagnetic phase. We studied this process in details.Comment: 11 pages,1 figure

    Aggregating Dependency Graphs into Voting Agendas in Multi-Issue Elections

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    Many collective decision making problems have a combinatorial structure: the agents involved must decide on multiple issues and their preferences over one issue may depend on the choices adopted for some of the others. Voting is an attractive method for making collective decisions, but conducting a multi-issue election is challenging. On the one hand, requiring agents to vote by expressing their preferences over all combinations of issues is computationally infeasible; on the other, decomposing the problem into several elections on smaller sets of issues can lead to paradoxical outcomes. Any pragmatic method for running a multi-issue election will have to balance these two concerns. We identify and analyse the problem of generating an agenda for a given election, specifying which issues to vote on together in local elections and in which order to schedule those local elections

    The Born-Infeld Sphaleron

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    We study the SU(2) electroweak model in which the standard Yang-Mills coupling is supplemented by a Born-Infeld term. The deformation of the sphaleron and bisphaleron solutions due to the Born-Infeld term is investigated and new branches of solutions are exhibited. Especially, we find a new branch of solutions connecting the Born-Infeld sphaleron to the first solution of the Kerner-Gal'tsov series.Comment: 8 pages, 5 Postscript figures; new results on Bisphalerons added; minor modification

    Slow quench dynamics of the Kitaev model: anisotropic critical point and effect of disorder

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    We study the non-equilibrium slow dynamics for the Kitaev model both in the presence and the absence of disorder. For the case without disorder, we demonstrate, via an exact solution, that the model provides an example of a system with an anisotropic critical point and exhibits unusual scaling of defect density nn and residual energy QQ for a slow linear quench. We provide a general expression for the scaling of nn (QQ) generated during a slow power-law dynamics, characterized by a rate τ−1\tau^{-1} and exponent α\alpha, from a gapped phase to an anisotropic quantum critical point in dd dimensions, for which the energy gap Δk⃗∼kiz\Delta_{\vec k} \sim k_i^z for mm momentum components (i=1..mi=1..m) and ∼kiz′\sim k_i^{z'} for the rest d−md-m components (i=m+1..di=m+1..d) with z≤z′z\le z': n∼τ−[m+(d−m)z/z′]να/(zνα+1)n \sim \tau^{-[m + (d-m)z/z']\nu \alpha/(z\nu \alpha +1)} (Q∼τ−[(m+z)+(d−m)z/z′]να/(zνα+1)Q \sim \tau^{-[(m+z)+ (d-m)z/z']\nu \alpha/(z\nu \alpha +1)}). These general expressions reproduce both the corresponding results for the Kitaev model as a special case for d=z′=2d=z'=2 and m=z=ν=1m=z=\nu=1 and the well-known scaling laws of nn and QQ for isotropic critical points for z=z′z=z'. We also present an exact computation of all non-zero, independent, multispin correlation functions of the Kitaev model for such a quench and discuss their spatial dependence. For the disordered Kitaev model, where the disorder is introduced via random choice of the link variables DnD_n in the model's Fermionic representation, we find that n∼τ−1/2n \sim \tau^{-1/2} and Q∼τ−1Q\sim \tau^{-1} (Q∼τ−1/2Q\sim \tau^{-1/2}) for a slow linear quench ending in the gapless (gapped) phase. We provide a qualitative explanation of such scaling.Comment: 10 pages, 11 Figs. v

    Noncommutative Supersymmetric Gauge Anomaly

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    We extend the general method of hep-th/0009192 to compute the consistent gauge anomaly for noncommutative 4d SSYM coupled to chiral matter. The choice of the minimal homotopy path allows us to obtain a simple and compact result. We perform the reduction to components in the WZ gauge proving that our result contains, as lowest component, the bosonic chiral anomaly for noncommutative YM theories recently obtained in literature.Comment: 14 pages, plain Latex, no figure
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