30 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Dalam hal ini guru PJOK sangat berperan penting dan bertanggung jawab di lapangan saat pembelajaran. Maka dari, itu guru PJOK dituntut untuk bisa memberikan pertolongan pertama pada peserta didik yang mengalami cedera dan mendeteksi tingkat cedera yang dialami peserta didik. Kemudian membantu memberi masukan untuk proses penyembuhan. Disisi lain guru PJOK juga dapat memberikan tindakan pencegahan pada peserta didiknya agar cedera pada saat pembelajaran PJOK dapat diminimalisir.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penilitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran terhadap suatu objek yang diteliti melalui data sampel atau populasi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk angka. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Hasil penelitian tingkat pengetahuan guru PJOK tentang pertolongan pertama dan cedera olahraga di SMA/SMK se-Kecamatan Krembung menunjukkan bahwa penyebab cedera yang sering terjadi pada saat proses pembelajaran yaitu karena tidak cukup pemanasan dengan 8 responden atau 16,3% kemudian disusul dengan kurangnya kebugaran fisik, sarana prasarana yang tidak standar dan kurangnya kesadaran akan proteksi pribadi dipilih oleh 6 responden atau 12,2%. Sedangkan dari butir angket tentang pengetahuan tentang cara pencegahan dan layanan kesehatan semua responden sudah memahami sedangkan pada pengetahuan tentang metode RICE 7 dari 9 responden mengetahui dan sisanya 2 dari 9 responden tidak mengetahuinya. Kata kunci: Tingkat pengetahuan guru PJOK, pertolongan pertama dan pencegahan cedera Abstract Physical education teacher plays an important and responsible role in the learning activity.Physical education teacher is required to be able to provide first aid to students who are injured. Physical education teacher also needs to provide an input for the healing process. On the other hand,physical education teacher can also provide a preventive procedure to students so that injuries during learning activity can be minimized.Thisis a descriptive research which aims to provide an overview of an object studied through sample or population . The method which was used is the survey method. The resultsindicates the causes of injuries that often occur during the learning process are due to insufficient heating with 8 respondents or 16.3% followed with a lack of physical fitness, nonstandard infrastructure and lack of awareness of personal protection were chosen by 6 respondents or 12.2%. Whereas from the questionnaire items about prevention and health services all respondents already understood while in the knowledge of the RICE method 7 out of 9 respondents knew and the remaining 2 out of 9 respondents did not know. Keywords: Level of knowledge of physical education teachers, first aid and prevention of sports injurie

    KABA: Sebuah Penelusuran Bibliografi dan Pemetaan Kajian

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    Kaba adalah salah satu genre sastra yang cukup populer di Minangkabau.  Genre sastra ini sejak zaman kolonial hingga sekarang masih menjadi objek kajian yang menarik dari para peneliti di bidang kesusasteraan. Akan tetapi, belum ada penelitian yang menyajikan informasi tentang apa saja hasil kajian-kajian yang telah dilakukan peneliti terdahulu terhadap kaba. Hal ini memungkinkan terjadinya tumpang tindih kajian terhadap satu objek. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi terhadap hasil penelitian yang pernah dilakukan terhadap kaba.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelusuran kepustakaan. Teknik penelitiannya dengan cara mengumpulkan bibliografi kaba sebanyak-banyaknya dari pelbagai perpustakaan dan sumber-sumber penelitian terdahulu yang terkait dengan objek. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dipetakan menurut kajian kritik teks, kajian kritik sastra, penelitian kaba terkait bidang linguistik dan penelitian kaba sebagai sastra lisan.Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa, kaba sudah ditulis oleh orang Minangkabau sejak tahun 1831 dan penelitian terhadap jenis sastra ini sudah dilakukan oleh sarjana Belanda sejak tahun 1881. Pada pemetaan kajian yang  dilakukan, penelitian kaba dengan kajian kritik teks masih jarang dilakukan oleh para peneliti karena naskah kaba banyak berada diluar negeri, sehingga membutuhkan waktu dan dana yang besar untuk melakukan penelitian. Pada kajian kritik sastra penelitian kaba masih bersifat struktural dan belum ada kajian yang mendalam. Selanjutnya pada bidang linguistik,penelitian kaba masih sedikit sekali dilakukan oleh para peneliti. Dan pada pemetaan penelitian kaba sebagai sastra lisan yang perkembangannya sudah sampai kepada perekaman, arah penelitian kaba bisa dikembangkan kepada objek kaba rekaman dalam bentuk kaset maupun video compact disk (VCD)

    Technical Efficiency Analysis with a Frontier Approach in Milkfish Farming in Demak Regency

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the level of production and the level of production efficiency of the milkfish pond farming in Demak Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research sample was 160 milkfish farmers who were selected by survey method through interviews with respondents using structured questionnaires to obtain primary data. Data analysis used stochastic frontier production function analysis. The results of the research analysis showed that the production factors of land area, milkfish seeds, feed, labor, and fertilizer had a significant effect on production yields. Lime production factor has no significant effect on production yield. The average technical efficiency of milkfish pond farming is 0.69. The production of milkfish pond culture is technically not efficient, but it is worth cultivating. This study suggests that improving technical efficiency can be done by optimizing the milkfish pond farmers' production factors which significantly affect production yields

    The Effect of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment toward Employee's Performance

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of work life and organizational commitment on employee performance of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in Semarang. The population used in this study was all employees at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in Semarang. The sample size was 90 respondents, taken with a simple random sampling technic. The data source used is primary data, with the data collection method using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicate that the quality of work life has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Based on the results, suggestions can be submitted to BPJS Employment Semarang to maintain or improve work life and organizational commitment, by providing rewards and compensation for excellent employees


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    The purpose of this research is making a model of health center services (Community Health Center) in Semarang. The variables that be used are perception, image, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The population in this study are people in Semarang who ever went to the health center. Samples were taken 8 (eight) health centers in Semarang that have services and excellent programs with purposive informant. The results are first, the performance of health centers is still weak, because there are many people who come to the hospital for treatment. Second, service is slow, so it becomes the main target of  health department in terms of administrative proceedings and services to patients quickly, it did not take long, though it is still difficult to realize. Third, in public opinion, the image of  health centers are still not good enough


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    Students' mathematical learning results are influenced by many variables, including students, parents, schools, curricula, and mathematics itself. Preliminary observations showed that 27.7% of students received a score above 75 and 72.3% received a rating below 75. The minimum score for the exam was 75, which is the average grade. Many factors can contribute to poor student learning outcomes, including the role of teachers as instructors and their influence on students in creating and using inappropriate learning strategies. An alternative that can be developed on a model with learning is to use a mind mapping defence model. This survey aims to find out how much influence it has found on the mind mapping defense model with the help of power points.  The type of quantitative research used in this study is the design of a single group pretest-posttest. The test results are known to have a thitung value of 3.27. Thitung values are matched to with Table values with a significant upgrade of a=0,05 and obtained Table Values of 2.063. Thitung Values are derived that is greater than Table Value (thitung = 3.27 > ttable = 2.063 then Ha is accepted, that is, using the learning model of Mind Mapping and PowerPoint media, the student's learning results can be influenced

    Penerapan Model Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing Berorentasi Lingkungan Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) Di Kota Semarang

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    The Research oriented application environment competitive advantage strategy on Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) in Semarang with qualitative descriptive analysis tools produce information models ( 1 ) information technology ( IT ) services in support of very large. ( 2 ) The business strategy is carried out by PTS in Semarang with the strategy of market penetration , market development, product development, concentric diversification and horizontal stretegi able to improve organizational performance ( 3 ) The orientation of the customer ( student ) related to the needs of the stakeholders , ( 4 ) Orientation competitors and ( 5 ) environmental orientation to achieve competitive advantage. Informants in this study is the dean or a representative. The results of the phase II study recommends that the environmental dimension there are some private universities are not yet possess the green room and lobby space is adequate, there are private universities that do not have lifts for the disabled , all PTS has been to build relationships with the Company and the Bank, a small portion yet formed a partnership with IDX, most of PTS is not the concept of nationalism, and religion -based Key Word : information technology ( IT ), business strategy,  Market orientation, and environmental orientatio


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    The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the corporate governance mechanism to the firm value. The variables examined in this research are audit committe (audit committee activity and expertise of audit committee), board of commissioner (board of commissioner activity and independent commissioner), institutional ownership, managerial ownership  and firm value. The sample which used in this research are manufacturing companies listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange on period of 2007-2009. This research is using purposive sampling method to determine the sample and resulted 44 companies as research sample. Multiple regression model and statistic descriptive is used to analysis data. The result of this research shows the corporate governance mechanism (expertise of audit committee, independent commissioner and managerial ownership) had positive effect and significant to firm value. Audit committee activity, board of commissioner activity, and Institutional ownership are not influence to firm value