1,566 research outputs found

    Space Resources and Space Settlements

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    The technical papers from the five tasks groups that took part in the 1977 Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements and Industrialization Using Nonterrestrial Materials are presented. The papers are presented under the following general topics: (1) research needs for regenerative life-support systems; (2) habitat design; (3) dynamics and design of electromagnetic mass drivers; (4) asteroids as resources for space manufacturing; and (5) processing of nonterrestrial materials

    The atypical emission-line star Hen3-209

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    We analyse observations, spanning 15 years, dedicated to the extreme emission-line object Hen3-209. Our photometric data indicate that the luminosity of the star undergoes marked variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.65mag. These variations are recurrent, with a period of 16.093+-0.005d. The spectrum of Hen3-209 is peculiar with many different lines (HI, HeI, FeII,...) showing P Cygni profiles. The line profiles are apparently changing in harmony with the photometry. The spectrum also contains [OIII] lines that display a saddle profile topped by three peaks, with a maximum separation of about 600km/s. Hen3-209 is most likely an evolved luminous object suffering from mass ejection events and maybe belonging to a binary system.Comment: 6p, 5 fig, accepted for publication in MNRAS (www.blackwell-synergy.com

    A modern study of HD166734: a massive supergiant system

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    Aims. HD166734 is an eccentric eclipsing binary system composed of two supergiant O-type stars, orbiting with a 34.5-day period. In this rare configuration for such stars, the two objects mainly evolve independently, following single-star evolution so far. This system provides a chance to study the individual parameters of two supergiant massive stars and to derive their real masses. Methods. An intensive monitoring was dedicated to HD166734.We analyzed mid- and high-resolution optical spectra to constrain the orbital parameters of this system. We also studied its light curve for the first time, obtained in the VRI filters. Finally, we disentangled the spectra of the two stars and modeled them with the CMFGEN atmosphere code in order to determine the individual physical parameters. Results. HD166734 is a O7.5If+O9I(f) binary. We confirm its orbital period but we revise the other orbital parameters. In comparison to what we found in the literature, the system is more eccentric and, now, the hottest and the most luminous component is also the most massive one. The light curve exhibits only one eclipse and its analysis indicates an inclination of 63.0{\deg} ±\pm 2.7{\deg}. The photometric analysis provides us with a good estimation of the luminosities of the stars, and therefore their exact positions in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The evolutionary and the spectroscopic masses show good agreement with the dynamical masses of 39.5 Msun for the primary and 33.5 Msun for the secondary, within the uncertainties. The two components are both enriched in helium and in nitrogen and depleted in carbon. In addition, the primary also shows a depletion in oxygen. Their surface abundances are however not different from those derived from single supergiant stars, yielding, for both components, an evolution similar to that of single stars.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, A&A accepte

    The performance of the quantum adiabatic algorithm on random instances of two optimization problems on regular hypergraphs

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    In this paper we study the performance of the quantum adiabatic algorithm on random instances of two combinatorial optimization problems, 3-regular 3-XORSAT and 3-regular Max-Cut. The cost functions associated with these two clause-based optimization problems are similar as they are both defined on 3-regular hypergraphs. For 3-regular 3-XORSAT the clauses contain three variables and for 3-regular Max-Cut the clauses contain two variables. The quantum adiabatic algorithms we study for these two problems use interpolating Hamiltonians which are stoquastic and therefore amenable to sign-problem free quantum Monte Carlo and quantum cavity methods. Using these techniques we find that the quantum adiabatic algorithm fails to solve either of these problems efficiently, although for different reasons.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    A new investigation of the binary HD 48099

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    With an orbital period of about 3.078 days, the double-lined spectroscopic binary HD 48099 is, still now, the only short-period O+O system known in the Mon OB2 association. Even though an orbital solution has already been derived for this system, few information are available about the individual stars. We present, in this paper, the results of a long-term spectroscopic campaign. We derive a new orbital solution and apply a disentangling method to recover the mean spectrum of each star. To improve our knowledge concerning both components, we determine their spectral classifications and their projected rotational velocities. We also constrain the main stellar parameters of both stars by using the CMFGEN atmosphere code and provide the wind properties for the primary star through the study of IUE spectra. This investigation reveals that HD 48099 is an O5.5 V((f))+O9 V binary with M_1 sin^3 i = 0.70 M_{\sun} and M_2 sin^3 i = 0.39 M_{\sun}, implying a rather low orbital inclination. This result, combined with both a large effective temperature and log g, suggests that the primary star (v sini ~ 91 km s^-1) is actually a fast rotator with a strongly clumped wind and a nitrogen abundance of about 8 times the solar value.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    QMA-complete problems for stoquastic Hamiltonians and Markov matrices

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    We show that finding the lowest eigenvalue of a 3-local symmetric stochastic matrix is QMA-complete. We also show that finding the highest energy of a stoquastic Hamiltonian is QMA-complete and that adiabatic quantum computation using certain excited states of a stoquastic Hamiltonian is universal. We also show that adiabatic evolution in the ground state of a stochastic frustration free Hamiltonian is universal. Our results give a new QMA-complete problem arising in the classical setting of Markov chains, and new adiabatically universal Hamiltonians that arise in many physical systems.Comment: 11 pages. Contains several new results not present in version 1

    Simulations of observations with the Optical Monitor of the X-ray Multi-Mirror Satellite

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    peer reviewedThis paper addresses the question of the observations to be performed with the Optical Monitor (OM) of the X-ray Multi-Mirror Satellite (XMM) under several aspects. First, we discuss XMM-OM's photometric system and its colour transformations towards the standard U BV system. Second, we establish a set of procedures to determine the temperature and the amount of interstellar absorption affecting the observed stars. Last, we address the possibility of isolating quasars in multidimensional colour diagrams based on the XMM-OM filter set

    Sampling Distributions of Random Electromagnetic Fields in Mesoscopic or Dynamical Systems

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    We derive the sampling probability density function (pdf) of an ideal localized random electromagnetic field, its amplitude and intensity in an electromagnetic environment that is quasi-statically time-varying statistically homogeneous or static statistically inhomogeneous. The results allow for the estimation of field statistics and confidence intervals when a single spatial or temporal stochastic process produces randomization of the field. Results for both coherent and incoherent detection techniques are derived, for Cartesian, planar and full-vectorial fields. We show that the functional form of the sampling pdf depends on whether the random variable is dimensioned (e.g., the sampled electric field proper) or is expressed in dimensionless standardized or normalized form (e.g., the sampled electric field divided by its sampled standard deviation). For dimensioned quantities, the electric field, its amplitude and intensity exhibit different types of Bessel KK sampling pdfs, which differ significantly from the asymptotic Gauss normal and χ2p(2)\chi^{(2)}_{2p} ensemble pdfs when ν\nu is relatively small. By contrast, for the corresponding standardized quantities, Student tt, Fisher-Snedecor FF and root-FF sampling pdfs are obtained that exhibit heavier tails than comparable Bessel KK pdfs. Statistical uncertainties obtained from classical small-sample theory for dimensionless quantities are shown to be overestimated compared to dimensioned quantities. Differences in the sampling pdfs arising from de-normalization versus de-standardization are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E, minor typos correcte

    Simultaneous X-ray and optical spectroscopy of the Oef supergiant lambda Cep

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    Probing the structures of stellar winds is of prime importance for the understanding of massive stars. Based on their optical spectral morphology and variability, the stars of the Oef class have been suggested to feature large-scale structures in their wind. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and time-series of X-ray observations of presumably-single O-type stars can help us understand the physics of their stellar winds. We have collected XMM-Newton observations and coordinated optical spectroscopy of the O6Ief star lambda Cep to study its X-ray and optical variability and to analyse its high-resolution X-ray spectrum. We investigate the line profile variability of the He II 4686 and H-alpha emission lines in our time series of optical spectra, including a search for periodicities. We further discuss the variability of the broadband X-ray flux and analyse the high-resolution spectrum of lambda Cep using line-by-line fits as well as a code designed to fit the full high-resolution X-ray spectrum consistently. During our observing campaign, the He II 4686 line varies on a timescale of ~18 hours. On the contrary, the H-alpha line profile displays a modulation on a timescale of 4.1 days which is likely the rotation period of the star. The X-ray flux varies on time-scales of days and could in fact be modulated by the same 4.1 days period as H-alpha, although both variations are shifted in phase. The high-resolution X-ray spectrum reveals broad and skewed emission lines as expected for the X-ray emission from a distribution of wind-embedded shocks. Most of the X-ray emission arises within less than 2R* above the photosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Progressive in vivo development of resistance to cefiderocol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    We report in vivo development of cefiderocol (FDC) resistance among four sequential Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates ST244 recovered from a single patient, without exposure to FDC, which raises concern about the effectiveness of this novel drug. The first recovered P. aeruginosa isolate (P-01) was susceptible to FDC (2 μg/mL), albeit this MIC value was higher than that of a wild-type P. aeruginosa (0.12-0.25 μg/ml). The subsequent isolated strains (P-02, P-03, P-04) displayed increasing levels of FDC MICs (8, 16, and 64 μg/ml, respectively). Those isolates also showed variable and gradual increasing levels of resistance to most β-lactams tested in this study. Surprisingly, no acquired β-lactamase was identified in any of those isolates. Whole-genome sequence analysis suggested that this resistance was driven by multifactorial mechanisms including mutational changes in iron transporter proteins associated with FDC uptake, ampC gene overproduction, and mexAB-oprM overexpression. These findings highlight that a susceptibility testing to FDC must be performed prior to any prescription