719 research outputs found

    An Examination Of Faculty Innovativeness In Relation To Inductive Teaching And The Use Of Technology

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    The conceptual framework for this research describes the processes faculty use to create an online course that meets learning outcomes while creating a positive learning experience for the online student.  This involves acceptance of technology to create a course structured for inductive learning in addition to traditional deductive learning.  The presence of faculty innovation is demonstrated by the design of inductive learning exercises.  Innovative professors must continue to enhance the quality of their online delivery in an effort to achieve the same educational outcomes acquired in a traditional classroom.  However, many professors are reluctant to embrace online delivery software and technology designed to enhance the classroom.  This research identifies innovation, technology acceptance, inductive learning, and quality enhancement as measures online quality in an academic environment.  The assessment instrument for this research is the Rubric for Online Competencies and Standards (ROCS) developed by Hodges University.  The ROCS consist of twenty-eight quality indicators in six categories extracted from a combination of regional standards from accreditation bodies including, but not limited to: SACS, Sloan-C, and EDUCAUSE

    Frontal sinus osteoma removal with the ultrasonic bone aspirator.

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    Osteomas, the most common skull tumors, are typically excised through either an open or endoscopic ostectomy using a high-speed drill, a technically challenging procedure that can result in injury to adjacent soft tissue structures. Osteoma removal through ultrasonic bone emulsification and aspiration (UBA) offers the advantages of decreased blood loss, preservation of adjacent soft tissue structures, and precise bone removal. UBA was used to successfully remove a forehead osteoma without injury to adjacent nerves and with a satisfactory cosmetic outcome. We describe skull osteoma removal with an ultrasonic bone aspirator, which offers potential advantages over conventional bone removal techniques

    A thermoplastic vest to prevent self mutilation in experimental flap surgery in rats

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    Poster presented at: 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer in Toronto, Canada. Introduction: Rats are frequently utilized for both research and training related to reconstructive head and neck surgery. The femoral neurovascular complex represents a useful mode for microvascular anastomosis, both for the purposes of testing adjuncts designed to improve anastomotic patency rates, as well as for residents and students to gain experience in microvascular surgery outside the operating room. Additionally, the rat proves useful in investigations examining the survivability of both random and axial pattern skin flaps

    Climatization, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection

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    It is known that approximately 15% of the energy consumed in Ecuador is used for the operation of climate conditioning equipment and, on the other hand, most of the existing technology operates on the basis of the use of refrigerant gases Are invasive to the ozone layer. In the work, a case study is shown that allows the identification of a relevant result linked to an action of technological innovation based on the conversion of the R-22 gas by the R-290 gas, thus reducing the consumption of electric energy and reducing the Environmental inventory of the institution, achieving a better performance of the technology

    Efeito do ácido giberélico e da nutrição mineral no crescimento de mudas florestais nativas.

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    A demanda florestal do estado, compreende a uma área anual de colheita de 15 mil ha/ano, e uma área de plantio de cerca de 100 mil ha/ano. Crescente desde 2005, impulsionada pela criação de um pólo florestal mantido por empresas consumidoras de celulose, necessita de alta produção de mudas de qualidade em tempo hábil, havendo contudo, interesse em espécies nativas do cerrado. Gastos com mudas representam 30% do custo de implantação de um reflorestamento, isso se deve ao longo tempo que estas permanecem em viveiro, recebendo tratos culturais específicos e onerosos. As árvores nativas têm sido exploradas recentemente, porém um dos desafios é a produção de mudas de qualidade em menor tempo. O uso de uma fertilização adequada à cada espécie, bem como fitormônios que aceleram seu crescimento podem reduzir o tempo de produção e, consequentemente, seu custo, permitindo assim que o plantio de florestas torne-se cada vez mais acessível. Neste experimento objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes soluções nutritivas e giberelina (GA3) no crescimento e desenvolvimento de mudas de cumbarú (Dipterix alata) e canafístula (Peltophorum dubium), visando acelerar o crescimento e agregar valor às mudas de forma que apresentassem melhor adaptação as condições de campo. As sementes foram germinadas em câmara de germinação tipo B.O.D. a 20°C. Posteriormente, as plântulas foram transplantadas para tubetes com substrato PLANTMAX. As mudas serão avaliadas nas características de altura e diâmetro de colo, peso fresco e peso seco da parte aérea e da raiz. Adotou-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, com 10 tratamentos e 8 repetições, para cada espécie. Os resultados serão submetidos à análise de variância por meio do programa computacional Estat

    In vitro bio-functional performances of the novel superelastic beta-type Ti-23Nb-0.7Ta-2Zr-0.5N alloy

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    International audienceThe materials used for internal fracture fixations and joint replacements are mainly made of metals which still face problems ranging from higher rigidity than that of natural bone to leaching cytotoxic metallic ions. Beta (β)-type titanium alloys with low elastic modulus made from non-toxic and non-allergenic elements are desirable to reduce stress shielding effect and enhance bone remodeling. In this work, a new β-type Ti-23Nb-0.7Ta-2Zr-0.5N alloy with a Young's modulus of approximately 50 GPa was designed and characterized. The behavior of MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts on the new alloy, including adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, was evaluated by examining the cytoskeleton, focal adhesion formation, metabolic activity and extracellular matrix mineralization. Results indicated that the pre-osteoblast cells exhibited a similar degree of attachment and growth on Ti-23Nb-0.7Ta-2Zr-0.5N and Ti-6Al-4V. However, the novel alloy proved to be significantly more efficient in sustaining mineralized matrix deposition upon osteogenic induction of the cells than Ti-6Al-4V control. Further, analysis of RAW 264.7 macrophages cytokine gene and protein expression indicated no significant inflammatory response. Collectively, these findings suggest that the Ti-23Nb-0.7Ta-2Zr-0.5N alloy, which has an increased mechanical biocompatibility with bone, allows a better osteogenic differentiation of osteoblast precursor cells than Ti-6Al-4V and holds great potential for future clinical prosthetic applications

    Lingering random walks in random environment on a strip

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    We consider a recurrent random walk (RW) in random environment (RE) on a strip. We prove that if the RE is i. i. d. and its distribution is not supported by an algebraic subsurface in the space of parameters defining the RE then the RW exhibits the "(log t)-squared" asymptotic behaviour. The exceptional algebraic subsurface is described by an explicit system of algebraic equations. One-dimensional walks with bounded jumps in a RE are treated as a particular case of the strip model. If the one dimensional RE is i. i. d., then our approach leads to a complete and constructive classification of possible types of asymptotic behaviour of recurrent random walks. Namely, the RW exhibits the (logt)2(\log t)^{2} asymptotic behaviour if the distribution of the RE is not supported by a hyperplane in the space of parameters which shall be explicitly described. And if the support of the RE belongs to this hyperplane then the corresponding RW is a martingale and its asymptotic behaviour is governed by the Central Limit Theorem

    Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dynamics of Plasmas and Fluids

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    In the lowest order of approximation quasi-twa-dimensional dynamics of planetary atmospheres and of plasmas in a magnetic field can be described by a common convective vortex equation, the Charney and Hasegawa-Mirna (CHM) equation. In contrast to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation, the CHM equation admits "shielded vortex solutions" in a homogeneous limit and linear waves ("Rossby waves" in the planetary atmosphere and "drift waves" in plasmas) in the presence of inhomogeneity. Because of these properties, the nonlinear dynamics described by the CHM equation provide rich solutions which involve turbulent, coherent and wave behaviors. Bringing in non ideal effects such as resistivity makes the plasma equation significantly different from the atmospheric equation with such new effects as instability of the drift wave driven by the resistivity and density gradient. The model equation deviates from the CHM equation and becomes coupled with Maxwell equations. This article reviews the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the quasi-two-dimensional aspect of plasmas and planetary atmosphere starting from the introduction of the ideal model equation (CHM equation) and extending into the most recent progress in plasma turbulence.U. S. Department of Energy DE-FG05-80ET-53088Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of JapanFusion Research Cente