44,164 research outputs found

    Equivariant Cohomology of Rationally Smooth Group Embeddings

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    We describe the equivariant cohomology ring of rationally smooth projective embeddings of reductive groups. These embeddings are the projectivizations of reductive monoids. Our main result describes their equivariant cohomology in terms of roots, idempotents, and underlying monoid data. Also, we characterize those embeddings whose equivariant cohomology ring is obtained via restriction to the associated toric variety. Such characterization is given in terms of the closed orbits.Comment: 25 pages. Final version. To appear in Transformation Group

    The intercultural effectiveness of university students

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    Intercultural communication has reached new levels with economic globalization, increased sophistication of communication technologies, and “internationalization” of education. As a critical tool for intercultural effectiveness, having a multicultural personality shapes the nature of interaction with people from other cultural backgrounds. In the university context, to advance internationalization, tertiary institutions need to be real international centers for teaching and learning with respect to people’s world views. This study aimed to explore intercultural effectiveness of university students by using the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). With this purpose in mind, 493 students from the University of Notre Dame (ND), Sydney participated in a survey utilizing the MPQ. This study ascertained differences in dimensions of the MPQ for several demographic variables such as traditional (\u3c24 years of age) vs. non-traditional (\u3e24 years of age) university students, gender, religious affiliation, bicultural status, and level of study. This study confirmed significant differences in intercultural effectiveness across various countries as well as gender, non-traditional students, and bicultural study. It also stressed the role of curriculum changes at universities to strengthen intercultural effectiveness

    Rational smoothness, cellular decompositions and GKM theory

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    Localization in equivariant operational K-theory and the Chang-Skjelbred property

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    Algebraic rational cells and equivariant intersection theory

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    We provide a notion of algebraic rational cell with applications to intersection theory on singular varieties with torus action. Based on this notion, we study the algebraic analogue of Q\mathbb{Q}-filtrable varieties: algebraic varieties where a torus acts with isolated fixed points, such that the associated Bialynicki-Birula decomposition consists of algebraic rational cells. We show that the rational equivariant Chow group of any Q\mathbb{Q}-filtrable variety is freely generated by the cell closures. We apply this result to group embeddings, and more generally to spherical varieties. This paper is an extension of arxiv.org/abs/1112.0365 to equivariant Chow groups.Comment: Second version. 24 pages. Substantial changes in the presentation. In particular, the results on Poincar\'e duality (Section 6 of first version) are omitted; they are published in a separate paper (see http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/promathematica/article/view/11235

    Melinda Negron-Gonzales, Program Coordinator (Politics and Society Program), Assistant Professor of Political Science, COLA travels to UK, Italy, Spain, France

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    Prof. Negron-Gonzales presented a paper on a faith-based movement called Hizmet at the 3rd Annual Sociology and Critical Perspectives Conference on Social Movements in Turkey

    Internalized Racism: Biases Children and Adults Hold

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    Due to one’s surroundings, many African American children have internalized these racial biases without them without consciously being aware of it. Hence, this paper highlights various studies that have done previous research on the racial biases children hold like the pioneering study, the Clark doll experiment of 1947. Furthermore, this paper elaborates on measurements of how children have internalized these biases along with the influence adults play on the lives of these children. Therefore, I expand on the many implications these biases have on the lives of African American children and suggest possible approaches to aid in the reduction of these racial biases

    Building and Managing Endowments: Lessons from Southeast Asia

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    This paper provides an analysis of the experiences of four organizations in Southeast Asia (three in the Philippines, one in Indonesia) in creating, building, and managing endowments as mechanisms for their financial sustainability. However, it does not intend to compare and assess the performance of the four foundations' endowments. It describes the concept of endowments and draws conclusion about managed endowments, by comparing the four organizations and the differences between funding by grants and funding by managed endowments
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