15 research outputs found

    Iskustva akreditacije Instituta za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada

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    Accreditation in accordance with the international General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard) has become a widely accepted method of quality management and objective evidence of technical competence, knowledge, and skills of testing and calibration laboratories. In 2010, the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMROH) had its management system accredited against the HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for the following scopes: determination of radioactivity, testing of ambient air quality, and testing in the scope of ionising radiation protection. This accreditation encompassed three laboratories: Radiation Protection Unit, Environmental Hygiene Unit, and the Radiation Dosimetry and Radiobiology Unit. In accordance with the rules of the Croatian Accreditation Agency, the second re-accreditation is due in 2020. This paper describes and discusses the quality management system at IMROH over the ten years of its implementation. We share our experiences about non-conformities discovered during regular work, internal audits, and external audits performed by the Croatian Accreditation Agency. The accredited management system significantly improved the performance of the accredited units, and the Institute increased its visibility and marketing advantage, consequently improving its market position.Akreditacija u skladu sa zahtjevima međunarodnog standarda HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 (Opći zahtjevi za osposobljenost ispitnih i umjernih laboratorija) postala je praktična i široko prihvaćena metoda upravljanja kvalitetom i objektivni dokaz tehničke osposobljenosti, znanja i vještina u ispitnim i umjernim laboratorijima. Institut za medicinska istraživanja I medicinu rada (IMROH) akreditirao je 2010. godine svoj sustav upravljanja u skladu sa zahtjevima HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 norme za sljedeća područja primjene: određivanje radioaktivnosti, ispitivanja kvalitete zraka te ispitivanja u području zaštite od ionizirajućega zračenja. Akreditacija je obuhvaćala tri laboratorija: Jedinicu za zaštitu od zračenja, Jedinicu za higijenu okoline i Jedinicu za dozimetriju zračenja i radiobiologiju. U skladu s pravilima Hrvatske akreditacijske agencije, u 2020. godini planira se druga reakreditacija Instituta. U radu je opisan sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u IMROH-u i iskustva stečena tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja. Analizirane su nesukladnosti otkrivene tijekom redovitog rada, u internim auditima te u vanjskim auditima koje je provodila Hrvatska akreditacijska agencija, tj. nacionalno akreditacijsko tijelo u Hrvatskoj. Može se zaključiti da je akreditirani sustav upravljanja značajno poboljšao rad uključenih akreditiranih jedinica, a Institut je povećao vidljivost na tržištu i marketinšku prednost te posljedično poboljšao svoju tržišnu poziciju

    Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Atmospheric Particles Collected in Zagreb, Croatia

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    We studied the occurrence and levels of hexachlorobenzene, α-, β-, and γ-hexachlorocyclo-hexane, 4,4\u27-DDT, 4,4\u27-DDE, 4,4\u27-DDD, and 17 PCBs (six indicator and eleven other toxicologically significant congeners) in PM10 and/or PM2.5 particle fractions collected between 2000 and 2003 and in 2010 at a site in the northern residential part of Zagreb, Croatia. Twenty-four-hour particle samples were collected on glass or quartz microfibre filters from approximately 100 m3 of ambient air per filter. Filters with particles collected over seven consecutive days were combined for ultrasonic extraction with 1:1 acetone:n-hexane mixture followed by capillary gas chromatography with electron capture detection. In the monitored periods, the mass concentrations of organochlorine compounds in atmospheric particles were characteristic of global environmental pollution and showed a decreasing trend. Local input was observed only for γ-hexachlorocyclohexane. There were no pronounced seasonal variations in the mass fraction levels of any pesticide or PCB in airborne particles. A decreasing trend in the mass concentrations of some compounds with higher air temperatures was mostly related to the lower particle concentrations in warmer seasons and, consequently, to less particle-bound organochlorine compounds in the atmosphere

    Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici u zraku okolice plinskog polja Molve

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    Small-volume air samples (~7 m3 per 24 h) of airborne PM10 particle fraction were collected on quartz fibre filters at two measuring sites in the vicinity of the gas field Molve in April and July 2006. It took five to seven days for each sample to collect and one month to collect five to seven samples. Mass concentrations of PM10 fractions were determined by gravimetry while PAHs were analysed using a HPLC with a fluorescent detector. The analysis included fluoranthene (Flu), pyrene (Pyr), benzo(a)anthracene (BaA), chrysene (Cry), benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF), benzo(k)fluoranthene (BkF), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), benzo(ghi)perylene (BghiP) and indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (Ind). Average concentrations of all PAHs in April at site A were slightly higher than at site B while in July they were lower and similar on both sites. Average BaP concentration measured at site A in April was 0.156 ng m-3 and at site B 0.129 ng m-3, while July BaP averages were 0.022 ng m-3 at both sites. In both months, the mass concentration of BaP was lower than the limit value (1 ng m-3) and well below the tolerant value (2 ng m-3) set by a Croatian regulation of 2005. This suggests that the air near gas field Molve was of acceptable quality in respect to BaP at the time of the measurement.Uzorci PM10 frakcije lebdećih čestica skupljani su prosisavanjem malog volumena zraka (~7 m3 za 24 h) kroz filtre od kvarcnih vlakana. Svaki je uzorak skupljan tijekom pet do sedam dana na dva mjerna mjesta u okolici plinskog polja Molve. Uzorkovanje je provedeno tijekom travnja i srpnja 2006. godine. Masene koncentracije PM10 frakcije određene su gravimetrijski, dok je analiza policikličkih aromatskih ugljikovodika (PAU) rađena tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) s fluorescentnim detektorom. Mjereni su sljedeći PAU: fluoranten, piren, benzo(a)antracen, krizen, benzo(b)fluoranten, benzo(k)fluoranten, benzo(a)piren, benzo(ghi)perilen i indeno(1,2,3-cd)piren. Srednje vrijednosti masenih koncentracija svih PAU u travnju na mjernome mjestu A bile su neznatno više od onih na mjernome mjestu B, dok su u srpnju na oba mjerna mjesta bile vrlo slične. Srednja vrijednost koncentracije BaP izmjerenog u travnju na mjernome mjestu A bila je viša od vrijednosti izmjerene na mjernome mjestu B. U srpnju su srednje vrijednosti bile znatno niže i na oba mjerna mjesta iznosile su 0.022 ng m-3. Iz rezultata dobivenih mjerenjem vidljivo je da je koncentracija benzo(a)pirena bila znatno niža od granične vrijednosti (1 ng m-3) i tolerantne vrijednosti (1 ng m-3, Uredba iz 2005.), pa možemo zaključiti da je zrak u okolici plinskog polja Molve tijekom istraživanog razdoblja bio prve kategorije kakvoće

    Masene koncentracije ugljika u zraku na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera

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    Praćenje razina koncentracija PM2,5 frakcije lebdećih čestica kao i određivanje njihova kemijskog sastava od velike je važnosti s obzirom na to da su brojna istraživanja pokazala povezanost te frakcije čestica i štetnih učinaka na zdravlje ljudi i kvalitetu okoliša. Na mjernoj postaji smještenoj na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera sakupljani su 24-satni uzorci frakcije lebdećih čestica PM2,5 na filtrima od kvarcnih vlakana tijekom 2015. godine. Masene koncentracije frakcije lebdećih čestica PM2,5 određivane su referentnom gravimetrijskom metodom, dok su masene koncentracije organskog (OC) i elementnog (EC) ugljika određene metodom termičko-optičke transmisije. Najviše masene koncentracije lebdećih čestica, OC-a i EC-a izmjerene su ljeti, dok su najniže izmjerene zimi

    Carcinogenic organic content of particulate matter at urban locations with different pollution sources

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are compounds known for their adverse effects on human health. Many of them are proven carcinogens, especially those with 5 and 6 aromatic rings, which under normal tropospheric conditions are found in the particle-phase. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is often measured as their general representative. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is among the European cities with the poorest air quality. However, in Sarajevo PAHs are neither routinely measured within the air quality monitoring network nor have been a subject of extended, continuous field studies during the most polluted cold periods of the year. The capital of Croatia, Zagreb, is located approximately 300 km air distance north-west from Sarajevo. PAH mass concentrations in Zagreb have been measured continuously since 1994 within air quality monitoring networks. During winter 2017/2018, the SAFICA project (Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018) was carried out in order to characterize the chemical composition of organic and inorganic aerosol in the Sarajevo Canton. This paper presents the results of PAH measurements in the cities of Sarajevo and Zagreb at one urban location per city. Daily (24 h), continuous samples of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters ≤10 μm) were collected during heating season, from December 27, 2017 to February 27, 2018. Mass concentrations of eleven particle-phase PAHs in Sarajevo and Zagreb from filter samples collected during the same period were compared. The average BaP ambient mass concentrations in Sarajevo and Zagreb were 6.93 ng m−3 and 3.11 ng m−3, respectively. The contribution of BaP to the total PAH mass concentration was similar at both locations (11%). However, much higher contributions of particle-phase fluoranthene and pyrene were found in Sarajevo. Contributions of individual PAH, diagnostic ratios and factor analysis indicate that combustion of gasoline and diesel from vehicle traffic are a potential source of PAHs at both locations, as well as combustion of other liquid fossil fuels (petroleum and fuel oil). Wood burning was occasionally indicated as a PAH emission source in Zagreb, while in Sarajevo the contribution of PAHs from wood and coal combustion was more evident. Calculated value for total carcinogenic potency (TCP) of PAHs, which was estimated using toxic equivalence factors from the literature, in PM10 samples collected in Sarajevo was more than twice higher than in Zagreb (10.6 ng m−3 and 4.7 ng m−3, respectively). BaP had the highest contribution to the TCP at both locations (69 and 67%)

    Variabilities of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer: Insights to the atmospheric deposition impacts

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    Highlights: • Adriatic coastal area: simultaneous atmospheric and seawater field measurements • Nutrient variability in aerosols, rainwater and atmospheric deposition (AD) fluxes • Local open-fire biomass burning (BB) affected chemistry of atmospheric samples. • AD impacted nutrient levels and N:P ratios in the sea surface microlayer (SML). • The SML plankton development and organic matter enrichments followed BB episodes. Abstract: Atmospheric deposition (AD) of nutrients and its impact on the sea surface requires consideration of interfacial processes within the sea surface microlayer (SML), the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer of major importance for many global biogeochemical and climate-related processes. This study comprised a comprehensive dataset, including dissolved NO3−, NH4+ and PO43− in ambient aerosol particles, wet deposition and sea surface samples collected from February to July 2019 at a central Adriatic coastal site. The aerosol mean concentration of dissolved nitrogen (DIN = NO3− + NH4+) and PO43− were 48.8 ± 82.8 μmol m−3 and 0.8 ± 0.6 μmol m−3, respectively, while their total fluxes (dry + wet) ranged from 24.2 to 212.3 μmol m−2 d−1 (mean 123.2 ± 53.2 μmol m−2 d−1) and from 1.2 to 2.1 μmol m−2 d−1 (mean 1.5 ± 0.3 μmol m−2 d−1), respectively. Intensive local episodes of open biomass burning (BB) significantly increased aerosol DIN concentrations as well as DIN deposition fluxes, particularly altering the molar DIN/PO43− ratio of atmospheric samples. The DIN temporal patterns showed high variability in the SML (range 0.2–24.6 μmol L−1, mean 5.0 ± 7.1 μmol L−1) in contrast to the underlying water samples (range 0.5–4.2 μmol L−1, mean 1.9 ± 1.2 μmol L−1), with significant increases during BB periods. Variability in abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and autotrophs in the SML along with concentrations of bulk dissolved and particulate organic carbon as well as dissolved and particulate lipids and carbohydrates, gel particles and surfactants followed DIN enhancements with a two-week delay. This study showed that AD can affect the short-term scale enrichments of organic matter in the SML, especially when accompanied by BB emissions typical of the overall Mediterranean coastal environment. This could have strong implications for global air-sea exchange processes, including those of climate relevant gases, mediated by the SML