245 research outputs found

    Le dernier mot

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    The Enduring Relevance of Mauss’ Essai sur le don

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    The author rereads Mauss’ “Essay on the Gift” to focus on the essential differences between the archaic gift and the modern gift, the first of which is the separation between people and things. In fact, if in so-called primitive societies the gift is a “total welfare” (religious, economic, social, political), in modern societies the circulation of things becomes autonomous and we find the gift in the sphere of primary ties and, only partially, in those of the market and the state. The paradox of the gift, which Mauss emphasises, is its being a mĂ©lange of obligation and freedom: why do we in turn give when we receive something as a gift? This aspect – reciprocating the thing received – in Māori society is referred to as “hau” and contains the identity of the giver: the gift encloses, in a way, the self of the giver. For Mauss, even in modern society, presenting something to someone implies presenting something of the Self. Even when it comes to the gift between strangers, such as the gift of blood or the gift of organs, it expresses the social identity of the giver and the recipient, since it can be perceived as society’s recognition of a general gift or of the recipient’s belonging to this society

    L’actualitĂ© de l’« Essai sur le don »

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    Au dĂ©but de son cĂ©lĂšbre « Essai », Mauss oppose le don chez les archaĂŻques au don dans nos sociĂ©tĂ©s. Mais au fur et Ă  mesure qu’il progresse, il est portĂ© Ă  remettre cette opposition de plus en plus en question. Nous suggĂ©rons dans ce texte que Marcel Mauss a ainsi ouvert la voie Ă  l’étude du don moderne, notamment avec la notion indigĂšne de hau.At the beginning of his famous Essay, Mauss contrasts the gift in archaic times with the gift in our own societies. But as he advances, he tends increasingly to question this comparison. We suggest in this text that Marcel Mauss has thus opened the way to the study of the modern gift, particularly with the indigenous concept of hau.Al principio de su famoso Ensayo, Mauss opone el don de los arcaĂ­smos al don de nuestras sociedades. Pero a medida que progresa, lleva a poner de nuevo Ă©sta oposiciĂłn cada vez mĂĄs en cuestiĂłn. Sugerimos en este texto que Marcel Mauss a abierto la vĂ­a al estudio del don moderno, en particular, con el concepto indĂ­gena de hau

    Ce qui se passe aux frontiĂšres de l’État et de la sociĂ©tĂ©

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    La crise de l’État-providence a conduit Ă  une remise en question des rapports entre l’État et la sociĂ©tĂ©. Les travaux sur ce thĂšme demeurent cependant le plus souvent thĂ©oriques. Dans ce texte, nous amorçons une discussion sur cette question Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats d’une recherche sur les rapports concrets qui s’établissent entre les agents de l’État (en l’occurrence les employĂ©s d’un centre local de services communautaires - CLSC) et les membres de la communautĂ© Ă  laquelle ils s’adressent. Cette analyse conduit Ă  une vision diffĂ©rente de la dynamique actuelle des rapports entre l’État et la sociĂ©tĂ©

    Qui a peur de la communauté?

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    La laĂŻcitĂ© est beaucoup associĂ©e Ă  la mentalitĂ© et Ă  la culture françaises. En Ă©tablissant quelques diffĂ©rences majeures qui marquent les modĂšles juridiques français (dĂ©mocratie directe) et anglo-saxon (dĂ©mocratie reprĂ©sentative) l'auteur montre comment la mĂ©fiance des français pour la notion de communautĂ© vient de l'absence d'une vision de la sociĂ©tĂ© existant par elle-mĂȘme, indĂ©pendamment du pouvoir politique et de l'Etat. Cette utopie de la communautĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle des grands nombres exclus les communautĂ©s « concurrentes » et verse dans une hypertrophie de la Raison, oblitĂ©rant tout autre aspect du rĂ©el qui pourrait permettre d'organiser le social autrement. L'Ă©cole laĂŻque prĂ©tend former Ă  la libertĂ© de penser par la seule Raison.Laicity is often associated with the mentality and the culture of the French. In establishing some of the major differences that distinguish the French juridical model (direct democracy) from the Anglo-saxon model (representative democracy), the author shows how the mistrust of the notion of community by the French, arises from the lack of a vision of a society which exists by itself, independent from political power and from the State. This Utopia of the community on a large scale excludes " rival " communities and falls into a hypertrophy of Reason, forgetting all other aspects of reality that could permit a different kind of social organization. The lay school claims this formation through the liberty of thinking by Reason alone

    The Analysis Of Comments Received By The BIS On Principles For Sound Liquidity Risk Management And Supervision

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    The market turmoil that began in mid-2007 re-emphasized the importance of liquidity to the functioning of financial markets and the banking sector. In June 2008, the Basel Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released a consultative document on Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision. Interested parties were invited to provide written comments by the end of July 2008. As a result, the Committee received many comments for publication by 30 different commenters. Our analysis first indicates that comments were formulated on each of the 17 principles discussed in the consultative document. Second, comments were also made in each of the five separate defined areas of focus covered by the 17 principles. Third, the results of our analysis reveal that opinions on different principles differed the most when commenters were separated into four distinct categories: banking trade associations, regulatory supervisors, individual financial institutions, and others (consultants, academics, accounting associations, and financial information providers). Last but not least, the results of the study indicate that commenters’ opinions, both within a category and between categories, differed the most in the two following defined areas of focus: measurement and management of liquidity risk and public disclosure of quantitative information on liquidity risk management

    La formation de la communautĂ© urbaine de QuĂ©bec et le rĂŽle de l'État dans la restructuration des pouvoirs locaux

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    Parlant rĂ©cemment des gouvernements mĂ©tropolitains, B.M. Gross a qualifiĂ© cette idĂ©e de « morte mais non encore enterrĂ©e ». Dans le mĂȘme sens, aux États-Unis, bien des observateurs et des promoteurs des gouvernements mĂ©tropolitains semblent abandonner tout espoir de rĂ©aliser une telle structure et songent Ă  d'autres formules pour solutionner les problĂšmes de gouvernement des grandes agglomĂ©rations. Cependant, Ă  la fin de l'annĂ©e 1969, l'AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec adoptait trois projets de loi crĂ©ant deux gouvernements mĂ©tropolitains (communautĂ©s urbaines de QuĂ©bec et MontrĂ©al) et un gouvernement rĂ©gional (communautĂ© rĂ©gionale de l'Outaouais). De plus, le MinistĂšre des affaires municipales songe Ă  Ă©tendre ce systĂšme et Ă  doter la province d'une structure de gouvernement rĂ©gional et mĂ©tropolitain.Il est Ă©tonnant de constater qu'au moment oĂč on abandonne l'idĂ©e de gouvernement mĂ©tropolitain aux États-Unis, le QuĂ©bec rĂ©ussisse Ă  doter ses deux plus grandes agglomĂ©rations d'une telle structure politico-administrative et veuille Ă©tendre ce systĂšme aux diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions du QuĂ©bec. En analysant les principales caractĂ©ristiques du processus de formation de la CommunautĂ© urbaine de QuĂ©bec, ce travail vise Ă  dĂ©gager les facteurs socio-politiques qui facilitent au QuĂ©bec une telle transformation des structures politiques locales et Ă  apporter quelques rĂ©flexions sur le fonctionnement futur du nouveau gouvernement mĂ©tropolitain

    The Informational Content Of Voluntary Embedded Value (EV) Financial Disclosures By Canadian Life Insurance Companies

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    The informational content and relevance to external stakeholders of voluntary financial disclosures by commercial banks is now becoming more widely recognized. For instance, banks voluntary disclosures of liquidity, interest rate and market risk metrics have been bound to be closely associated with market value of equity and credit ratings. So far, there has been very scarce published research on investigating the informational content and relevance to external stakeholders of voluntary financial disclosures by life insurance companies. In order to improve upon this situation, this paper studies and reports the informational content of voluntary embedded value (EV) financial disclosures by Canadian life insurance companies. As opposed to traditional statutory balance sheet and earnings reporting, EV voluntary disclosure attempts to estimate the present value of future earnings generated by a life insurers current book of various insurance businesses. The preliminary results presented in this study indicate that EV voluntary financial disclosures communicate intrinsic informational content and provide value relevance to external stakeholders in the sense that they were found to be closely associated with life insurers market value of equity

    Analysis And Comments On The Consultative Document: International Framework For Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards And Monitoring

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    The market turmoil that began in mid-2007 re-emphasized the importance of liquidity to the functioning of financial markets and the banking sector. In December 2009, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released a consultative document entitled: “International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring”. Interested parties were invited to provide written comments by April 16th 2010. Given our interest in promoting sound liquidity risk management and supervision, three members of the Chair responded to the BIS request. Today, we share with you a summary of our analysis and comments. Our work first supports the adoption  of the BCBS proposals on two new liquidity risk management standards which take the form of a 30-day minimum liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) combined with a one-year minimum net stable funding ratio (NSFR), both to be accompanied by a mandatory set of market-related monitoring tools. Second, we share with you several general comments and suggestions we formulated on the following topics: the need for better coordination, both domestically and internationally between macro and micro-prudential supervision, the need to formulate more precise liquidity risk requirements on foreign currency funding, the importance and usefulness of public financial disclosure, suggestions on extending the use of market-related monitoring rules and metrics. Third, we also share with you more specific comments and suggestions formulated on the following topics : areas of further work like intra-group and cross border liquidity risk management, selling to gauge market liquidity, clarifying LCR and NSFR  definitions, credit rating downgrades, and defining required stable funding categories. Fourth, the results of the analysis support the need to promote a more level business and supervisory playing field for all internationally active banks. Last but not least, we draw the risk-return and financial implications for Canadian banks of the adoption of the BCBS proposals for liquidity risk management and supervision

    The Informational Content Of Voluntary Embedded Value (EV) Financial Disclosures By Canadian Life Insurance Companies During The Recent Period Of Market Turmoil

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    The informational content and relevance to external stakeholders of voluntary financial disclosures by commercial banks is now becoming more widely recognized. For instance, banks voluntary disclosures of liquidity, interest rate and market risk metrics have been found to be closely associated with market value of equity and credit ratings. So far, there has been very scarce published research on investigating the informational content and relevance to external stakeholders of voluntary financial disclosures by life insurance companies during the recent period of market turmoil. In order to improve upon this situation, this paper updates previous findings and reports on the informational content of voluntary embedded value (EV) financial disclosures by Canadian life insurance companies during the 2000-2010 time period. As opposed to traditional statutory balance sheet and earnings reporting, EV voluntary disclosure attempts to estimate the present value of future earnings generated by a life insurers current book of various insurance businesses. The preliminary results presented in this study indicate that recent EV voluntary financial disclosures failed to communicate intrinsic informational content and to provide value relevance to external stakeholders in the sense that they were not found to be closely associated with life insurers market value of equity and credit ratings during the recent 2007-2010 period of market turmoil
