581 research outputs found

    The clinical and biochemical effects of two combination oral contraceptive agents

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    Numerical modelling of centrifuge dynamic tests of circular tunnels in dry sand

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    This paper describes the numerical simulation of two dynamic centrifuge tests on reduced scale models of shallow tunnels in dry sand, carried out using both an advanced bounding surface plasticity constitutive soil model and a simple Mohr–Coulomb elastic-perfectly plastic model with embedded nonlinear and hysteretic behaviour. The predictive capabilities of the two constitutive models are assessed by comparing numerical predictions and experimental data in terms of accelerations at several positions in the model, and bending moment and hoop forces in the lining. Computed and recorded accelerations match well, and a quite good agreement is achieved also in terms of dynamic bending moments in the lining, while numerical and experimental values of the hoop force differ significantly with one another. The influence of the contact assumption between the tunnel and the soil is investigated by comparing the experimental data and the numerical results obtained with different interface conditions with the analytical solutions. The overall performance of the two models is very similar indicating that at least for dry sand, where shear-volumetric coupling is less relevant, even a simple model can provide an adequate representation of soil behaviour under dynamic condition

    Grading evolution of an artificial granular material from medium to high stress under one-dimensional compression

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    This contribution presents the results of an experimental investigation of the mechanical behaviour of granular materials with crushable grains under one-dimensional compression at medium to high stress. The material used for the experimental work is a Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA) whose grains break at relatively low stress. Reconstituted samples were prepared with different initial grain size distributions and their evolution observed under one-dimensional compression. The grain size distributions before and after testing were used to calibrate a bimodal model obtained from the superposition of two Weibull functions. The observed evolution of the micro and macro diameters on loading are linked to the characteristics of the one-dimensional compressibility curve obtained under displacement controlled conditions, such as its shape and two characteristic stress values, namely the pre-consolidation stress and the stress corresponding to the point of inflection

    Artificial ground freezing of a volcanic ash: Laboratory tests and modelling

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    The use of artificial ground freezing (AGF) to form earth support systems has had applications worldwide. These cover a variety of construction problems, including the formation of frozen earth walls to support deep excavations, structural underpinning for foundation improvement and temporary control of ground water in construction processes. On one hand, the main advantage of AGF as a temporary support system in comparison to other support methods, such as those based on injections of chemical or cement grout into the soil, is the low impact on the surrounding environment as the refrigerating medium required to obtain AGF is circulated in pipes and exhausted in the atmosphere or re-circulated without contamination of the ground water. On the other hand, the available methods may vary significantly in their sustainability and complexity in terms of times and costs required for their installation and maintenance. The ability to predict the effects induced by AGF on granular materials is therefore crucial to assessing construction time and cost and to optimising the method. In this work, the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes induced by artificial freezing of a soil body are studied using a constitutive model that encompasses frozen and unfrozen behaviour within a unified effective-stress-based framework. It makes use of a combination of ice pressure, liquid water pressure and total stress as state variables. The model is validated and calibrated using the results of a series of laboratory tests on natural samples of a volcanic ash (Pozzolana) retrieved during construction of Napoli underground, where the technique of AGF was used extensively to stabilise temporarily the ground and control the ground water


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    A história da imprensa literaria da Bahia é muito pouco animadora para aqueles que cedendo a tentação de escrever para o público se aventuram ainda pelas veredas do jornalismo. Essa imprensa médica ainda está por nascer, apesar de esforços mal sucedidos outrora, para assegurar uma existência positiva e duradoura. Duas ou três vezes, nesta provincia,ensaiou-se a publicação de um periódico exclusivo para a ciência médica, mas não vingou. Com a publicação de hoje, não temos a pretenção de preencher essa lacuna,o proposito é concentrar os elementos ativos da classe médica, afim de difundir todo o conhecimento que a obervação própria ou pessoal possa revelar, acompanhar o pregresso da ciência nos países mais cultos, estudar as questões que mais particulamente interessam o nosso país e pugnar pela união, diginidade e independencia da nossa profissão

    Analyze the Human Movements to Help CNS to Shape the Synergy using CNMF and Pattern Recognition

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    © 2017 The Authors. The Biomedical Signals have been studied for developing human control systems to improving the quality of life. The EMG signal is one of the main types of biomedical signals. It is a convoluted signal. This signal (EMG signal) controlled by the Central nervous system (CNS). It has been a long time expected that the human central nervous system (CNS) uses flexible combinations of some muscles synergy (MS) to solve and control redundant movements. Synergy muscles activities are different in a single muscle. In the concept of Synergy muscle, the CNS does not directly control the activation of a large number of muscles. There are two main movements can help CNS to shape the synergy. The automatic body response and the voluntary actions. These activities remain not too bright. Some studies support the hypothesis that the automatic body responses could be used as a reference to familiarize the voluntary efforts. It has been validating by analyzing the human voluntary movement and the automatic mechanical motions from the muscle synergy. Based on the validation, there was a proposition that the automatic synergy motion may express some features which could support the CNS to shape the voluntary synergy motion using the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). Thus the target of the presenting work is to analyses the human movements from the muscle synergy to help CNS shapes the synergy movement by suggestion using the concatenated non-negative matrix factorization (CNMF) method and the pattern recognition method. Then compare the two results and see if that help CNS to shape the synergy movements and which method has more accuracy
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