403 research outputs found

    A Two-Step Approach to Increase Breastfeeding Adherence in Mothers With Preterm Infants

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    Breastfeeding provides multiple benefits for mothers and infants. An overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that breastmilk optimizes infant growth and develops the immune system (Yu et al., 2018). Apart from the health benefits for infants, the immediate effects of breastfeeding for mothers include a decreased risk for hemorrhage, stress, and postpartum depression (Flemming, 2021). A mother’s psychological state impacts lactation success, mainly by affecting milk ejection (Dabas et al., 2019). Despite evidence suggesting that relaxation techniques are beneficial for all human beings, it is one of the least commonly used approaches for postpartum mothers (Joseph et al., 2019). The PICOT question for this project was “In breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants, does education on implementation of meditation and music therapy (MT) during breastfeeding, and telephone follow-up at one, two-, and six-weeks post-discharge, compared to the standard of care (three-month follow-up visit at the developmental clinic), increase breastfeeding adherence, and decrease post-partum stress as measured by a patient-reported assessment tool over three months? Eleven participants from a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) developmental clinic in Northwest Indiana completed the twelve-week within-group project. Participants were instructed to complete a meditation-based audio recording or MT for one 15-minute pumping or breastfeeding session a day. Follow-up telephone calls at one, two, and six weeks served to reinforce education and adherence to the program. At the twelve-week visit, participants were asked to disclose post-intervention infant feeding type along with completing a Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to measure maternal stress. A chi-square test was conducted comparing the frequency of occurrence in infant feeding types pre-and post-intervention. Out of the 11 participants, 8 participants achieved EBF (n=8, 72.73%). A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was utilized to compare pre-and post- STAI scores, the p-value (p-value=0.001) is significant (Z = -3.207, p \u3e 0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed in increased breastfeeding adherence and decreased maternal stress levels after the two-step intervention

    Sequence structure emission in The Red Rectangle Bands

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    We report high resolution (R~37,000) integral field spectroscopy of the central region (r<14arcsec) of the Red Rectangle nebula surrounding HD44179. The observations focus on the 5800A emission feature, the bluest of the yellow/red emission bands in the Red Rectangle. We propose that the emission feature, widely believed to be a molecular emission band, is not a molecular rotation contour, but a vibrational contour caused by overlapping sequence bands from a molecule with an extended chromophore. We model the feature as arising in a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) with 45-100 carbon atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. A version of the paper with full resolution figures is available at: http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/rgs/Sequence-Structure

    Isolation of 1-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2",4",6"-trihydroxyphenyl)-propan-2-ol from grape seed extract and evaluation of its antioxidant and antispasmodic potential

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    HPLC profiling of phenolics in grape seed extracts revealed a prominent peak of an unknown substance with concentrations up to 5.3%. Spectroscopic data allowed the identification of the compound 1 as 1-(3&prime;,4&prime;-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2&Prime;,4&Prime;,6&Prime;-trihydroxyphenyl)-propan-2-ol. 1 is known to be produced from catechin and epicatechin through anaerobic bacteria from human, as well as the rat, intestines. It was hypothesized that the marc remaining after expression of juice from grapes became infested during storage, resulting in the production of 1. Because compound 1 is infrequently found in nature and has never been found in grape seeds, its presence may be considered a marker of an unwanted anaerobic bacterial process occurring during production. The antioxidant potential of 1 was determined by DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) assays and compared to the potential of the following compounds: phloroglucine, pyrogallol, gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin. Furthermore, it was established that 1 significantly reduced guinea pig ileum contraction induced by histamine

    Improvement of Capture Compound Mass Spectrometry Technology (CCMS) for the Profiling of Human Kinases by Combination with 2D LC-MS/MS

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    An increasingly popular and promising field in functional proteomics is the isolation of proteome subsets based on small molecule-protein interactions. One platform approach in this field are Capture Compounds that contain a small molecule of interest to bind target proteins, a photo-activatable reactivity function to covalently trap bound proteins, and a sorting function to isolate captured protein conjugates from complex biological samples for direct protein identification by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS). In this study we used staurosporine as a selectivity group for analysis in HepG2 cells derived from human liver. In the present study, we combined the functional isolation of kinases with different separation workflows of automated split-free nanoflow liquid chromatography prior to mass spectrometric analysis. Two different CCMS setups, CCMS technology combined with 1D LC-MS and 2D LC-MS, were compared regarding the total number of kinase identifications. By extending the chromatographic separation of the tryptic digested captured proteins from 1D LC linear gradients to 2D LC we were able to identify 97 kinases. This result is similar to the 1D LC setup we previously reported but this time 4 times less input material was needed. This makes CCMS of kinases an even more powerful tool for the proteomic profiling of this important protein family

    The new onset of dysphagia four years after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: Case report and literature review.

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    Background: Dysphagia is a common complication immediately following anterior cervical spine surgery. However, its onset more than 1-year postoperatively is rare. Case Description: A 45-year-old male initially underwent a C3-4 and C5-6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). At age 49, 4 years later, he presented with worsening dysphagia accompanied by neck and right upper extremity pain. Radiographs demonstrated an extruded left C3 screw, which had migrated into the prevertebral soft tissues at the C4-C5 level; there was also loosening of the right C3 screw. The subsequent barium swallow study revealed that the screw was embedded in the pharyngeal wall. The patient required a two-stage operation; first, to remove the anterior instrumentation, and second, to perform a posterior instrumented C2-T2 fusion. Conclusion: A barium swallow study and other dynamic imaging are a valuable component of the diagnostic workup and therapeutic intervention to evaluate the delayed onset dysphagia following an ACDF

    Current assessment of the Red Rectangle band problem

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    In this paper we discuss our insights into several key problems in the identification of the Red Rectangle Bands (RRBs). We have combined three independent sets of observations in order to try to define the constraints guiding the bands. We provide a summary of the general behavior of the bands and review the evidence for a molecular origin of the bands. The extent, composition, and possible absorption effects of the bands are discussed. Comparison spectra of the strongest band obtained at three different spectral resolutions suggests that an intrinsic line width of individual rotational lines can be deduced. Spectroscopic models of several relatively simple molecules were examined in order to investigate where the current data are weak. Suggestions are made for future studies to enhance our understanding of these enigmatic bands

    Effect of Gas Atmosphere on Catalytic Behaviour of Zirconia, Ceria and Ceria Zirconia Catalysts in Valeric Acid Ketonization

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    [EN] Ketonization of valeric acid, which can be obtained by lignocellulosic biomass conversion, was carried out in a fixed bed flow reactor over ZrO2, 5-20 % CeO2/ZrO2 and CeO2 both under hydrogen and nitrogen stream at 628 K and atmospheric pressure. Regardless gas-carrier 10 wt% CeO2/ZrO2 was found to show higher catalytic activity compared to zirconia per se as well as other ceria modified zirconia while ceria per se exhibited very low catalytic activity. All catalysts provided higher acid conversion in H-2 than in N-2 whereas selectivity to 5-nonanone was insensitive to gas atmosphere. XRD, FTIR, UV-Vis DRS, XPS, HRTEM methods were applied to characterize catalysts in reduced and unreduced states simulating corresponding reaction conditions during acid ketonization. XRD did not reveal any changes in zirconia and ceria/zirconia lattice parameters as well as crystalline phase depending on gas atmosphere while insertion of ceria in zirconia caused notable increase in lattice parameter indicating some distortion of crystalline structure. According to XPS, FTIR and UV-Vis methods, the carrier gas was found to affect catalyst surface composition leading to alteration in Lewis acid sites ratio. Appearance of Zr3+ cations was observed on the ZrO2 surface after hydrogen pretreatment whereas only Zr4+ cations were determined using nitrogen as a gas-carrier. These changes of catalyst's surface cation composition affected corresponding activity in ketonization probably being crucial for reaction mechanism involving metal cations catalytic centers for acid adsorption and COO- stabilization at the initial step.Financial support from the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR Grant No 11-03-94001-CSIC) is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the Federal Program "Scientific and Educational Cadres of Russia'' (Grant No 2012-1.5-12-000-1013-002). The authors also wish to thank Dr. Evgeniy Gerasimov, Dr. Igor Prosvirin, Dr. Demid Demidov from the Department of Physicochemical Methods at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis for TEM and XPS measurements.Zaytseva, YA.; Panchenko, VN.; Simonov, MN.; Shutilov, AA.; Zenkovets, GA.; Renz, M.; Simakova, IL.... (2013). Effect of Gas Atmosphere on Catalytic Behaviour of Zirconia, Ceria and Ceria Zirconia Catalysts in Valeric Acid Ketonization. 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