421 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Field Theories and Gravity

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    We show that after the Seiberg-Witten map is performed the action for noncommutative field theories can be regarded as a coupling to a field dependent gravitational background. This gravitational background depends only on the gauge field. Charged and uncharged fields couple to different backgrounds and we find that uncharged fields couple more strongly than the charged ones. We also show that the background is that of a gravitational plane wave. A massless particle in this background has a velocity which differs from the velocity of light and we find that the deviation is larger in the uncharged case. This shows that noncommutative field theories can be seen as ordinary theories in a gravitational background produced by the gauge field with a charge dependent gravitational coupling.Comment: 8 pages. v2 and v3: minor corrections, added reference

    On the quantum dynamics of non-commutative systems

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    This is a review paper concerned with the global consistency of the quantum dynamics of non-commutative systems. Our point of departure is the theory of constrained systems, since it provides a unified description of the classical and quantum dynamics for the models under investigation. We then elaborate on recently reported results concerned with the sufficient conditions for the existence of the Born series and unitarity and turn, afterwards, into analyzing the functional quantization of non-commutative systems. The compatibility between the operator and the functional approaches is established in full generality. The intricacies arising in connection with the explicit computation of path integrals, for the systems under scrutiny, is illustrated by presenting the detailed calculation of the Feynman kernel for the non-commutative two dimensional harmonic oscillator.Comment: 19 pages, title changed, version to be published in Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Comment on "Attractive Forces between Electrons in 2 + 1 Dimensional QED"

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    It is shown that a model recently proposed for numerical calculations of bound states in QED3_3 is in fact an improper truncation of the Aharonov-Bohm potential.Comment: 4 page

    Nonperturbative solution of the Nonconfining Schwinger Model with a generalized regularization

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    Nonconfining Schwinger Model [AR] is studied with a one parameter class of kinetic energy like regularization. It may be thought of as a generalization over the regularization considered in [AR]. Phasespace structure has been determined in this new situation. The mass of the gauge boson acquires a generalized expression with the bare coupling constant and the parameters involved in the regularization. Deconfinement scenario has become transparent at the quark-antiquark potential level.Comment: 13 pages latex fil

    Gauge Dependence in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We consider the AdS space formulation of the classical dynamics deriving from the Stueckelberg Lagrangian. The on-shell action is shown to be free of infrared singularities as the vector boson mass tends to zero. In this limit the model becomes Maxwell theory formulated in an arbitrary covariant gauge. Then we use the AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the two-point correlation functions on the boundary. It is shown that the gauge dependence concentrates on the contact terms.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, misprints in the abstract corrected. Minor changes. Version to be publishe

    The three-dimensional noncommutative Gross-Neveu model

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    This work is dedicated to the study of the noncommutative Gross-Neveu model. As it is known, in the canonical Weyl-Moyal approach the model is inconsistent, basically due to the separation of the amplitudes into planar and nonplanar parts. We prove that if instead a coherent basis representation is used, the model becomes renormalizable and free of the aforementioned difficulty. We also show that, although the coherent states procedure breaks Lorentz symmetry in odd dimensions, in the Gross-Neveu model this breaking can be kept under control by assuming the noncommutativity parameters to be small enough. We also make some remarks on some ordering prescriptions used in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, IOP article style; v3: revised version, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    The Low Energy Limit of the Chern-Simons Theory Coupled to Fermions

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    We study the nonrelativistic limit of the theory of a quantum Chern--Simons field minimally coupled to Dirac fermions. To get the nonrelativistic effective Lagrangian one has to incorporate vacuum polarization and anomalous magnetic moment effects. Besides that, an unsuspected quartic fermionic interaction may also be induced. As a by product, the method we use to calculate loop diagrams, separating low and high loop momenta contributions, allows to identify how a quantum nonrelativistic theory nests in a relativistic one.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, Late

    Chiral Bosons Through Linear Constraints

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    We study in detail the quantization of a model which apparently describes chiral bosons. The model is based on the idea that the chiral condition could be implemented through a linear constraint. We show that the space of states is of indefinite metric. We cure this disease by introducing ghost fields in such a way that a BRST symmetry is generated. A quartet algebra is seen to emerge. The quartet mechanism, then, forces all physical states, but the vacuum, to have zero norm.Comment: 9 page
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