2,035 research outputs found

    Relativistic Iron lines at high redshifts

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    The shape and the intensity of the 6.4 keV iron line bring unique information on the geometrical and physical properties of the supermassive black hole and the surrounding accreting gas at the very center of Active Galactic Nuclei. While there are convincing evidences of a relativistically broadened iron line in a few nearby bright objects, their properties at larger distances are basically unknown. We have searched for the presence of iron line by fully exploiting Chandra observations in the deep fields. The line is clearly detected in the average spectra of about 250 sources stacked in several redshift bins over the range z=0.5-4.0. We discuss their average properties with particular enphasys on the presence and intensity of a broad component.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy" (Eds.: B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, and B. Leibundgut), 7 - 11 November 2005, Munich, German

    Low radiative efficiency accretion at work in active galactic nuclei: the nuclear spectral energy distribution of NGC4565

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    We derive the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC4565. Despite its classification as a Seyfert2, the nuclear source is substantially unabsorbed. The absorption we find from Chandra data (N_H=2.5 X 10^21 cm^-2) is consistent with that produced by material in the galactic disk of the host galaxy. HST images show a nuclear unresolved source in all of the available observations, from the near-IR H band to the optical U band. The SED is completely different from that of Seyfert galaxies and QSO, as it appears basically ``flat'' in the IR-optical region, with a small drop-off in the U-band. The location of the object in diagnostic planes for low luminosity AGNs excludes a jet origin for the optical nucleus, and its extremely low Eddington ratio L_o/L_Edd indicates that the radiation we observe is most likely produced in a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF). This would make NGC4565 the first AGN in which an ADAF-like process is identified in the optical. We find that the relatively high [OIII] flux observed from the ground cannot be all produced in the nucleus. Therefore, an extended NLR must exist in this object. This may be interpreted in the framework of two different scenarios: i) the radiation from ADAFs is sufficient to give rise to high ionization emission-line regions through photoionization, or ii) the nuclear source has recently ``turned-off'', switching from a high-efficiency accretion regime to the present low-efficiency state.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Abundance ratios of volatile vs. refractory elements in planet-harbouring stars: hints of pollution?

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    We present the [X/H] trends as function of the elemental condensation temperature Tc in 88 planet host stars and in a volume-limited comparison sample of 33 dwarfs without detected planetary companions. We gathered homogeneous abundance results for many volatile and refractory elements spanning a wide range of Tc, from a few dozens to several hundreds kelvin. We investigate possible anomalous trends of planet hosts with respect to comparison sample stars in order to detect evidence of possible pollution events. No significant differences are found in the behaviour of stars with and without planets. This result is in agreement with a ``primordial'' origin of the metal excess in planet host stars. However, a subgroup of 5 planet host and 1 comparison sample stars stands out for having particularly high [X/H] vs. Tc slopes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Figures with higher resolution are available at www.iac.es/proyect/abuntes

    Using economic and financial information for stock selection

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    A major inconvenience of the traditional approach in portfolio choice, based upon historical information, is its inability to anticipate sudden changes of price tendencies. Introducing information about future behavior of the assets fundamentals may help to make more appropriate choices. However, the specification and parameterization of a model linking this exogenous information to the asset prices is not straightforward. Classification trees can be used to construct partitions of assets of forecasted similar behavior. We analyze the performance of this approach and apply it to different sectors of the S&P50

    The high-redshift Universe with the International X-ray Observatory

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    We discuss some of the main open issues related to the light-up and evolution of the first accreting sources powering high redshift luminous quasars. We discuss the perspectives of future deep X-ray surveys with the International X-ray Observatory and possible synergies with the Wide Field X-ray Telescope.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of "The Wide Field X-ray Telescope Workshop", held in Bologna, Italy, Nov. 25-26 2009. To appear in Memorie della Societ\`a Astronomica Italiana 2010 (arXiv:1010.5889

    Testing current synthesis models of the X-ray background

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    We present synthesis models of the X-ray background where the available X-ray observational constraints are used to derive information on the AGN population properties. We show the need for luminous X-ray absorbed AGNs, the QSO2s, in reproducing the 2-10 keV source counts at relatively bright fluxes. We compare a model where the evolution of absorbed AGNs is faster than that of unabsorbed ones, with a standard model where absorbed and unabsorbed AGNs evolve at the same rate. It is found that an increase by a factor of ~2 from z=0 to z~1.3 in the ratio between absorbed and unabsorbed AGNs would provide a significant improvement in the data description. Finally, we make predictions on the AGNs to be observed in deep X-ray surveys which contain information on the AGN space density at high redshift.Comment: 11 pages with 8 figures, A&A accepte
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