1,090 research outputs found

    Flexible vs Dedicated Technology Adoption in the Presence of a Public Firm

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    We study firms' adoption of flexible versus dedicated technologies in the context of a mixed versus a private duopoly with product differentiation. The flexible technology allows a firm to become multiproduct or multimarket without bearing additional costs. We find that a configuration where both firms adopt flexible technologies is more likely to arise in equilibrium in the private duopoly. A similar result occurs when both firms use a dedicated technology in the case of either almost independent products or products that are close substitutes. Privatization of the public firm is socially beneficial only in limited circumstances.Flexible Technology, Privatization, Public Firm, Mixed Duopoly.

    R&D policy and privatization in a mixed oligopoly

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    We introduce R&D activity and R&D subsidies in the context of a mixed oligopoly and evaluate the effects of privatization on welfare. We show that when R&D subsidies are employed, privatization is welfare and R&D promoting provided that the number of competitors is sufficiently large.mixed oligopoly, process innovation, R&D subsidy, privatization.

    Public Policy towards R&D in a Mixed Duopoly with Spillovers

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    We investigate the use of subsidies to R&D, both in a mixed and a private duopoly market. We show that the socially optimal R&D subsidy is positive and increasing in the degree of spillovers both in the private and the mixed duopoly, although it is lower for the former than for the latter. We also find support for the empirical claim that privatization is followed by a scaling down of the R&D activity. A comparative static analysis of welfare levels suggests that privatization is welfare detrimental, which lends some support to the views against the widespread adoption of privatization programs.mixed duopoly, process innovation, R&D subsidies, privatisation, spillovers.

    Modal Sequencing and Dynamic Emission Properties of an 8-hour GMRT Observation of Pulsar B1822-09

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    The research presented here examines an 8-hour observation of pulsar B1822-09,taken by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. B1822-09 has been known to exhibit two stable emission modes, the B-mode, where the precursor (PC) `turns-on', and the Q-mode, which is defined by interpulse (IP) emission. The results of our analysis, of this extremely long observation, have shown that B1822-09 exhibits at least three other emission behaviors that have not been seen before in other similar pulsars or in other observations of B1822-09. These three behaviors can be described as: Q-mode emission with PC emission, B-mode emission with IP emission, and instances where both the PC and IP are `on' when transitioning from one mode to the other. The pulse structure has been found to be more complex than previously thought. The MP has an inner cone/core triple (T) configuration together with a central sightline traverse. The IP is a 15/degr-wide region, that along with the MP originate from an open dipolar field. The PC emission comes from a still unknown source. We argue that the PC emission arises within the same region as the MP, but likely comes from higher in the magnetosphere. Overall, our analyses strongly suggest that mode changes allow information transfer between the two magnetic polar regions and contribute to global magnetospheric changes.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Differentiating signals to make biological sense – a guide through databases for MS-based non-targeted metabolomics

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    Metabolite identification is one of the most challenging steps in metabolomics studies and reflects one of the greatest bottlenecks in the entire workflow. The success of this step determines the success of the entire research, therefore the quality at which annotations are given requires special attention. A variety of tools and resources are available to aid metabolite identification or annotation, offering different and often complementary functionalities. In preparation for this article, almost 50 databases were reviewed, from which 17 were selected for discussion, chosen for their on-line ESI-MS functionality. The general characteristics and functions of each database is discussed in turn, considering the advantages and limitations of each along with recommendations for optimal use of each tool, as derived from experiences encountered at the Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO) in Madrid. These databases were evaluated considering their utility in non-targeted metabolomics, including aspects such as ID assignment, structural assignment and interpretation of results

    Wpływ miejsc kultu na kształtowanie i integrację przestrzeni publicznych w mieście

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    The aim of article is to present linkages and influence of places of worship (for example religious groups from the Diocese of Kielce – Kielce – city) – as a common cultural heritage, on the formation, integration, development of areas of public spaces in the city. Places of worship, as seen through the centuries witnessed the historic inter-territorial and events often become stimulants for subsequent processes taking place in the urban tissue. Intense urbanization processes, following over the last few years, forcing the necessary transformations of existing structures and involving the modernization, revitalization. Processes should not, however, constitute a threat to the proper functioning of the city, preserving the identity of places of worship, surrounding structures and the spatial and aesthetic values. Should not lead to the abandonment of care for the protection of historic structures educated near the „sacrum” and care for these areas, which constitute a valuable cultural heritage. The complex functional structure of urban, educated around the „sacrum” and the associated attractive public domain, assisting the processes of change and can become a catalyst for the revitalization of the neighboring areas. Integrated into architectural forms that urban legibility assumptions sacred integrate spatial structure of the city. They provide clarity in the collapsing structure of urban space. Foster the creation of a synergy between the two compounds, the formation of harmonious relations of urban space. Promote a new space, being a sign of the place and even cities. They create an image of public spaces, acting attractive and open to different activities functional structures.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie związków i wpływu miejsc kultu (na przykładzie zespołów sakralnych z obszaru Diecezji Kieleckiej – miasta Kielce) – jako wspólnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, na kształtowanie, integrację, rozwój ogólnodostępnych przestrzeni publicznych w mieście. Miejsca kultu, jako widoczni przez wieki świadkowie historycznych międzyludzkich i terytorialnych wydarzeń, często stają się stymulatorami dla kolejnych procesów zachodzących w tkance miejskiej. Intensywne procesy urbanizacji, następujące na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, wymuszają niezbędne przekształcenia istniejących struktur oraz wiążącej się z tym modernizacji, rewitalizacji. Procesy te nie powinny stanowić zagrożenia dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania miasta, zachowania tożsamości miejsc kultu, otaczającej je struktury oraz walorów przestrzennych i estetycznych. Powinny prowadzić do ochrony historycznych struktur wykształconych w pobliżu “sacrum” i opieki nad tymi obszarami, stanowiącymi cenne dziedzictwo kulturowe. Złożona struktura funkcjonalna przestrzeni miejskich, wykształconych wokół “sacrum” i związana z nimi atrakcyjna domena publiczna, sprzyjają procesom zmian i często stają się katalizatorem rewitalizacji dla sąsiednich obszarów. Wkomponowane formy architektoniczne, jak i czytelność urbanistyczna założeń sakralnych, integrują strukturę przestrzenną miasta. Zapewniają czytelność w scalaniu struktury przestrzeni miejskiej. Sprzyjają tworzeniu się między nimi związków synergii, powstawaniu harmonijnych relacji tkanki miejskiej. Promują nową przestrzeń, będąc znakiem miejsca a nawet miasta. Kreują wizerunek przestrzeni publicznych, stanowiąc atrakcyjne i otwarte dla różnych aktywności struktury funkcjonalne

    The significance of drawing and painting in architectural design (as exemplified by Le Corbusier’s sacred architecture)

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    Looking at Le Corbusier’s works one cannot fail to notice how his drawings and paintings transformed into architectural projects to become the foundations for new objects, including the sculpted forms of sanctuaries which have a permanent place in the tradition of sacred architecture. He centered his original ideas on visions of his works which he put down on paper in an unconstrained manner as sketches and drawings. Le Corbusier proved that drawing and painting can be used as support for and in collaboration with the architectural design process in pursuit of an architecture that would satisfy the user’s need for aesthetic value and appeal to their senses. He introduced the two into the design process leaving behind abundant documentation

    The game of space – the arrangement of sacral architectural elements and interior decor in post-war churches in the archdiocese of Cracow

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    After 1945, the architecture and decor of sacred buildings were adapted to the function and created in accordance with the needs of their users. At various times during the 20th century, especially in the 70s and 80s, it underwent frequent modifications – according to the program objectives and the needs of the parish. In the game of sacred space, in its artistic expression, a significant role was played by modern architectural solutions, overcoming many iconographic conventions and exploring original compositional approaches

    The Place and Role of Religious Architecture in the Formation of Urban Space

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    AbstractReligious Architecture in cultural heritage constitutes unique role, because it is good widely available and one of the most important components of cultural heritage material. Places of worship remain visible for a long time and centuries witnessed the historic inter-territorial and events, and also stimulators for the subsequent events.The aim of this article is to present the impact of historical sacred objects on the development of their surroundings and to changes in the modern urban environment. Determine their impact on the development of the city structure and urban layout.The basic method of research is the study of cases - including many cases and for different levels of analysis. The issue of the role of religious architecture in the city was not yet often taken. The interplay of architectural objects on the surrounding spatial structure is subject to fluctuations. Therefore, studies of this type should be taken more frequently and periodically repeated. The planned study is based on a little-known material, which is the sacred architecture of Kielce (Poland). Sacred objects together with their associated functional environment, have a significant impact on the composition of the urban city. Sacred objects create the image of public spaces. Constitute an attractive and open to different activities functional structures. architectural value of sacral objects, have a significant effect on the activation of tourist and business districts and regions, and increase the competitiveness of the city and change its meaning on the national or international level