432 research outputs found

    Characterization of an INVS Model IV Neutron Counter for High Precision (γ,n\gamma,n) Cross-Section Measurements

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    A neutron counter designed for assay of radioactive materials has been adapted for beam experiments at TUNL. The cylindrical geometry and 60% maximum efficiency make it well suited for (γ,n\gamma,n) cross-section measurements near the neutron emission threshold. A high precision characterization of the counter has been made using neutrons from several sources. Using a combination of measurements and simulations, the absolute detection efficiency of the neutron counter was determined to an accuracy of ±\pm 3% in the neutron energy range between 0.1 and 1 MeV. It is shown that this efficiency characterization is generally valid for a wide range of targets.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    The issue of Dark Energy in String Theory

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    Recent astrophysical observations, pertaining to either high-redshift supernovae or cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuations, as those measured recently by the WMAP satellite, provide us with data of unprecedented accuracy, pointing towards two (related) facts: (i) our Universe is accelerated at present, and (ii) more than 70 % of its energy content consists of an unknown substance, termed dark energy, which is believed responsible for its current acceleration. Both of these facts are a challenge to String theory. In this review I outline briefly the challenges, the problems and possible avenues for research towards a resolution of the Dark Energy issue in string theory.Comment: Based on Invited lecture at the ``Third Aegean Summer School on: The Invisible Universe: Dark matter and Dark energy'', Karfas, Chios Island (Greece) September 26-October 1 200

    The Shapes of Dirichlet Defects

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    If the vacuum manifold of a field theory has the appropriate topological structure, the theory admits topological structures analogous to the D-branes of string theory, in which defects of one dimension terminate on other defects of higher dimension. The shapes of such defects are analyzed numerically, with special attention paid to the intersection regions. Walls (co-dimension 1 branes) terminating on other walls, global strings (co-dimension 2 branes) and local strings (including gauge fields) terminating on walls are all considered. Connections to supersymmetric field theories, string theory and condensed matter systems are pointed out.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX, 21 eps figure

    Open inflation and the singular boundary

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    The singularity in Hawking and Turok's model (hep-th/9802030) of open inflation has some appealing properties. We suggest that this singularity should be regularized with matter. The singular instanton can then be obtained as the limit of a family of ``no-boundary'' solutions where both the geometry and the scalar field are regular. Using this procedure, the contribution of the singularity to the Euclidean action is just 1/3 of the Gibbons-Hawking boundary term. Unrelated to this question, we also point out that gravitational backreaction improves the behaviour of scalar perturbations near the singularity. As a result, the problem of quantizing scalar perturbations and gravity waves seems to be very well posed.Comment: 7 page

    Decoherence and CPT Violation in a Stringy Model of Space-Time Foam

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    I discuss a model inspired from the string/brane framework, in which our Universe is represented as a three brane, propagating in a bulk space time punctured by D0-brane (D-particle) defects. As the D3-brane world moves in the bulk, the D-particles cross it, and from an effective observer on D3 the situation looks like a ``space-time foam'' with the defects ``flashing'' on and off (``D-particle foam''). The open strings, with their ends attached on the brane, which represent matter in this scenario, can interact with the D-particles on the D3-brane universe in a topologically non-trivial manner, involving splitting and capture of the strings by the D0-brane defects. Such processes are described by logarithmic conformal field theories on the world-sheet. Physically, they result in effective decoherence of the string matter on the D3 brane, and as a result, of CPT Violation, but of a type that implies an ill-defined nature of the effective CPT operator. Due to electric charge conservation, only electrically neutral (string) matter can exhibit such interactions with the D-particle foam. This may have unique, experimentally detectable, consequences for electrically-neutral entangled quantum matter states on the brane world, in particular the modification of the pertinent EPR Correlation of neutral mesons in a meson factory.Comment: 41 pages Latex, five eps figures incorporated. Uses special macro

    Supersymmetric Models with Higher Dimensional Operators

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    In 4D renormalisable theories, integrating out massive states generates in the low energy effective action higher dimensional operators (derivative or otherwise). Using a superfield language it is shown that a 4D N=1 supersymmetric theory with higher derivative operators in either the Kahler or the superpotential part of the Lagrangian and with an otherwise arbitrary superpotential, is equivalent to a 4D N=1 theory of second order (i.e. without higher derivatives) with additional superfields and renormalised interactions. We provide examples where a free theory with trivial supersymmetry breaking provided by a linear superpotential becomes, in the presence of higher derivatives terms and in the second order version, a non-trivial interactive one with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. The couplings of the equivalent theory acquire a threshold correction through their dependence on the scale of the higher dimensional operator(s). The scalar potential in the second order theory is not necessarily positive definite, and one can in principle have a vanishing potential with broken supersymmetry. We provide an application to MSSM and argue that at tree-level and for a mass scale associated to a higher derivative term in the TeV range, the Higgs mass can be lifted above the current experimental limits.Comment: 36 pages; some clarifications and references adde

    Observer dependence for the phonon content of the sound field living on the effective curved space-time background of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We demonstrate that the ambiguity of the particle content for quantum fields in a generally curved space-time can be experimentally investigated in an ultracold gas of atoms forming a Bose-Einstein condensate. We explicitly evaluate the response of a suitable condensed matter detector, an ``Atomic Quantum Dot,'' which can be tuned to measure time intervals associated to different effective acoustic space-times. It is found that the detector response related to laboratory, ``adiabatic,'' and de Sitter time intervals is finite in time and nonstationary, vanishing, and thermal, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; references updated, as published in Physical Review

    SO(3) Gauge Symmetry and Neutrino-Lepton Flavor Physics

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    Based on the SO(3) gauge symmetry for three family leptons and general see-saw mechanism, we present a simple scheme that allows three nearly degenerate Majorana neutrino masses needed for hot dark matter. The vacuum structure of the spontaneous SO(3) symmetry breaking can automatically lead to a maximal CP-violating phase. Thus the current neutrino data on both the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and solar neutrino deficit can be accounted for via maximal mixings without conflict with the current data on the neutrinoless double beta decay. The model also allows rich interesting phenomena on lepton flavor violations.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, no figures, minor changes and references added, the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Generalized Global Defect Solutions

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    We investigate the presence of defect structures in generalized models described by real scalar field in (1,1)(1,1) space-time dimensions. We work with two distinct generalizations, one in the form of a product of functions of the field and its derivative, and the other as a sum. We search for static solutions and study the corresponding linear stability on general grounds. We illustrate the results with several examples, where we find stable defect structures of modified profile. In particular, we show how the new defect solutions may give rise to evolutions not present in the standard scenario in higher spatial dimensions.Comment: RevTex, 10 pages, 2 figures; version to appear in EPJ