334 research outputs found

    The willingness to pay of Sicilian consumers for a wine obtained with sustainable production method: An estimate through an ordered probit sample-selection model

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    The growing presence of Sicilian sustainable wine has pushed the research group to investigate and analyse the consumers' behaviour and their potential willingness to pay a premium price for the wine obtained through sustainable production processes. The analysis of the consumer's behaviour towards the wine made with sustainable production methods is carried out in order to provide potentially useful indications to Italian and in particular Sicilian wine enterprises regarding the production and marketing strategies to undertake in a future perspective. This study shows the result of an empirical investigation on the consumption of sustainable wine in Sicily. Through the Ordered (demographic profile, preference and attitudes), which influence the consumers' choices regarding sustainable wine. The assessment, based on the submission of a questionnaire, has highlighted the willingness to pay a premium price on the part of the 546 consumers interviewed. The study points out that the knowledge of sustainable production methods significantly influences the decision to support a premium price for wine consumption. This attests to the fact that a more attentive and informed consumer is ready to pay more for products obtained according to the principles of environmental sustainability

    Sex of offspring influences metabolism during early transition period in dairy cows

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    Abstract. A study using 20 Holstein Friesian cows was conducted to investigate the influence of calf gender on metabolism during the transition period in dairy cattle. Blood samples were collected at three time points: 2–4 days prepartum (time 1), and 1 week and 2 weeks postpartum (time 2 and time 3 respectively). Serum samples obtained were analysed for total proteins, albumin, urea, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Depending on the sex of the offspring, cows were divided into two groups: Group 1 consisted of cows with heifer offspring (n = 12) and Group 2 consisted of cows with bull offspring (n = 8). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA and t tests for unpaired data were used to analyse the pattern of studied parameters and differences between the two groups. The results indicate differences in metabolic parameters between the two groups. These results highlight the importance of considering fetal sex as a factor that influences maternal metabolism during the early transition period in dairy cows

    Increase in erythrocyte osmotic resistance following polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) supplementation in show jumper horses

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    Osmotic fragility test has been used to study the influence of different factors on the osmotic properties of cell membranes. Considering the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in biological functions we aimed to investigate the effects of dietary PUFA supplementation on erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF), blood lactate (BL), hematocrit (Hct), red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), and mean cell volume (MCV) in 10 jumper horses. Two events occurred prior to start supplementing horse's diet and two events occurred after 4 weeks PUFA supplementation. Five horses received the PUFA supplementation (Group A), and five served as controls (Group B). Blood samples were taken before and after each course. The statistical analysis revealed significant increase in BL, Hct, RBC and Hb following exercise (P<0.0001). However, the interaction between exercise and PUFA supplementation (P=0.0083) showed PUFA-supplemented horses having a smaller rise in BL levels (P=0.0107) following exercise. Significant interactions between exercise and PUFA treatment were also found on EOF levels (P<0.05). The hemolysis curves showed PUFA-supplemented horses exhibiting a reduction in EOF compared to controls (P<0.05). Although hemolysis never occurred at 0.9% NaCl concentration, jumping exercise determined an increase in EOF (P=0.0014) at 0.8% NaCl solution. A significant interaction between exercise and PUFA treatment (P=0.0022) was found showing PUFA-supplemented horses having lower EOF (P=0.0015) following exercise. The assessment of EOF is a suitable indicator of athletic performance. The results showed that PUFA supplementation might exert beneficial effects on the horse body system by enhancing the performance in high-level show jumpers

    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) originated from ‘Negroamaro’ and ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’

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    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi’ and ‘Malvasia nera di Lecce’ are two of the few Malvasias with black berries and belong to the Apulian ampelographic assortment (South Italy). Their presumed synonymy has been recently ascertained with SSR markers and therefore these two black 'Malvasias' can be considered as an unique variety. We discovered that this cultivar is the cross between ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’ alias ‘Malvasia del Chianti’ and ‘Negroamaro’ by using 42 nuclear SSR. Both parents belong to the Apulian varietal resources, since centuries. So far, ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ origin has been obscure; now we may assert that this cultivar was born right in Apulia. Three sets of chloroplast SSR loci were used to determine the female and the male parent: 6 ccmp loci, already used in previous pedigree studies, 15 ccSSR loci and 2 NTCP loci, derived from tobacco. The second set of loci was sequenced in order to compare the length of the markers with the reference species where they were originally obtained: in 4 cases no microsatellite motives were detected and in other 4 cases the perfect repetition found in tobacco was not maintained in grape. Unfortunately, the three sets of markers failed to show any polymorphism. A detailed comparison of the black Malvasia morphology with its two parents showed a closer similarity to ‘Negroamaro’. Also the anthocyanin profile is in agreement with that of the black parent; its varietal aroma presents interesting levels of free and bound 2-phenylethanol, responsible for rose flavor, and of bound linalool compounds.

    'Vitouska' is the progeny of 'Prosecco tondo' and 'Malvasia bianca lunga'

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    'Vitouska' is a minor white wine grape variety, cultivated in the Kars region and recently recovered and revaluated by local viticulturists. Its obscure origins, traditionally linked to this land, are now supported by the results obtained from the present research, which identified the two parents, 'Malvasia bianca lunga' alias 'Malvasia del Chianti' and 'Prosecco tondo'. The latter cultivar has an ancient and well-documented presence in the same growing region as 'Vitouska'. Molecular analyses have been performed with 37 nuclear microsatellite loci

    ‘Sangiovese’ and ‘Garganega’ are two key varieties of the Italian grapevine assortment evolution

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    Two synonymous cases have been found using a set of 11 SSR markers: ‘Garganega’ and ‘Grecanico dorato’; ‘Catarratto bianco comune’, ‘Catarratto bianco lucido’ and ‘Catarratto bianco extra lucido’. Molecular data at 36 SSR loci showed that ‘Sangiovese’ and ‘Garganega’ represent two key varieties in the Italian ampelographic assortment evolution, as they both have a first degree relationship with numerous wine varieties. ‘Sangiovese’ showed this link with ten varieties: ‘Foglia tonda’, ‘Frappato’, ‘Gaglioppo’, ‘Mantonicone’, ‘Morellino del Casentino’, ‘Morellino del Valdarno’, ‘Nerello mascalese’, ‘Susumaniello’, ‘Tuccanese di Turi’ and ‘Vernaccia nera del Valdarno’. Seven varieties resulted closely related to ‘Garganega’: ‘Trebbiano toscano’ alias ‘Ugni blanc’, ‘Albana’, ‘Empibotte’, ‘Malvasia bianca di Candia a sapore semplice’, ‘Marzemina bianca’, ‘Catarratto’ and ‘Greco del Pollino’. However, being ‘Sangiovese’ parents disputed and those of ‘Garganega’ still unknown, it was not possible to determine the univocal direction of the various crosses. Identification of the “missing” parents would allow these genealogical trees to be drawn up with greater precision.

    Serum protein electrophoresis pro le during late pregnancy and early post partum period in mares

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    The aim of the study was to determine how the physiological adjustments occurring during late pregnancy and the early post partum period affect mares’ serum protein profile. Ten pregnant mares (Group A) were monitored from the 34th week of pregnancy until the 3rd week after foaling, ten nonpregnant mares (Group B) were used as the control. Blood samples were collected every 3 weeks, from -16 to -4 weeks preceding parturition, and then every week until the 3rd week after foaling. Additional blood samples were taken within 24±12 h from foaling. The statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in albumin and α2-globulin concentrations obtained from Group A during the experimental period. Dunnet’s test also revealed significantly higher concentrations of α1-globulins, α2-globulins and γ-globulins in group A than in group B. The following results showed that the serum proteins differed in periparturient mares when compared to non-pregnant mares and significant changes in some protein fractions occurred over the experimental period. Focusing on the peripartum period, our study provides specific information about mare’s serum protein profile that could help equine practitioners to better interpret clinical data and promptly diagnose pathological conditions that might compromise the health status of the mare and, as consequence, also her foal

    Leukocyte modifications during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals

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    During early post-partum period both neonatal foals and peripartum mares are most susceptible to diseases. The aim of this study was to establish physiologic modifications of leukogram during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals. To this end blood samples were collected from nine mares and nine foals (T0-T10), every three days from the 1st day until the 30th day after foaling. Samples were analysed for white blood cell (WBC) count and differential leucocyte counts. Two-way repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed, in postpartum mares WBC showed significant higher values at T0 (9.02±0.76) in respect to other time points, and at T2 (8.08±0.53) and T3 (7.92±0.59) compared to T1 (6.98±0.43), whereas in foals lower WBC values at T0 (6.11±0.49) compared to other experimental periods except T1 (6.90±0.94), and at T1 compared to T8 (7.95±0.61) and T10 (7.90±0.36) were observed. The differential leucocyte counts showed significant modifications in the percentage of neutrophils (π<0.001) and lymphocytes (p<0.001) both in postpartum mares and in foals during the experimental period. Furthermore ANOVA showed significant differences between postpartum mares and foals (P<0.01) in all studied parameters, and between postpartum mares and control mares in WBC and neutrophils values. The obtained results provide suitable information about the influence of foaling on leukogram of periparturient mares and reveal WBC dynamics in newborn foals during the first month post-partum

    The peripartum period influenced the serum macromineral profile in mares

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    Changes in metabolic requirements during pregnancy may produce nutritional imbalances predisposing mares to pathological conditions. Therefore, we aimed to examine changes in serum macrominerals during the peripartum period in mares. Fifteen pregnant mares (Group A) were monitored starting at the 263rd day of pregnancy until the 21st day after foaling. Seven non-pregnant and non-lactating mares were used as a control group (Group B). Group A was subjected to blood sampling within 24-12 h after parturition (P) and then 7, 14 and 21 days after foaling (C1, C2, C3 weeks, respectively). Group B was subjected to regular sampling throughout the study to ensure that seasonal changes had no significant effect on studied parameters. Serum samples were analysed for serum electrolytes including sodium (NaC), potassium (KC), calcium (CaCC), phosphorus (PC), chloride (Cl) and magnesium (MgCC). Two-way repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to evaluate significant effects of peripartum on electrolyte concentrations. Group A showed a decrease in Cl concentrations (P D 0:011) after foaling and lower PC concentrations (P D 0:015) compared to Group B throughout the study. The linear regression model showed an increase in NaC concentrations (P D 0:002) and a gradual decrease in serum CaCC (P D 0:001) during pregnancy. Because the most significant changes in serum electrolytes occurred within 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after foaling, monitoring serum electrolyte concentrations would indicate whether the mare needs further mineral supplementation at this stage. The significant changes in a mare's macromineral profile that we observed over the peripartum provide enhanced knowledge about mineral interrelations and their modifications during specific physiological conditions such as late pregnancy and early postpartum

    Investigations on the identity of ‘Canaiolo bianco’ and other white grape varieties of central Italy

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    During research for the rescue and description of grapevine germplasm in central Italy, 28 white accessions were collected, 10 of them sharing the name ‘Canaiolo bianco’ but having different morphological and yield characteristics. ‘Canaiolo bianco’ is listed as essential in the specifications for some D.O.C.G. and D.O.C. Tuscan wines, but its correct identity is not clear. With the aim to identify and characterize our samples and to pinpoint what the true-to-type ‘Canaiolo bianco’ is, we described these accessions using a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing DNA analysis, ampelographic, phyllometric, phenological and yield descriptions. Moreover we collected as much historical information as possible about them. The 28 accessions investigated were grouped in 8 varieties with very distinct traits. The research has provided useful information for clarifying various cases of synonymy and homonymy. Moreover, we hypothesize that the true to type ‘Canaiolo bianco’ corresponds to the so called ‘Drupeggio’.