9 research outputs found

    Organisationskultur. Eine Konkretisierung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive

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    Kühl S. Organisationskultur. Eine Konkretisierung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive. Managementforschung. 2018;28(1):7-35.Die Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Informalität und Organisationskultur bereitet in der Organisationstheorie Schwierigkeiten. Das liegt daran, dass der Begriff Informalität häufig stillschweigend durch den Begriff der Organisationskultur ersetzt wurde, ohne dass dafür eine präzise, abgrenzungsscharfe Definition vorgenommen worden wäre. Unter Rückgriff auf Überlegungen von Dario Rodríguez argumentiert dieser Artikel, dass die beiden Begriffe Organisationskultur und Informalität das gleiche Phänomen bezeichnen: die nichtentschiedenen Entscheidungsprämissen einer Organisation. Dabei wird systematisch zwischen „unentscheidbaren Entscheidungsprämissen“ und „prinzipiell entscheidbaren, aber nicht entschiedenen Entscheidungsprämissen“ unterschieden. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich mit einer präzisen Bestimmung über das Konzept der Entscheidungsprämissen Ordnung in die „wilden Merkmallisten“ der Literatur sowohl über Informalität als auch Organisationskultur bringen lässt und empirische Phänomene genauer erfasst werden können

    The Sociology of Constitutions

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    This article sets out an account of the historical development and the contemporary elaboration of sociological approaches to constitutional law. It argues that recent years have seen a broad sociological turn in constitutional theory, such that sociological constitutionalism now forms a distinct field of legal research. This is due to the general increase in the importance of constitutionalism in different national societies across the globe. This is also due to the emergence of new patterns of constitutional formation, both within and beyond national societies, resulting from the interaction between national and domestic constitutional law. The article separates different constitutional-sociological approaches into two categories: those with a primarily national, and those with a primarily transnational focus. Overall, however, it claims that sociological constitutionalism is driven primarily by engagement with transnational law, and the main insights in this field relate, in different ways, to global processes of transnational norm formation

    Natural law, state formation and the foundations of social theory

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    This article proceeds from the claim that the earliest examples of sociological method were linked by a critique of the theories of natural law proposed in the Enlightenment. It illustrates this point by surveying the rise of social theory in the aftermath of the French Revolution and by examining approaches to natural law in key texts in the history of sociology. However, the article claims that natural law remains a blind spot for sociological method, and the original sociological dismissal of natural law as a formal body of normative postulates has prevented the formation of sociology as a comprehensive system of social interpretation. Using a series of historical examples, the article then argues that natural law theory needs in itself to be viewed sociologically, and, throughout modern history, ius-natural thinking has served not only to establish formal norms for evaluating social and political practices, but also to form the positive preconditions for the evolution of contemporary society in its distinctive differentiated form. The article concludes by arguing that a sociological reconstruction of natural law points the way towards a sociological theory of theory, which has typically proved elusive for sociological methodologies

    Systemlehre und Pflanzengeographie

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    Physiological Aspects of UV-Excitation of DNA

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